Natural imagery swinging on an angels pearl

Last haze upon the internal ray. 

Death may awake
The ray of a blinding faith

In the rains
In the forests


Is keeping me breathing upon it’s skies.

Deep in the heart of the singing angels.

My soul speaks within the night’s light.

Save me from the pain.

Of the human’s way.

Right there are the mountains.

I can here them breathing.

I can see the absolute magnificence of the world.
I dream of it’s essence in me.

But I always touch metaphysical grounds upon it.

Alain keep me tight.

When death will start playing it’s melodies

Passages of music of the great internal violin of thought.

Have sought

Many great things of loath

But did they taught?

The love?

That is beyond the depths of the ocean waters where the light is playing with a ordinary man’s sight.

Save me, my angel.

Genius of thought.

Absolute emotional will.

Help me, in my last voyage to the stars.

Alain: Absolute freedom.
