Не человек, а гордый хранитель c переводом

Иду через море обстоятельств
И волн бежавших от любви
И от коварства временных предательств
Зови меня и не зови
Везде смеющиеся лица
И черти что рояль в кустах
Но где.проходит та граница
Защиты...слово на устах

По- прежнему всегда открыта
Трофей?...добыча , жертва -
Но мою душу как жар- птицу
 не тронешшь у меня  внутри...

А есть ли у меня мужчина ?
Соратник , муж , любовник - нет
Не человек а лев - отныне
Он охраняет этот свет...


I'm crossing the sea of circumstances

And waves that fled from love's embrace

Through fleeting betrayals and mischances 

Call for me or don't, I'll run this race

The tides of time cannot divide us

Though storms may toss our ship about 

Just light the flame of love inside us
Together we will ride them out

Smiling faces everywhere around us

Devils hiding in the bushes' shade

But where lies that elusive boundary
Of protection...a word our bulwark made
The demons seek to sway and fool us

With clever lies and fake delight

But love's true wisdom will rule us

And lead us safely through the night

Stay close and whisper truths that bind us

A charm to keep the darkness back

Together all the light will find us

And safely guide us on our track

So smile at tricks meant to divide us

Join hands and let our love burn bright

The truth within will be our guide

To lead us forth out of the night

I remain open as before

A trophy? Prey? Come claim your score

But take my soul, that firebird burning

Deep inside, beyond your reaching

Do I have a man, a partner true?

A husband, lover - no, not you

No ordinary man but lion-hearted

From now on he will guard my world

Not a human but a beast untamed

Our sacred light he keeps inflamed

No mere mortal could play this role

But a lion to protect my soul

A kindred spirit, companion brave

This shining realm he'll always save

Not a man but a guardian proud

Our love will shine through storm and cloud.


Thank you Al
