Dreams. Song. Unistus

In the morning at dawn,
the cat wakes you
up with its purring.
But in the morning
at dawn the cat does
not make coffee.

In the morning at dawn,
the cat caresses
you with its paw.
But in the morning at dawn,
the cat does
not make a cunning fox face.

Why? Why? Why?
Did you bring
a woman who is
a fox into the house?

If I were your
best catwoman,
best catwoman.
who sings songs
in the morning, purring.
If I were
your best catwoman,
best catwoman,
who makes coffee in the morning .
If I were
your best catwoman,
the best catwoman
who gently kisses
you in the morning.

If I were your best catwoman,
best catwoman.
who walked around
the house in the morning
in a cute bathrobe.
