European dynasties, Napoleon and 5 mafia families

Did European dynasties and Napoleon fight like 5 mafia families from New York?

The European dynasties and Napoleon did not fight like the 5 mafia families from New York. The mafia families are involved in criminal activities, such as racketeering, extortion, and murder. They also have a strong code of silence, and they are often willing to use violence to achieve their goals.

The European dynasties, on the other hand, were involved in political and military affairs. They fought wars, negotiated treaties, and made alliances. They also had a strong sense of honor, and they were often willing to compromise to achieve their goals.

While there were some similarities between the two groups, such as their use of violence, the European dynasties and Napoleon were ultimately fighting for different things. The mafia families were fighting for power and money, while the European dynasties were fighting for control of Europe.

Here is a table that summarizes the key differences between the two groups:

Feature European dynasties and Napoleon Mafia families
Goals Control of Europe Power and money
Methods War, diplomacy, alliances Criminal activities, violence
Code of honor Strong sense of honor Strong code of silence
Willingness to compromise Sometimes Rarely

The European dynasties and Napoleon did not fight like the 5 mafia families from New York. The mafia families are primarily motivated by financial gain, while the European dynasties were motivated by power and prestige. The mafia families also use violence as a primary means of achieving their goals, while the European dynasties used violence as a last resort.

However, there are some similarities between the two groups. Both the mafia families and the European dynasties are hierarchical organizations with a clear chain of command. They are also both secretive organizations that are not above using violence to achieve their goals.

Ultimately, the European dynasties and Napoleon were fighting for different things than the mafia families. The European dynasties were fighting for power and prestige, while the mafia families were fighting for financial gain. The two groups also used different methods to achieve their goals. The European dynasties used violence as a last resort, while the mafia families use violence as a primary means of achieving their goals.


The European dynasties and Napoleon did not fight like the 5 mafia families from New York. The mafia families are involved in criminal activities, such as racketeering, extortion, and murder. They are also very secretive, and they do not like to draw attention to themselves.

The European dynasties, on the other hand, were legitimate political entities. They were involved in wars, but they also engaged in diplomacy and negotiation. They were also very public, and they were used to being in the spotlight.

In addition, the mafia families are very small, compared to the European dynasties. The 5 mafia families in New York City have a combined membership of around 5,000 people. The European dynasties, on the other hand, had millions of subjects.

So, while there were some similarities between the two groups, such as their use of violence, there were also some important differences. The European dynasties were not involved in criminal activities, and they were much larger and more public than the mafia families.
