True reality beyond manifestation World

NGC 5584 Galaxy

I Am the One who is in the hearts everyone

Parabrahman bliss is the Buddha nature

Man was born to be useful for the Universe

I Am All

Remember just four

Fifty Five Holy Fifty Five One
Before Eternity

Clear your mind clean your words
Find the answer in your heart

True reality beyond manifestation World

Address your consciousness as a creative God

Only that's matters in this existence
I Am All

Parabrahman bliss is the Buddha nature

True Reality beyond manifestation word
NGC 5584 Galaxy

Tathagata Bodhisattva
The Diamond Sutra
Everything is Buddha Nature
Atmaprakasha Bhagavan
55. Om Agrahyaya Namaha
Vishnu Sahasra Nama
"The Lord Who is Not Perceived Sensually"
The one who explored the secrets of consciousness and subconsciousness, knows the secret, the one who owns the keys of the secret, controls the world, created by the imagination
