Thoughts for study

   Версия на английском

Learn as if you`re going to live forever.
Why are we learning? If everything comes to the end? Sometimes, when life doesn`t smile you? What`s hope for old fellow? For a young boy in troubles? And a lot of other such examples. It`s the trustful side of life, which consist not only of fun and TV shows (the most with stupidest humor by the way), but grief and sorrows. People try to run of it but it won`t take a power. Honestly, we have to face it and don`t be afraid. You`ll never be able to feed yourself with TV and shows based on fastidious meanings. Superfluous news, films, politic football, ostensible songs etc. And that list`s without end, unfortunately. I`d like to name it “List of pointlessness”.
Only real knowledge can satisfy your requests wholly. Just try and you will feel it. Feel the difference. Learning - it`s not easy, but it`s really worth it. Try to stick yourself and you will bear fruits. Overcome empty undesirability, initial dullish resistance inside, and have a taste of good food!
Really, it doesn`t matter what kind of knowledge you choose, it can be mathematics, or languages, just important that you choose one.

Harm translators.
Nowadays people of our planet understand each other. It is possible because of huge translators` army. We can watch foreign films, listen news from all over the world and realize it, but… We miss the culture. Translators help us to successfully pass the language, we don`t see any troubles and difficulties in international communication. But in reality things are just the opposite! We`re not able to understand living person of another country, he is – an alien for us like we are for him too. We`re not able to understand the meaning of our favorite songs, actually we can`t to feel inner self of another world, we just have broken frame here!
Translators destroyed our world. They don`t give us to breath. Their support structures securely protect us from opening a door to the new, uncharted world. It`s like hand of a help that we don`t need. Harmful hand, obviously. It doesn`t give us to develop, do not allow to build our own muscle. It creates illusion that we understand each other.
Foreign language - is a code of another planet, countless beings of another worlds like in a “Star wars”. Try to penetrate there without travel agencies!

Reflection of reality.
Morning jogging – this is effort over itself. Violence over itself. Studying of a language, science – violence over itself. When you don’t want that, when it seems more pleasant to stay in bed without moving and so on. When you are running you’re resisting to your body, that “out of breath” and “tired”. It TRICKS you. It is not tired at all. If you don’t care about reality you’ll stop here. Why this jogging, why studying? And stay fo-re-ver in unreality. In stupidity. You get lost in your own emptiness and narrowness (of course thinking that you are right). As me – I am not in reality. It only touched me a bit, very, very little. When you are fighting, and after laying on the ground, on your back. When you caught a blow in the pan. Nothing really understanding, but already feeling, feeling. When spasms of grief dry up your soul. When you get out of yourself by evil of men, that drive you crazy. Bereavement. Absence of a woman. Reality, reality, reality. Depeche Mode.

Malignancy of the education system.
Why we are not interested to learn? Why we are bored with lessons, lections? Why we were so waiting the end of the lesson at school? Why such boredom is born with habitual schemes of studying? Because all of this wasn’t experienced, but it was just “studying materials”. On the whole, it was not inspired. We were brought up to believe with different stereotypes, from which now we’re trying to get rid. One of them – is poisoning by education. Uninspired, mediocre teachers, dead textbooks infected and spoilt us practically for all life. Obligation to study from outside, studying under the whiplash, control examinations etc. – it can be called modern terrible middle ages. Many people will object:  “Is it possible whether a child learns on his own?” Possible! Because of his personal desire. A man with real incipient light of the new inside. Because he is keen of something. Because he has initial impulse to discover. Not because of state rules. Goodbye “schools”, goodbye “public education”. You had shown us what is bad, thank you.

Their brain is the same just it speaks another.
We all know that approach – our language is good, intellectual, advanced, and deeply spiritual, but THEIR language – is not. All that they have is shallower. And souls included. Their films, their books, means to live. And this is – ignorance.  We are traditionally and completely in human’s manner bring “them" low.  Here we can even see precondition for war based on Nazism – superiority of your own nation. Think of it – Nazism deeply in our blood. It regards every nation. I’m shocked by a such highest level of it, really! Whole nations mind this way driving their leaders and wise men. They “respect their roots” and ready to kill any “side person” by order or without! They haven’t even thought about the value of human life. They so used to follow the bitten track and not think what the truth is… A lie of national consciousness which operates smooth operators, politicians etc. Only ignorance can provide it. I strongly believe each war and murder take issue from here… What’s the answer? It’s “obviously” for everybody – peace and friendship, but in reality no one follows it! What’s the scam?! Do not believe your native country. Break the traditions! Mind yourself! Don’t allow to do of yourself a state killer! Love other nations – and your own nation will take respect. Drop that damned sword down.

A language as a new born.
We born a new man inside of us by studying of language. We haven’t already borne it but in process. When an American man learns Russian language – he born inside himself a Russian man, so do we – a new being inside of us. It is similar to a child doing his first steps in a new world discovering it. To learn again habitual things, trying to explain it on “another planet”. I think we can also assign a definite age to a language-studying person – one year old, two, five years of age.
It’s interesting – on which stage, over how many years we get “feeling of language”, that we have with Russian language (realized it inside)?
A man who has known two languages is a double-headed man. Actually this is a superman! He carries inside TWO worlds – his own native world and the world of obtained language. He can understand thoughts and intentions of foreign people – whether does it seem supernatural?
A language as a new born. This is much more interesting than studying “for business” or for fictional “international levels of language’s knowledge”.
If you feel bore and dreary with already a known world – welcome to a New one!
