Memory of Eternal Love

Nothing will remain in our space
Handwritten letters and someone's poetry...
They will surely live in their foreign land,
Remaining a memory of Eternal Love!

They fell asleep somewhere in a chest of drawers under a bushel,
Or somewhere in a shoebox quietly waiting
When something happens and they are like a miracle,
They will come to life with the voices of their creators!

Maybe the world will never know about them,
And they don't even need it!
Here, a native person will take them and read them,
And he will know how the heart fluttered in years!

All kings will perish and eras will go out,
Maybe even the boundaries will change the boundaries ...
New gods will flare up in mankind,
Well, the lines will remain with Eternal Love ...

They just lie in the imprint of the heart,
Like a silent dialogue of blue and white love!
Will never burn, staying forever
Reflection in the sky of someone's hand!

Maybe the date will remain under the message,
And from this day an absolute shadow!
And in the letter it will flash like a living postulate,
What shines in eternity love canopy!

Everything changes quickly, lightning disappears,
Generations go into their existence!
Well, somewhere the handwritten pages are stored,
Continuing to broadcast in Love life!

Yes, that's probably how it should be, of course,
After all, it is not for nothing that we are told that the text does not burn!
Remain in God's Love forever
In the universe for us incessantly repeat!
