14 книг автора o Рудольфe Нуреевe Canberra ACT
2016 - 2018 : 14 книг / http://stihi.ru/2023/08/17/5547 / за 2016-2017-2018 о Мировой Интеллектуальной Элите и o Великом Россиянине Рудольфе Нурееве (родился в России 1938 РСФСР):
Photo :2001 FREDDIE MERCURY: ROCK IDOL and SUPERSTAR: RUDOLF NUREYEV: 1-574: i-vii: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 996-5-01 81-6-2: NLA ID 8071151: Published: DANIAR Pub. House: Almaty Kazakhstan: in Russian
1995 RUDY NUREYEV: Without Make-Up: 1-352: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 570-2-00 98-1-9: NLA ID 4728820: Published: NOVOSTI Pub. House: Moscow Russia: in Russian
[ 1995 - Photo caption: PASSIONATE PAIR: Ballet star Rudy and, above, rock idol Freddie. 1995 : The Daily Mail ( 4 000 000 copies ) Book in Russian : published in Moscow Russia 2023-1995 ]
1996 ROMAN VIKTYUK: The Recipe for Genius: ROMAN VIKTIOUK: 1-253: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 585-3-00 07-9-9: NLA ID 8079450: Published: SOVAMINCO: Soviet-USA Pub. House: Moscow Russia: in Russian
2000 The World Rudolf Nureyev Intellectual Heritage: Russia-XX Century: 35 books on DVD-1: USA - Stanford University Library: ID ZMS 2563 DISK-1: in Russian German French English: NLA ID 40959455
2005 The World Yuri Ryuntyu Intellectual Heritage: Russia-XXI Century: 27 books on DVD-2: USA - Stanford University Library: ID ZMS 2563 DISK-2: in Russian German French English: NLA ID 45233287
2009 FREDDIE MERCURY: ROCK IDOL and SUPERSTAR: RUDOLF NUREYEV: 1-418: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-0-98064 46-0-9: NLA ID 4612411
2017 : Моя книга о Галине Улановой / http://stihi.ru/2023/08/17/5578 / и Рудольф Нуреев : страниц: 1-700 - RUDOLF NUREYEV: GALINA ULANOVA & NOUREEV RUDOLF ISBN 978-1-9252787-0-5 by Australian writer Yuri Matthew Ryuntyu / http://www.stihi.ru/2017/09/15/6495/ -
2017 : Моя книга о Махмуде Эсамбаеве и Рудольф Нуреев : страниц: 1-711 - RUDOLF NUREYEV: MAKHMUD ESAMBAYEV & NOUREEV RUDOLF ISBN 978-1-9252786-9-9 by Australian writer Yuri Matthew Ryuntyu / --- / Великий Мастер Мировой Культуры Танца Махмуд Эсамбаев и Галина Уланова - Нинель Кургапкина - Александр Пушкин - Наталия Дудинская - Константин Сергеев - Юрий Григорович - Булат Аюханов - Анна Удальцова и Рудольф Нуреев /
2017 : Моя книга о Матильде Кшесинской и Рудольф Нуреев : страниц: 1-692 - RUDOLF NUREYEV: MATHILDE KSCHESSINSKA & NOUREEV RUDOLF ISBN 978-1-9252787-1-2 by Australian writer Yuri Matthew Ryuntyu / http://www.stihi.ru/2017/09/16/2884 / -
2017 : Моя книга о Марго Фонтейн и Рудольф Нуреев : страниц: 1-687 - RUDOLF NUREYEV: MARGOT FONTEYN & NOUREEV RUDOLF ISBN 978-1-9252784-0-8 by Australian writer Yuri Matthew Ryuntyu / http://www.stihi.ru/2017/09/29/680 / -
2017 : Моя книга о Тамаре Карсавиной и Рудольф Нуреев : страниц: 1-690 - RUDOLF NUREYEV: TAMARA KARSAVINA & NOUREEV RUDOLF ISBN 978-1-9252787-8-1 by Australian writer Yuri Matthew Ryuntyu / http://www.stihi.ru/2017/10/01/1157 / -
2017 : Моя книга об Элизабет Тейлор и Рудольф Нуреев : страниц: 1-701 - RUDOLF NUREYEV: ELIZABETH TAYLOR & NOUREEV RUDOLF ISBN 978-1-925277-2-9 by Australian writer Yuri Matthew Ryuntyu / http://www.stihi.ru/2017/10/01/1222 / -
2017 : Моя книга об Элтоне Джоне и Рудольф Нуреев : страниц: 1-703 - RUDOLF NUREYEV: ELTON JOHN & NOUREEV RUDOLF ISBN 978-1-9252789-7-2 by Australian writer Yuri Matthew Ryuntyu / http://www.stihi.ru/2017/09/01/592 / -
2017 : Моя книга о Лаурел Мартин и Рудольф Нуреев : страниц: 1-689 - RUDOLF NUREYEV: LAUREL MARTYN & NOUREEV RUDOLF ISBN 978-1-9252787-6-7 by Australian writer Yuri Matthew Ryuntyu / http://www.stihi.ru/2017/09/28/5133 / - Создатель Национальной Школы Балета Австралии: ХХ-век /с 1945 г./
2017 Моя книга о Поуле ( Поул ) Гнатт и Рудольф Нуреев : страниц: 1-650 - RUDOLF NUREYEV: POUL RUDOLF GNATT & NOUREEV RUDOLF ISBN 978-1-9252784-3-9 by Australian writer Yuri Matthew Ryuntyu / --- / Создатель Национального Балета Новой Зеландии с 1953 г./
2017 Моя книга об Эрике ( Эрик ) Брун и Рудольф Нуреев : страниц: 1-670 - RUDOLF NUREYEV: ERIK BRUHN & NOUREEV RUDOLF ISBN 978-1-9252785-7-6 by Australian writer Yuri Matthew Ryuntyu / --- / Слава Национального Балета Дании: ХХ-век /
2018 : Моя книга о СПИДе и Рудольф Нуреев : страниц: 1-800 : RUDOLF NUREYEV: HIV and AIDS & NOUREEV RUDOLF ISBN 978-1-9252786-0-6 by Australian writer Yuri Matthew Ryuntyu / --- / СПИД - как 'Новая Чума' ХХ-века: в Мирное Время и Без Войн - 30, 000 000 жертв катастрофы в Мировом Здравохранении США России Японии Индии Китая Канады Европы Азии Австралии / Напомню: Вторая Мировая Война на Российской Земле - похоронила 27, 000 000 Россиян - под Бомбами из Европы: Фашизм Правительства Германии: 1941-1945 - the WWII Europe Germany 1954-1941 Russia the USSR /
2016-2017: Моя книга в двух томах 'Реквием для Романса: на Ли-Галли в Италии' : страниц: т. 1: 304 стр. (и) т. 2: 299 стр. : BOOK 'Requiem pour la Romance : Rudolf Noureev: Requiem for Romance: Freddie Mercury and Rudolf Nureyev' 1-603 pp. / http://www.stihi.ru/diary/yuri2005/2017-09-16 / - В 2016 вышел в печать: Том-1 - том-1 'Реквием для Романса на Нуреевском Острове' : страниц: 1-304/ - В 2017 завершил издание : Том-2 - том-2 'Реквием для Романса... ': страниц: 1-299/ -
В тот год - 1995 - Издательство Новости - опубликовало - только - ТРИ КНИГИ - " Михаил Горбачев - Биография: 2 тома " 1995 / http://stihi.ru/2016/01/28/8344 / и Майя Плисецкая " Я - Майя " 1995 / http://www.stihi.ru/2008/05/01/2682 / и - книгу Ю. Рюнтю, как друга Фредди Меркьюри: 1946-1991 / http://www.stihi.ru/2013/05/16/5478 / и личного секретаря ( 1987-1993) - Рудольфа Нуреева: 1938-1993
1995 : The Daily Mail : " MERCURY WAS GAY LOVER OF NUREYEV "
By WILL STEWART: UK and IGOR MONICHEV : Russia in Moscow
" Letters reveal affair between AIDS stars ' :
ROCK star Freddie Mercury had a passionate affair with ballet dancer Rudolph Nureyev, according to a book out today.
The highly intimate account draws on letters written by Nureyev in which he admitted to the secret liaison.
Both stars died from AIDS — Mercury in November 1991 and the e'migr'e Russian in January 1993.
The letters are full of lurid descriptions of Nureyev’s homosexual encounters across the world — both casual and longer lasting.
Mostly they contain nicknames or acronyms for his many lovers. But after describing Mercury as “Eddie”, he is then fully named.
Once, according to Nureyev, he cancelled all rehearsals and asked his theatre management for a week’s leave so that he could spend time with Mercury.
“When it comes to homosexual love, lies are inevitable,” he wrote.
On another occasion, he recalled how a frantic Mercury left a message for him after not being able to contact him by phone: “Called you. Will call again in ten minutes. Lover.”
The instant Nureyev came through the door, the phone rang again. It was Mercury — and it turned out he was calling from a plane eon route to another liaison.
“At last!” said the Mercury. “These unbearable 12 hours between two continents kill me, Rudy.”
“What’s happened?” asked Nureyev.
“Nothing,” replied the singer. “It’s just that I can’t stand it any more without you.
"Usual thing… I can’t eat or drink. I’m on my way to you. My Boeing is crossing Mexico at the moment.”
Nureyev said there was a kiss down the phone — and then silence.
He wrote how Mercury would turn up unannounced at dawn, rushing into his room undressing on the way — and carrying a bottle of Camus brandy.
"He is really very loud, switching on immediately all the electrical devices in the kitchen.
“Oh, I love his arrivals at my place in Kew Gardens!”
The dancer chided Mercury for his “multi-hour phone conversations from the other side of the ocean” — which Nureyev had to pay for.
But he added: “Who can blame us? We’re spending our fortunes without investing into pensions funds, medical insurance and the rest of what other people always must do.
“We both foresee our inevitable future.”
There is a suggestion that Nureyev was close to Mercury at the time of his death — even that he was present.
It is in this passage that, for the first time, the rock star is named.
Nureyev wrote: “He wanted to die alone in his house in London — which was alien to him. It rained and I was crying at the hall of Great Freddie Mercury. He died quietly without much pain.
"And I knew it was about two years or less until I would meet there.”
The book — Rudy Nureyev Without Make-up — will go on sale in St Petersburg, today.
This carries out Nureyev’s dying wish that his correspondence should be made public first in his native country.
The book, written by Yuri Matthew Ryuntyu, is based mainly on 49 letters apparently sent by Nureyev to Patrick White, Australia’s Nobel Prize-winning author who died in 1990.
Ryuntyu was born in Russia but has lived most of his life in Australia.
He claimed yesterday that he obtained the letters from White with Nureyev’s permission.
They outline intimate details of the dancer’s many affairs and the difficult times faced by gays both in Russia and in the West. The millionaire star also tells of the terrible loneliness which forced him into the streets of big cities in search of someone to share his bed with.
Ryuntyu said: “In all I got more than 115 letters from White and Nureyev himself.”
Many were repetitious and he drew on less than half of these in preparing his manuscript.
“I believe some of the letters would fetch ;6,000 on the open market but this collection will go to my daughter as a wedding gift,” he said.
He added: “There is no doubt in my mind that there was a close sexual relationship between Nureyev and Mercury.”
While the pair appeared publicly together, for example at an open air music festival in Barcelona in 1988, they successfully drew a veil over their relationship.
Ryuntyu said it was exceptionally hard to convince Nureyev that the letters should be posthumously published.
He recalled White saying that the dancer was like a girl whose mood would change five times an hour.
[ 1995 - Photo caption: PASSIONATE PAIR: Ballet star Rudy and, above, rock idol Freddie. 1995 : The Daily Mail ( 4 000 000 copies ) Book in Russian : published in Moscow Russia 2023-1995 ]
2016 : Моя книга - Первое издание - о последнем годе жизни день за днем - 400 дней - Великого гения России - Рудольфа Нуреева во Франции : страниц: 1-685 RUDOLF NUREYEV NOUREEV RUDOLF: 400 Interviews 10 000 Friends ISBN 978-1-9252781-1-8 / - http://www.stihi.ru/2017/09/27/4692 / ' THE DEATH IN PARIS: RUDOLF NUREYEV SON MORT EN PARIS: RUDOLF NOUREEV ' ISBN 978-1-925278-11-8 Australia 2016 - / http://www.stihi.ru/2015/12/17/3043 /- 2-е:Второе -/ http://www.stihi.ru/2016/05/05/4732 /- 3-е третье - / http://www.stihi.ru/2016/05/05/5580 /- 4-е четвертое - / http://www.stihi.ru/2016/05/05/5621 /- 5-е пятое - 6-е шестое - / http://www.stihi.ru/2016/05/05/4732 /- и 7-е седьмое издание - все эти 7-мь изданий напечатали у меня дома в Австралии за этот и уникальный - 2017 год /
2017: Я полный академик с 1996 ( и никогда не-был ' член-кор"ом ' и более - уже > 20-ти лет (на сегодня в 2017 ) оправдываю - это высокое признание, как - Единственный Гражданин Австралии в - Академии из России - / http://www.stihi.ru/2015/12/17/2886 / - / http://www.stihi.ru/2015/12/17/3043 / -
2009 - 2023
In one thousand nine hundred seventy five, The World Ballet Superstar Rudolf Nureyev drew up a will.
Since then his heritage, being managed by six trustees,
has been divided into two parts.
The first part is situated in Vaduz, the capital of Liechtenstein Principality.
It must ensure the well-being of his sister Mrs. Rosa NUREYEVA (living in Monaco) and his sister Mrs. Rosita NUREYEVA (living in Russia) and their children. Each of them has been given 250,000 US Dollars.
The second fund is situated in New York and Chicago.
It includes the money and the property on the territory of the USA.
It is intended for dancers of the world.
The money is for their trips to get acquainted with -
Modern American and European Ballet.
The latter fund has been created three months -
before his death which followed on January 6, 1993.
By experts’ estimates the value of the heritage is around one billion US Dollars.
The estimates include NUREYEV’S copyright for everything:
movies, chronicles, musicals, theatre productions,
posters, postcards, books about him, photo materials,
his scripts and all visual materials created on his participation.
His fantastic heritage is vast and elegant.
It includes the collections of antique furniture, unique musical instruments, exclusive ancient books, ancient carpets and hundreds of twelfth to twentieth centuries famous European masters' paintings. These objects were the property of his apartments in Paris and New York, Monte Carlo villa, a ranch in Pennsylvania State and two personal islands. These are Mediterranean Li Galli Island that used to belong to ballet master Diaghilev and Caribbean island of St. Bartholemy. Each one of them has dozens of residential buildings, pools, tennis courts, ballet studios and prehistoric monuments of Roman and Greek culture (sculptures of bronze, antique marble and mosaics of the Roman Empire of early Christianity).
The dwellings of his super expensive apartment on Quai Voltaire on the left bank of the Seine in front of the Louvre will soon be the place for “RUDOLF NUREYEV’S MUSEUM” as Commandeur de la Lйgion d'honneur.
Yuri Matthew Ryuntyu,
Cairns, Great Barrier Reef,
Australia, 2001-09.
DVD-1 label - 35 books, MP3 - 150 audio recordings, 5 video recordings to form: Literary memoirs of World Slavic Culture and Art, Russia X-XX century [electronic resource] +
"The World Rudolf Nureyev Intellectual Heritage:
Russia – XX Century" 2005
2021 : Tiktok:LGBTIQ:Конфликты и Миролюбивые Решения:Жизнь и История:Европа Россия США Австралия : LGBTIQ : ЛГБТИК и Культура в России и Австралии:Поэзия XX - XXI века:Iouri Runtu: French / http://stihi.ru/diary/yuri2005/2021-03-07 / Юри Рюнтю : Russian : Uri Runtu : English : Yuri Ryuntyu : Стихи-Ру : Telegram 2000 - 2022.
2021 : Tiktok : Юри Рюнтю Runtu: French | Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryunty : Стихи-Ру / http://stihi.ru/2012/08/30/2768 / Tiktok : Юри Рюнтю / Telegram 2022.
2021 : Tiktok : Runtu, Uri Telegram : Автор на Стихи-Ру : Кто и откуда Рюнтю Юри / http://stihi.ru/2021/01/22/1458 / Australian writer and journalist : Yuri Ryuntyu | Iouri Runtu Telegram / http://stihi.ru/diary/yuri2005/2016-04-12 / UK USA LGBTIQ : Стихи-Ру : 2008 - 2022.
2021 : Tiktok : Юри Рюнтю и ДВД - 2 : DVD-2 --- в Библиотеках России и Австралии и США с 2004 / http://stihi.ru/2017/01/02/1288 / : 27 Книг автора ДВД-2 : 27 Books by Runtu Uri / Australian writer and journalist : LGBTIQ : Yuri Ryuntyu |French : Iouri Runtu Telegram Стихи-Ру : 2004 - 2022. / http://stihi.ru/2006/04/15-2109 / 2022.
2021 : Tiktok : Рюнтю Юри и ДВД-1 : DVD-1 --- в Библиотеках России и Австралии и США с 2000 / http://stihi.ru/2013/08/03/1478 / 35 Книг автора ДВД-1 : 35 Books by Runtu Uri / Australian writer and journalist : Yuri Ryuntyu | Iouri Runtu : France LGBTIQ : Telegram Стихи-Ру : 2000 - 2022. / http://stihi.ru/diary/yuri2005/2015-06-22 / 2022.
2020 - Мой сверстник : из Журналистики и Телевидения : Справедливый Давид Рэндалл ( David Randall born 1951 UK ) - уточнил : " Газеты - совсем не литература. Хотя, большую - часть Литературы не назовешь - Литературой - так же. Материал в газету иное, чем написать - роман или рассказ, однако разница эта не столь велика... Хорошо написанное : ясно, легко читаемо... незакостеневшим языком,как и - поучает и развлекает. Эти слова подходят - к хорошо написанной газетной статье, как и к хорошо написанному роману. Они точны для любого языка, на котором вы пишите... " Англия 2004 / перевод автора Ю.М.Рюнтю: 2019 / United Kingdom UK 2004 / David Randall , Ipswich UK British journalist / Book: The universal journalist - The Great Reporters / Canberra ACT Australia _ Iouri Runtu: French / http://www.stihi.ru/2017/10/29/4498 / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English / Media TV Radio Celebrities 2020.
2020 - Телевидение и Журналистика : Лидер Российской Прессы - Михаил Леонтьев ( Mikhail Leontyev born 1958 Russia ) - резюмировал : " Журнализм - является квинтэссенцией интеллигентского сознания, построенного на самомнении, презумпции морального превосходства и примитивных мировоззренческих клише... " / 2001 Moscow Russia / journalist writer / Ryuntyu, Yuri / born 1949 Russia / Media TV Radio Celebrities / Canberra ACT Australia _ Iouri Runtu: French / http://stihi.ru/2017/10/29/2071 / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English / 2020.
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