Strange Heavens

Heavens - изначально именно так называлась композиция. Первый и, к сожалению, единственный стих - песня, созданная для команды "Blackeneding" аж в 2005 году. Из цикла "Made in оттуда". Я решил его закончить всё же к 2007 году, но песни пока так и не вышло, но зато для истории остался текст.

Haven - you see everything!
But, way you can not see this me?
You very complicated in order me understand!

Hellen - you very cruel!
But, way so not we see?
And all dream carry away wind as if sand!

Power - you made this world!
And perhaps crush once him...
And you make this new world, but not to us!

Weakness - you ours curse,
But we are not against to you.
And this is owr cross, this our fears!


Hey, human,where are you going,
What are you look to this,
What are you achieve for you life?

Where are you going
In theses strange heavens?

Lyrics and Music Vlad (Stirliz)(2005)
Music Rock\Metal Band "Blackeneding" it:

Pavel (Hoblin) - groul vox, guitars
Vlad (Stirliz) - bass, clean vocal
Sergey (Holod) - lead guitars, backing clean vox
Denis (Clever) - drums and percussion
Lena (Sweetly) - clean back vocal,chorus, keyboard
Rita (Teacher) - chorus, keyboards

Lyrics: Vlad, Pavel
Music: Vlad, Sergey, Rita

Melodic death/Thrash metal

Marth 2005
