Бешеный в переводах Гугла лентой

liberal prayer
life in paradise
morality in cats
language of the future
purpose of the rebellion
punk testament

what is this?..like a swing?..
I see nothing

then the dogs are slaves,
if loyalty is slavery

     liberal prayer
oh Big Bomb
save us from big illusions
and petty desires
...your will be done, amen

flags are burning
the lyrics are forgotten

books left:
"Partisan War" by Che and
"Guerrilla Paths" by Mao

     life in paradise
watch your back,
sleep with a weapon

more? - backgammon and poker...
? what else to do in paradise

     morality in cats
pregnancy in cats
two and a half months

too fast
so they have no morals

     language of the future
we speak in
in the future dead language:
it contains only words for the boss
and for subordinate

government must begin with the creation of an underground,
and in it - a combat cell

will still be dissatisfied

     purpose of the rebellion
this is rebellion!
two to three months of absolute power

not freedom at all
     freedom is loneliness / Hemingway

     punk testament
! feed me to the Crematorium, but
I bequeath my brain to acid...

a matter of taste
source of thoughts
God's organs
short and not clear
blade of grass angel
Tsoj Tzu

     a matter of taste
the light is getting closer
he promises confusion
who are you? dancer or potter

someone says there are no mistakes
it's a matter of taste

     source of thoughts
when you sleep with someone
this is not freedom
it looks like legitimacy

no one should be left alone
loneliness is the source of thoughts

     God's organs
people do not look alike, but
not very different in thought

they think the same thing:
give me another penis
and I know God

     short and not clear
we are at the bottom, like
     in apartments full of hopes and cockroaches / Julia Cameron
we are inspired by Statehood in the spirit

     blade of grass angel
     every blade of grass has its own angel
                / Talmud
when these clean white walls are around
, beds filled according to the charter ...
when you don't have to think about anything
,become a blade of grass waiting for an angel

     Tsoj Tzu
     my palm turned into a fist / Tsoj
... where does this thrasher come from?
like no one is around
or still:
     there is someone inside you / Jalal ad-Din

desire training
penultimate summer
careless paranoid
refinement of Lao Tzu
moment of movement
listen boy
half of the brain
talk about it

     desire training
morning sky is green
morning 'fuch' - tasteless

still would:
     poetry is the teaching of desires /Madman

     penultimate summer
     I close my eyes to see / Gauguin
... there are duties - such as being friends or
be in love
... they are not honorary, often cursed

... it happened the penultimate summer,
when we took turns closing our eyes

     careless paranoid
wandering around the city at night is dangerous...
gotta have an excuse ready
like: "I'm looking for an invisible Hand ...", in which
night streets - a web for the careless paranoid

     refinement of Lao Tzu
...don't turn away too quickly!
you give yourself away

     the enlightened one knows himself / Lao Tzu
? only myself, - I specify

     moment of movement
life is a boring necessity...
if there is no fear or pain
if you just move

then yes:
     life is a journey
     from one moment to another / Krishnamurti

     listen boy
after all, it happens that the drop stops,
and causeless singing is alarming

listen boy:
just by listening, you already agree, -
said one old rocker

     half of the brain
...half of the brain is enough
to hear this voice

it is always on the left:
! it's unfair that
     "everything already exists" / Bhagavagita

     talk about it
... nothing should depend on us

this will get rid of errors...
no need to keep your head down
, wait when you are like "lowered"

! and "stop talking about it" /zen

and now
ingot of light
waiting for the morning
northwest cyclone
number 17
embrace of hopelessness

     and now
     I didn't think before /Nau
never thought before...
... sang, sang
,and now

'running' all night...

     ingot of light
I only have the truth, and they have the protocol

light is an ingot,
if you believe in what you sing

sign, - offers the precinct

     waiting for the morning
     I will not wait for the morning /'Kormiltsev'
...to tell you - bitch

run away at night
as long as it's easy to breathe

     northwest cyclone
     where laughter is heard /'Kormiltsev'
...and again "too much pain"
, and again they try to convince me
that the northwestern cyclone is to blame for everything
that you just need to wait
where laughter is heard

     number 17
     you are afraid of the upper floors  /'Kormiltsev'
I try not to live too high
I'm afraid to ride in an elevator and the numbers 17
... the cabin is crowded, porn graffiti
buttons melted with a lighter

?! where are you taking me

     embrace of hopelessness
     in a room with a white ceiling / Nau
and a view of the windows of the neighboring high-rise building
hopelessness creeps up and hugs from behind
, whispers hotly in his ear, - come with me ...

waiting for the future
our kampf
three times a day
unique people

     waiting for the future
come on, hands behind your back...
? How can we achieve this...

the future is interesting only for those
what else will it be
? wait, what

     our kampf
     but I can fly / I don’t remember who
It's not easy to create a flying man...

no material:
eight-pointed cross, 'khukhol',
cardboard icon

hustle and bustle!
There are suspicious people in the city...
and with them - frivolity,
rumors about global warming

they (anarchists?) set the crowd on fire
short tweets

     ... wandered around the squash /imitating the apostle Paul
we will definitely be incorruptible,
let's be alive
winged like the lions of Byzantium

body odor women
reject us -
they need children

     three times a day
     open your mouth and eat / Ezekiel
? what the fuck!...why the words
so imperfect

"Magic and Good Night Train" by Neil Gaiman
,closepam three times a day

     unique people
     bloody state, dog life / Vogau
Jeremiah does not hear Ezekiel and always
there is a division

there will always be a unique people:
the same bikers ... or gays ...

we are against
without a passport
position of a chief
bare feet
justify the idea
war for resources

     we are against
... in a quick way we are going to the exit!

we are the very biblical Jews
we are against heart transplants

     our children swear /"Leap year" band

     without a passport
     we have become like stones / Koran
... isotope 118, life without a passport
, like "I was gone" / Tsvetaeva ...

and the Lord said: "... I will open your graves"

     position of a chief
... in the sense that this is a dumb position,
 many envious people, fighters for the "position" ...

! "But Orthodoxy also became confused" / Dos
, like the Judgment of God is needed

     bare feet
he clearly read over the lying bike:
"... who art"

his feet were bare

     justify the idea
     if they ask directly / Dos
... answer, - "in the direction of the sun!"

but don't make excuses!
say - "this is faith ..."

He loved God...
! but he grumbled: "rebellion! .. barricades! .." / Brothers Karamazov
, a terrible duty to find this place
similar to Johann's font

"The Baptist" - was his outrageous callsign

     war for resources
...listen to the prophet - the time has come!
... like fuck on a sagging ottoman
with a pillow under your ass

we are being killed for natural resources, and yet-
do not dream of returning from the war!

biochemistry of God
start with sterilization
habitual torment
transformers fight

     biochemistry of God
there is only biochemistry - sugar and phosphates ...
! no morality and no God

and all for what?
but out of curiosity and arrogance

     start with sterilization
here's a new God for you: Artificial Intelligence
... he, too, will justify everything and sanction sterilization

they always start with sterilization

     habitual torment
     why am I suffering? ... out of habit
                /Dm. Karamazov
...peeping out on the gray concrete
, and then on the inside of the vest

they can be everywhere
, and not only in
"a haven of rednecks and streets without names"
           / from the song "Tramp"

     start with anthropophagy... /Dos
because the body is an instrument of torture
and doctors are the new inquisitors
, rather anthropophagi

cryotechnology at the service of those
to whom life is not dear!

   transformers fight
   ...already "you" are starting to speak
           /from "Br. Karamazov"

it's more like a transformers fight
instead of blood - sparks

they audit with nasal overtones:
that we are ill-equipped
that we need only "you"

Russian faith
philosophy of immortality
soldiers around the flag
two abysses
runaway slaves
main difference

     Russian faith
Russian belief in change of place
into instant relief

Lord, accept my sinful soul when
     "the sun will rise" /"Br. Karamazov" band

     philosophy of immortality
end up in a dirty dark basement
where fleas live and cats are born

with all the philosophy of meaningless immortality,
at all
     "of the highest order" /"Brother Karamazov", Dos

     soldiers around the flag
     we will certainly rise / Dos in Br. Karamazov
...and I'm sure!
just don't rush
tear off, expand, such as burn out

flag becomes visible when
gather around with

We are not what we think...
we are gun crew numbers

here you are number three, charging
, and I'm number one, gunner ...

     two abysses
drug addiction is not good
I agree...
? and your dependence on the bobble, your eternal
inescapable night terror

Dos suggested contemplating two abysses at once

     runaway slaves
walking through a minefield there is a special
the charm:
the doubts inherent even

... you see, we are just runaways
not even freedmen

     main difference
     hell is the people around us / Sartre
living among people is unbearable,
they hate us
although we are not so different:
don't wash, drink cologne...

the main difference in another -
we don't need anything

readiness for a miracle
getting rid of I
companion of death
thirst for loneliness
jiva's bewilderment
incarnation of buddha
someone else
we are down

     readiness for a miracle
don't wait for your cheeks to sink
and the ribs will stick out like a repulsive

get ready for a miracle!

     getting rid of I
you don't learn anything
nor be astonished
nor be patient

you didn't get rid of me

     companion of death
at the end of life
, about a year before the legendary
care, he truncated:

all around 'podlyans' and bases, a way
pin up
and death has a companion

     thirst for loneliness
tongue - a manifestation of discomfort;
he won't let go
quenches thirst for loneliness

     jiva's bewilderment
... to think, wait and fast?

jiva leaves me bewildered...

     incarnation of Buddha
we made eye contact...
? you are also the incarnation of Buddha, you asked

we are connected
not characteristic of people

     someone else
here and 'prikonala' crazy little thought - to leave?

to start over
, by someone else

      we are down
it is important to constantly strive downward
, type in depth

at least to sing:
      "we are down..."

controlled madness
holy houmless
gospel reform
thanks to War
inhabitant of paradise
unjust sentence
agenda for war
moral firmness
gentle flush

     controlled madness
madness can also be controlled:
throw antipsychotics
as the doctor ordered
, more - Charcot's shower, an enema for the night

Don't look in the mirror - who's there?

     holy Houmless
... like being baptized from the intelligentsia

swear allegiance to a new god - holy 'Bomzh'

     gospel reform
there will be no resurrection...

there will be fucking immortality
, not fiery foam!, not Margarita
carrying the spring ...

     thanks to War
... it was like this: everything is thanks to Christ,
for Christ's sake

... now only for the War, thanks to the War

     inhabitant of paradise
oligarch - a resident of paradise?

... does not remember when he was born,
don't know where to die

     unjust sentence
where, where? - to Siberia ...
so it's 'lafa'!
... and how do you like this sentence:
25 years of strict communal life

     toilet for lovers
dear Boris Izrailevich,
come up with, I beg you!, toilet bowl-eight ...

so that loved ones do not part

     agenda for war
... this is not "literature" at all

it's like a summons to war,
where fanatics are needed
... the rest - go 'nah'!

     moral firmness
... his vibrations are visible:
leave?, stay overnight?
in any case, you have to take a pee
and there you will see

     gentle flush
I go to relax in public

for only half a buck including toilet paper
including gentle flush
turning off the fool

ectopic pregnancy
guard duty charter
fairy tale with an unhappy ending
take action
rotten sermon
glory coming

     ectopic pregnancy
     take care of yourself / Tsoj
don't put your hands in your pockets
, do not wait for the beacon "atas"

... the dose will be adjusted, but
It will be late
! ectopic pregnancy worse...
so you are -

     guard duty charter
need to win at any cost:
over afternoon naps and late dinners
over individual desires

it is in the charter of the guard service

     fairy tale with an unhappy ending
                / Tsoj
lived-were ... everything was in chocolate ...
not in the sense of a bobble, but a buzz,
like a fairy tale...

the doctor says - there are four months left
this your

     take action
     no one is waiting for you there / Tsoj
! this is a glitch, so they will be happy ...

I haven't been waiting for anyone...
I understand, it's natural - no one
take action

     rotten sermon
     ... who remained to live / Tsoj
morality?, rotten preaching of immortality
... if you are deprived of the right to die,
nah such a life

But what if he stayed alive after the suicide?
... yes, then why are you

     glory coming
I know what will happen tomorrow
I will be removed from all resources,
I will freely go to supermarkets and
'pizditj' chocolates

'goats' will hiss in the back:
"that's how glory comes..."

whim of probability
a littl problem
obsessed with life
on Saturn
geront's exposure
collective mind
mind reading

! cryonics will save us
...save our broken marriages
annual gene swap
type of bio-waste cleaning
, all individual ...

with the nanofuture us! 

     whim of probability
human shelf life is limited
Requires a frequent reboot...

Isn't it better to drop the body
live in virtual
there and love
by the whim of probability

     a littl problem
only after physical death
real life !
... but there is one problem - self-destruction

! resolve in case of irresistible hatred
to my own self

     obsessed with life
there will be a type of zoos for cryopreserved

tour guide warns: be careful,
they are dangerous ... all as one!
they are obsessed with life

     on Saturn
so where is the best place to be?

technology quickly becomes obsolete:
here I was on Saturn ... - shit-shit

     geront's exposure
geront disguises himself:
pretending to limp, assures of desire
die quietly, like die

it is betrayed by greed, concern for property

     collective mind
digitize me!-
life is not a dream (in a dream), life is a number

the collective mind whispers: you are not,
there is only me

     mind reading
I walk, I read minds ... to the beast

there is a language of eyes and hands -
are you not enough?

range of men
caring for loved ones
in the bunker
life is beautiful
corpse oath
what a pity

     area of men
are you saying we don't understand?
...and there is

childbirth changed you...
and atomic war is the area of 'muzhiks'!

     caring for loved ones
healthy children are ungrateful...
need some sickness
heart disease, cerebral palsy

... then yes, the meaning of life appears

     in the bunker
in the bunker
where no explosions can reach
nor aria of Callas

the attendant smiles,

     life is beautiful
please check the pressure...
measure the temperature

and don't ask about life

     corpse oath
I refuse to take your body...
it's not fundamental
that you are a corpse

I won't change you anymore

     what a pity
don't call it "bunker"!

what's the point then?
love ?
... and I already loved
what a pity

us or them
in this moment
more than a house
study boy
sniper problem
in the weak signal area

     us or them
I see a big building
and the governor's helicopter in front of him
he is met by an overgrown houmless and
fidgety nymphet

...the more interesting:
us or them

     in this moment
at this point, everyone raises their heads:-
so war?

- no, I answer, -
the president has not yet woken up,
the president hasn't screwed up yet
how can you make a decision?

     more than a house
let's take a look at the bomb shelter...

...it's more than a home
here, 'blin', philosophy ...

     study boy
flash is not over...
you can fall where you are and
whisper a prayer three times

also, learn how to run fast.
to the bunker...

     sniper problem
     in something white / Pasternak
I'm dying...
there is no pose
sleeping hero

enable circular
one problem - snipers

     in the weak signal area
It's not easy to kill a man these days...
! you will find the hell man

close your eyes, imagine yourself
in the weak signal area...

round hell
nose straightening
look at the galaxy
epithets for metaphors
green hatred

     round hell
radioactive night...
run, run, like run

? in a circle or something
? why are they building like this?
? or are we in hell...

     nose straightening
secretly return to the fatherland ...

we are easy to calculate: we turn around
to the old name, patronymic,
having new passports, taut cheeks and
corrected noses

! push, push the every of amphibians by
chemical protection boots

we are waist-deep in green mud

pick up your legs, breathe shallowly -
in the corner - a bucket ...

! this type of entertainment: booming
piss in a bucket

hate hormone...
it's clear here

? but pity has its own hormone
? why don't we try to figure it out
what are we dying for

     look at the Galaxy
not only cosmic dust and
co-workers envy...

! have a look at the Galaxy,
type winner

     epithets for metaphors
... here the circle is closed

sense hypertrophy,
! epithets...

     green hatred
turn your head... now
you will be a fluffy ball

asteroids aren't scary...
only fierce green hatred

combat vehicles
I'll pour you soup
dance in a spacesuit
in Virtual
frog smile
to live and love

     combat vehicles
? so you're not a hologram...weird
? what is your boss thinking

... but he is not
there are various combat vehicles

? what do you love more
carbon or silicon

you didn't expect resistance...
you were waiting for consumption

     I'll pour you soup
? how can one hope
on the dark side of the moon

before self-destruction
     pour you soup / Anita Tsoj

     in Virtual
It's not a crime, Your Honor...

polygamy is unstable, but
it's better than getting confused in Virtual

     frog smile
-? your price
-? since when do you have to pay for Out,
does life have a price?
-there is only one exception-
for smiling frogs

     to live and love
our race will win...although
it will take some time

... you say it's impossible:
and live and love
that these are different things

become unreasonable
view from a flying saucer
striped people
flaming letters
price of freedom

     become unreasonable
watch attentively...
then you will do
black birds

! so want to become unreasonable

     view from a flying saucer
the hole is waist deep...

? and seen from a flying saucer
how we dig in

     striped people
tigers smile too
more or less like this:

and so the striped people smile
in the village of De-Kastri:

     for all a stranger in a cold world
                / from some song
you gotta live your life somehow...

first this
where everyone is red and curly

     flaming letters
they are written to bailiffs

the authorities treat them delicately:
like a sapper with a booby trap
...there is something inhuman about it

     price of freedom
! and the war is high
, it's cooler than paying taxes
? patriotism...
dudes, you are offered to feed the officials-
here is the price

pregnant women lined up ...

show them that
everyone has their quirks

i am unworthy
to active duty...
I climbed into the anus,

watched for a long time...
no, you don't love your Motherland

the night before
laughing surgeons
drunken wine
that's it
return of cats
torn ear
post number zero

     the night before
I remember one night before...
then she wrote to me in part

then quickly got married

     laughing surgeons
And this is a scar from a caesarean...
? why hide the scars
...how can you live with a person without

surgeons laugh:
more scar, less scar

     drunken wine
! let's study the body first

...then we'll find it -
     drunken wine of girlhood /Vogau

     that's it
what kind of life is this?
I'd rather sing "tee-doo-da"
about what
...that's it!

     return of cats
and it doesn't make sense...
all the same war
the sun never rises...

but we will join hands and
will wait
return of cats

     torn ear
no matter how...
because there are habits
there is a way to make love...
he is unknown
? may have a torn ear

     post number zero
- salute, blonde!
- be a brunette!

... there is a shift at post number zero

in exchange for silence
transgender crucifix
gays and lesbians
yellow sound-2
New Stalingrad

     in exchange for silence
! 'yosifstalin', again an unfamiliar area
long dead...

? why does the subconscious continue
? what does it want in exchange for silence

     transgender crucifix
     I like to walk in the rain... / at Bradbury
...well yes,
we loved to walk in the rain
, look at life through the cold

? what's wrong with that
? why was he crucified

... I give them a valuable message
... they are a rotten denunciation of me

! follow the wise 'shizik':
go out at night to paint the stars

     gays and lesbians
? say you feel sorry for them...

? Who among us has not dreamed of being
something else:
conceive-give birth, drink-pray
, kill-pardon

     yellow sound-2
alas, Vasily, people in loose clothes
still not free
, the right to move up and down
is still missing

wooden choir of officials
knocking with crystal foreheads
, like prays

     New Stalingrad
quietly formed New Stalingrad
also in ruins

in the ruins of pig farms and factories
in which they 'live to death'
schizos and 'bomzhes'

answer to the wall
angel wart
demand for freedom
dark side of the earth
leaning over
cinder of the Sun

     answer to the wall
he looks like through his fingers
, from under the visor of 'dermontin'

, and answers like in the wall:
'article' ... 'term' ...

     angel wart
in captivity of the god Harim, where
the girls stay
you can't even talk about death
you have to hide from her

...for Raphael an angel's wart
has become more important than golden curls

...the rebels are vulnerable -
they are insane

     demand for freedom
thoughtlessness and
snoring in sleep...
they are definitely connected!

a kick reminds
piercing gaze of a schizoid
, in which is the requirement of the abstract

     dark side of the earth
computer fell asleep...

now you can break the glass type "mazel tov"
go to the edge of the real world,
visit the dark side of the earth

     leaning over
grow mushrooms!

they grow well in the brain
and on your sticky lips
when you bend over

     cinder of the Sun
... not immediately, very slowly
! but everything ends

You may regret it, or you may not.
brush your teeth, burn letters:
prepare for the burnout of the Sun

reminder of innocence
Bashlachev's airplanes
habit of smiling
pleasing to the devil
if you don't against
power from hell

     reminder of innocence
...there was one vision
type of reminder or sermon:

"I came... I saw... I fell in love..."

     Bashlachev's airplanes
... flipping through comics
? and why they are worse than your prose

you can also make airplanes out of them,
then fly away
     "open arms" / Bashlachev

     habit of smiling
She looked to be about twenty-five years old.
she also had a cub and a habit
to smile

"nastsatj" and "nasratj" - words that were enough
for communication, turning into a mess with adrenaline
... and then I don’t remember
? yes and why

     pleasing to the devil
I'm kind of a downer, he said...

... when the flames was pissed, the ashes remained
and rare red lights
, and above - a thick blue sky,
     "pleasant to the devil" / don't remember who

     if you do not against
     if you don't against / Nirvana
and I'll soon do what they preach
and not what I want

...and now, if you don't against,
I'll leave

I want to get a passport with clean

nameless means free

     power from hell
... and now we listen to the old-old,
where are the "dirty" drums and 'cock'

'stoned' listeners nod:
yes, for sure - power is shit, it is from hell ...
thanks boy...

Freedom Attorney
night man
young dinosaurs
very small people
Rorschach test
MIG and U2

     Freedom Attorney
the streets are also to blame, not only
trees, carts and rails...

at night when cats sleep in the bastard
I will become the ruthless prosecutor of liberty

     night man
blow up at night, wander, drive
scratch your balls, gain confidence

so that in the morning, in a smelly flat
, in one slipper and shorts
scribbled on a sticker:
"You'll never understand this..."

     young dinosaurs
the day before, like the night before the announcement
when hope is confused with despair...

prenuptial ritual of young dinosaurs:
so they mark the battlefield

     very small people
     people exist to work
     / some old Utopia
... stupid and contagious to love
flat roofs of five-story buildings, heated
flat sun and our asses

look through the broken bottom of the bottle:
? Why are there such small

     Rorschach test
look, my spit is pure Fidel,
and the shadow from the eggs - Lenin kisses Trotsky

fu-you, well-you ... politics again
     MIG and U2
at an altitude of 3200 and a speed of 3100
I spotted U2 on an almost head-on course

We waved our wings to each other
colonel says,
we wanted to fight but didn't want to kill

fairy tales of our children
hot body
quiet voice
dose requirement
satanic greeting
in a family of fascists

     fairy tales of our children
? what kind of fairy tales do our children like...
about a bunny with a cut off pussy and
torn off Snow Maiden

they do not believe our fairy tales

     hot body
advised to submit to the spiritual...
like a cold light that exploded long ago

! choose a hot body

     quiet voice
punk brands time like cattle:
day after day, day after day...

? but if day after day is the same,
what that 'nahuj' is punk
asks a quiet voice

     dose requirement
he dabbles in women's underwear
mentally rising to the ceiling
then sliding down the curtain
clumsy from snot

on the demand for a dose, he hears - "fuck-on"

     satanic greeting
every time, like in a satanic greeting
, not-friendly, but - honest

He demands

     in a family of fascists
black cat and purple colors,
instead of a light bulb - hissing and sparkling

I wanted to leave, but the door was locked

shot distance
alien rights
become dead
third volume of "Capital"
Heil, oligarchs!

     shot distance
? what are these people with carbines
...they will shoot at the crows
! they have evil dots instead of eyes
... but they do not complain about fatigue

there is no disagreement between us, but -
shot distance

     alien rights
aliens also demand:
they want to eat glass and drink
nitric acid,
want to reproduce by division
both along and across

! as I understand them

     become dead
     better dead than cunning / Nirvana
...I was kind of touched:
I caught a cat, the cat yelled and scratched

I once also cried that I -
that now I will definitely tie and
become type dead

     third volume of "Capital"
... I'm already old, but in debt
like a toddler

I cheerfully lie, put my hand on
to the third volume, where there is
wonderful words about a "bright future"

I lie that I believe in communism

     Heil, oligarchs!
they make us eat shit
drink the blood of Orthodox babies,
shout "Heil, oligarchs!"

you are mistaken in thinking that they are people

flare in the sun
who will sing?
power until the morning
number replacement
the approach of hell
not the worst

     flare in the sun
     why am I silent? / Tsoj
do not boil with boiling water, a lover of hara-kiri ...
quickly dressed in simple black clothes

shut up!
... a flash in the sun

     who will sing?
               / Tsoj
...if everyone works

they say that everyone should work and
no one should sing...
they also say that you need to stick to the walls

pas de sha
they are among us
means of struggle
Russian God
cyborg conversion
the apostles hurry

     pas de sha
you walk in black, type by a cat step

talking through your collar up
type to a balaklava

     they are among us
? who's getting the geiger counter...
because there are no more first departments

? are they still among us?

     means of struggle
     death is a means of struggle / Madman
And not only with breaking...
I don't want to speculate on this topic...
death is a theme for a short story
or 'goat' song about war

? why do they scare us with death

     Russian God
     I hate this America...
     I love the Russian God / Mitya Karamazov
? How do you know if He is Russian?
? is He in felt boots and earflaps

very simple -
by the words "do you want a drink, kid?"

     cyborg conversion
     think we're dead?
     but we are alive / Apostle Paul
...and in old vinyl and shabby graffiti
in the ruins of factories

we will come again
holographic installation on a dead highway
and cyborgs will believe

     the apostles hurry
     Uncle-Savior will arrive...hurry up /Pizza
while the subway and morgues are open
everyone is invited,
while the coke of snow falls, and the grass
grows for everyone

? everyone is here ... eleven, twelve...

procession of God
tell the prosecutor
rock and roll kids

     procession of God
     the procession of God in the world / by Hegel
! this is for Anarchy, guys...
? what is even more important and naive

maybe only a crucifix on a rocky hill
in the form of a skull

     not "equal", but - "same" / Dos in "The Idiot"
... subscribing!
equality is formal, like in the space of a formal
the rights

people should become same-sex in nature
and not just wear the same outfit "unisex"

     statements to the prosecutor
     in a room with a white ceiling / I don’t remember who
in a room with a black ceiling
, where on the walls are statements to the prosecutor and
messages to distant descendants
who have yet to experience it all...

     rock and roll kids
... said that you are no more
... what was, was, and now you are not like

? how to 'rams' it
, didn't we go on business like
"children of rock and roll"...

     overly desiring freedom / Kung Tzu
... you know what, old -
we don't even have kids
, we do not have passports, but only -
earlobe neurochip

like all those born again
, they say us - "for freedom" ...

Hegel stirs up
go to the slaughter
people's children
state disease
sense of solidarity

     Hegel stirs up
     all evil is good and vice versa / Hegel
this is where he gets pissed off!
Resistance is an absolute good...

     go to the slaughter
     history - massacre /according to Hegel
I want history!
I do not believe that they want to jam me with a sledgehammer

you just have to follow each other,

     people's children
from a cow? - calves!
from a dog? - puppies!
... but from humans? - asks the granddaughter
little anarchists!, eat another spoon...

     state disease
     some kind of disease / Hegel
... it's such a disease - to live for the state
, says Hegel in the "Philosophy of Right"

... the state is sobriety and right-handedness
,but not fumbling for a glass with the left hand

     sense of solidarity
             / in Hegel
? who among us does not love children and big
for this, parades and fireworks were invented
, SDA and 'SNP' are written

in the State you will find your personal happiness, -
an official preaches
