What Doesn t Destroy Us... Что нас не уничтожает..

   Dedication to my son Andrey, Master of Fine Sciences.
   Посвящяется сыну Андрею.
   Андрей, в твой сегодняшний юбилей, прими от меня этот скромный подарок.
   Ты его знаешь.  И я тебе его посвящаю.  И пусть он тебе помогает.
   И пусть так и будет!  Und lass es sein!  And let it be!

                *    *    *

What doesn’t destroy us – makes us even stronger …
There’s no wonder: it’s the law of Life!
You feel you can sustain your pain no longer –
A ray of hope lights up you – man, you’re live!

How to enjoy and be in Love forever?...
Love is like Wind, like Ocean Tides, like Moon.
You dream to love, be loved, be never severed …
With time, Love leaves you, good if late than soon.

May she feel joy from one she feels is better
And he feel joy IN her!  Care not, but delve
To find how to unchain such Love, such fetter.
Then break or put on shelf and be yourself.

Let you, my son, be never ever lonely.
Be never, too, a puppet on a string.
May you have luck to find your one and only.
And let this wish for you be sure thing!

Don’t be afraid that Love is sweet and bitter.
When sweet – it’s better, sure, in every way!
However, let you never be Love’s victim.
Let always be above – a sunlight ray!

04.06.2023. Sunday. 20:07

Saturday, 14.03.2020
"from" - 18:31 Friday, 27.03.2020

[Translation to follow very soon.
Перевод будет подогнан вскоре]

Даже в зеркале разбитом

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Mechanic ---

DEEP PURPLE - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQeMGRy06jA   "Stormbringer" (1974)

YOU'RE Unbelieveable
