100 motivations
You're used to the chosen one. You are attracted to the best of everything. Certainly. The best illustrations, the best movies, the best songs. I have prepared the best words for you. Kind, beautiful, meaningful. Light as a snowflake. Simple as the sky. Needed like bread.
They will make the sun shine brighter. For you! So that all corners of your soul will be filled with light, warmth and love!
You know, words define everything. They exalt or overthrow, they awaken or put to sleep. Words are thrown into heat or cold. The words are put to music and reach the depths of human consciousness.
The Word has perfect authority and everything is subject to it.Take these words, accept them. Use the whole arsenal of possibilities of the Word. The Word will guide you. Word will correct your course and lead you to the goal. You will skillfully build your defense, then go on the attack, and nothing will be able to resist you.
You'll take everything. You'll get everything. You will find everything! Because a strong Word will be your partner, your inspirer and your patron.
The property of the soul is to feel what is behind the words that are addressed to you, to feel this invisible message, and to absorb what is transmitted to you.
I give you a part of myself in these lines, a part of my fire, and it is impossible to resist this fire. He absorbs everything unnecessary and turns into ashes what should burn.
And he warms your soul and fills your whole being with warmth.The cold recedes, glaciers melt, fog dissipates. The sun is rising, and a new dawn is already coming.
Life will boil again, delight you with new events, delight you and open new turns where it will capture your spirit.What should happen will happen. What should come true will come true. Dream and make wishes. Order gifts. Let the Sky decide for itself how to make all this a reality.
Only when you are squeezed like a lemon do you fulfill your destiny. Spend your strength to get double. Squander, give yourself to each new day. Give it your all. Then you will become a master or a professional, or a high-ranking specialist. Or a wonderful person. Or a wonderful parent.
Only the one who falls at the finish line, giving all his strength to the distance, deserves an ovation. Because he gave everything. Therefore, he will get everything! And which he came to the finish line, first or last, does not matter anymore. The main thing is that he endured, he fought. He did everything he could
And nobody won't be able to refuse him anything. All doors will be open for him. All the tables will be set for him. He will get to the celebration, to this sparkling extravaganza, because his name is on the list.
And the rewards are already prepared for those who did not give up their positions, who did not get scared, who tried and was brave until the very last second!
Everything has changed, I have aged and become more severe and demanding. In addition, I see that a soft tone is not effective for everyone. Therefore, I choose a more intense onslaught, perhaps not very aesthetic, but more convincing.
Gluttony is as dangerous a passion as drug addiction and alcoholism. It brings enormous harm to the body, takes years of life and rewards diseases, as well as an unpresentable appearance.
I will present you with a hot dish at the dressing table, which will bring your brain out of hibernation.So if you haven't taken on yourself yet, then I'll take on you.
And I will gut out of your mind all the culinary recipes and thoughts about sweets. Kebabs and buns will never be at the center of your life. This is a program for weaklings who go to moral and then physical ugliness.
Soul becomes ugly first, and then this ugliness is embodied in the body. Gluttony is a disease of the soul. The soul is empty and withered, so you have to constantly throw in. Feed your soul and body then calm down. Because if the soul is on a starvation ration, the body will consume twice.
Starting tomorrow, you will go to the grocery store less. Because a person needs very little food to maintain vital activity. You will consume less food. I won't let you do it.
My words will be in your mind. The word will penetrate you and change the formats of your thinking. You will finally stop digging your own grave with a spoon. You stop turn into a rounded, puffy creature that you can only look at with sympathy.
I will make you fall in love with sports and put your body at the disposal of mind-blowing physical exertion.
Your candy-cookies romanceis over. It begins a hot and passionate romance with sports with daily physical exercises with abs swinging, squatting, walking and running. You're going to do this until you're exhausted.
And if you need to go crazy to exhaust yourself with physical exercises, you will do it. Understand that I need 100% of your efforts and efforts. I don't agree to anything less. Every day you will bring yourself to sweat and groan with physical exercises.
Throw out all the gingerbread and cookies from your closet. It is food for rodents - mice, rats and ground squirrels. Let them get fat, but not you.
Don't overeat. I'll grab you by the throat if you shove an extra piece in there. And you won't be able to swallow it. No food after 19.00. Do not torment your insides, do not engage in intestinal fornication, until God has struck you for this vile passion of overeating.
I take your brain in a tight grip and squeeze out of your consciousness all laziness and cleanse you of all poisonous and destructive elements. I neutralize the dependence on numbers, on people, on their opinions. I'm taking all this stuff out of your mind. Or maybe even I'm taking out your brain to bring back a completely different, already more perfect gray matter.
Therefore, there will be no weaknesses and vices anymore. And what was impossible will become possible. It doesn't matter what you were like. It's important what you become.You will crumble into pieces this vile passion of gluttony, which consistently led you to shame.
I became a harsh coach because I saw that man is a weak being. He constantly justifies himself, protects his ego, his weaknesses.
He is stuffed with complexes, which in turn were hung on him by weak and stupid people. They just wanted to assert themselves at your expense. They wanted to rise up and for this it was necessary to belittle someone.
And as a result, some of the words heard, a person gives up, grows lazy, he has a psychological breakdown and as a result he cannot control himself in food. And consumes food in immoderate portions.
And already he begins to smell of undigested food, which does not have time to digest and wanders like a stinky brew in his womb. He exhales this fermentation in the face of others. This fermentation poisons all his organs and he himself is already like a walking poison.
Circumstances, life dramas, stresses, disappointments led a person to this vile passion of gluttony. And now all this needs to be unraveled. To dig into the psyche, to unwind this wire, these tangles. But no one will do it. I'm cutting all these threads, these dependencies, these fears, I'm cutting it now like a Gordian knot. I cut all the chains and shackles by the power of my word on my part and by the power of your desire on your part.
There's a treasure buried in you. There are enormous resources of willpower and energy hidden in you. You have everything in you to achieve results, to turn a dream into reality.
And today, when we clear your mind of old stereotypes and complexes, we let this leopard out - this is an unstoppable desire for a goal.
Your internal reserves that have been dormant up to this day will come to the surface and wash away, like a tsunami wave, everything that will resist your goal.
Nothing will prevent you from achieving results and reducing your weight to the required levels. Today, when this information seeps into your consciousness, when this psychological injection spreads through the neural network of your brain, a new stage in your life will begin.
And when this clay flies off, you will sparkle with such facets of a renewed and transformed personality that all ill-wishers and everyone who did not believe in you will be completely confused by your new image.
When your stomach prompts you to fill it with food after 19.00, tell him next words.
My answer to you, belly, is that you won't get anything today. You get more than you need. You think that you can dictate something to me, impose some thoughts on me... You're just a belly, so don't imagine yourself. The mind will show you your place. Get into what I'm telling you, belly: you won't get anything until tomorrow morning. Absolutely nothing. Grasp and digest this fact, and then calm down and shut up.
I submit myself to reason, because I am a reasonable person, and not a animal constantly chewing something. My brain says you, belly, won't get anything today. So calm down and go to sleep. And don't remind me of yourself. You have nothing to hope for today. You can get enough of my words, which I tell you with all seriousness: calm down and go to sleep, you won't get anything today!
I am not guided by instincts and passions. I do not subordinate my life to the satisfaction of my lusts and whims. I do not listen to what the womb whispers to me, I am not a gluttonous person. I am a person with reason, will, sanity and reasonableness. The time has passed when I indulged all your desires, now you will listen to me. It's very easy.
You will never command me. You will listen to the mind and get as much food as you need to maintain vital activity. Reason says that a person needs a little, so tune in to the fact that you will not receive anything after 19.00. And in the morning I will feel light and joyful, because I did not succumb to your crafty persuasions and did not load my body with additional load and extra kilograms. You won't get anything, belly, today. Absolutely nothing. Calm down and sleep peacefully.
The birth of a new life begins with the birth of new words. Because, in the beginning, there is always a Word. Word starts everything, and word brings everything to an end. The word removes obstacles and it smooths out corners. The word fills with gunpowder, and the word pulls the trigger.
The word gives birth to hope, the word attracts to faith, the word nourishes love. It restores missing links, enhances all functions and brings all elements together. And everything happens. Timely. Exactly.
The word is a powerful weapon that hits exactly on target. It doesn't misfire. It will arrange everything, arrange everything, create everything. And the birth of a new life will take place, as will the birth of a new star in the sky.
The right words will sound in your mind, timely phrases will come out of your mouth. You will create an atmosphere around yourself with kind words of love and affection. And this outbreak of the birth of a new star, the apogee of the birth of a new life will take place.
Because the word cannot be without fruit and result. It cannot but give birth to new relationships, new feelings and new lives.
Yesterday's soldiers command battalions today. And the one who was at the head of the army was demoted and dismissed.
Everything is changing. The first become the last.
And the last one becomes the first. Because life is cyclical.
If you breathed the air of defeats yesterday, then tomorrow you will feel the taste of victory.
f there were losses yesterday, there will be new gains tomorrow.
If yesterday was not enough, tomorrow will be a lot.
The outsider wins the championship.
And the applicant is transferred to the lower division. The one in whom they did not believe, achieves high results. And the one from whom they expected records, falls into a black band of defeats.
Don't be sad if something doesn't work out. After a series of disappointments, better times are sure to come.
And everything is rewarded for work and patience.
Be patient when it's hard and have fun when it's easy. And never forget that life is cyclical, and everything changes sooner or later. Sometimes, 180 degrees!
If only I could speak for you…
If only you could hear me...I'd give you a hint.That the sun has as much heat as the God of love
you will get everything in full. Your cup will be filled. To the brim!For he who believes always receives in abundance. Because the Sky is not stingy.On the contrary, all His deeds and aspirations bear the stamp of generosity.
Wait for your turn and you will be given everything. All your needs will be covered. All expectations will come true, and there will be many more pleasant surprises!
I need 100 percent. Your efforts. Your faith. Don't leave a gram, don't leave a centimeter for doubt and laziness. If at least one part of the plane is defective, then it will not take off.
Be diligent and give it your all! The time will come - you will rest. But when your participation is required, prove yourself not 99%, but 100%!We need your full dedication, then only you can count on medals. Therefore, do not feel sorry for yourself.
Only when you turn on all the jet engines, you soar upwards.I
if the job is not done perfectly and the task is not completed accurately, redo it. And everyone who would like to reproach you would look at the floor with sadness. Because there will be nothing to reproach you for.
I would like to tape or pin to pin these words in bright colors so that you always remember them. The words that everything will be fine with you. That everything will be OK! Or simply: EVERYTHING WILL HAPPEN!
Wake up and say these words. Create this program of optimism. Give birth to positive lines! Predict the good. Prophesy about the best
Let everything take place in your life. What is in your heart is what your soul strives for. And, what opposes this, let him go aside and make way.
LET even time obeys all your plans. Let it work for you. Let it supply you with everything you need. Let circumstances and people pave the way to your dream. I command! I proclaim! And you believe.
Nothing can resist this Code of my words and your faith.This is our secret agreement with you, which does not oblige you to anything and promises you a big profit!
You hear those footsteps. Listen carefully. The footsteps approach you and move away again. It is walking time. Past you. He doesn't care about you. He has a lot of them. Who are sitting and waiting for something. A gift of fate, or a lucky chance, or Friday. Or New Year or summer.
You don't have to wait for anything. Just get up and do it. Start and continue. Let there have been many misfires, and something has already been lost, something can no longer be restored...
But anyway, get up and do it. What you can do. Do it! Go ahead. Commit and improve.
Do a serious thing, or just continue on your way. The time will no longer matter to you. It will become indifferent to you, because you will forever write your name in the list of those who made this world a little better.
And your life will never be the same again. Because you will be saturated with this creative process of transforming your inner world, renewing the formats of your consciousness and deifying your beautiful, precious and eternal soul.
Do not think that having reached something, you need to stop. You haven't fully opened up yet.
A diamond is beautiful when you look at it from a distance. It's even more beautiful up close. And when you look at it under a magnifying glass, you admire it.
Today they look at you from afar - yes, you are good, but you have not yet revealed all the facets of your versatile personality.
Your potential is great! Your reserves are immense!Work on shining like a jewel. Make it so that people can't take their eyes off you.Don't stop there.
If you've won something, it doesn't mean that you can now lock yourself in the locker room, eat ice cream and snore for hours on end.
You haven't done everything yet. You haven't completed your mission yet. You didn't do everything possible to make your life and those people you influence even better
Go ahead, improve and don't wait for a reward, then it will come to you.
Or maybe she won't come to you, but to your children or your grandchildren.
Not a single kind word, not a single effort, will be in vain, everything will be taken into account and will give its result!
Not everything has been told yet. Not everything has been heard yet. Not everything is written yet.
That's not all!If it seems to you that it's already over. Say: no, not everything! Everything was just a rehearsal.
It's time to enjoy life – this rhythm of movement, the spectrum of active actions.
You will enter the arena and take the bull by the horns with your own hands. You'll do whatever you have to do. Beautiful, technical and confident!
Stop looking from the sidelines. Now you will be in the center. Now you will be in the main role.
Now you will be admired!Now a flag will be raised in your honor.Because, the one who overcomes himself, overcoming the jitters, he necessarily ascends to the top.
Heaven generously bestows those who are not indifferent, who believe, who get down to business and act. They achieve their goal, they perform feats and set records, lighting fires in human eyes and bringing human hearts into rapture and awe!
You'll be irresistible. It will be, simply, an avalanche of your skill and your abilities!You'll be like you've never been before!
Technically, beautifully and inspiringly you will perform everything you have learned. And let today be one of the most significant days in your life, which will be recorded in the column of your successes!
Your superiority will be so obvious that the opponent's fans will look at the floor until the end of the game. Because there will be an impeccable demonstration of your power, confidence and strength in the arena.
Be able to hear words that, at first glance, mean nothing and are thrown by chance. But they reveal the state of the inner world of the person who uttered them.
By these words you have heard, you penetrate into the sacred places of the human soul and see what he will never show or tell. Because there is no lie in randomly thrown words, and they expose the soul.
Be able to listen to silence, it will definitely reveal something to you, remind you of something, tell you about something.
Disconnect from everything, turn everything off and listen to the revelation of silence.In silence you can hear your soul. She also wants to be heard, she also has something to say to you.
Everything that is in your life right now makes sense.
The ticking of the alarm clock and a picture on the wall. Old books on the shelf and photos in the album. Lonely tree outside the window. And that children's laughter in the yard.
All this makes up some important, sacred part of your life, which is more important than it seems.
It keeps you from the abyss. Restores you after losses and disappointments.
Listen and take a closer look at what you didn't pay attention to before. Open your heart to love and your mind to understanding.
And you will definitely understand something, you will see something.And this new look can be extremely important for you, and maybe even it will change your life.
Because sometimes it needs to be changed. And put everything from head to toe. And perhaps vice versa.
Don't rush winter, don't wait for spring. Come to the window. Enjoy this landscape. Let him calm you down. Let there be silence in your soul. Let winter cool your passions and emotions.
Stop firing the cannon, stop waving the flag! Just look at these lights, at this snow, at this world and bless everything you see.
And if your window is frozen and covered with frost, then admire this unique, amazing ornament, which the artist so diligently brought out. And suddenly, you will feel warmth, and everything will begin to melt in your soul, as if you have returned to childhood and become a little girl again.
Streams will flow in your heart. And these streams will carry away everything that tormented and burdened.All the icebergs will melt and turn into water, nothing will remain. No cold.So in the middle of winter, spring will come to your soul. And everything will begin to blossom in you!
Because you are able to melt ice, you are able to love, you are able to warm! And this will always be inherent in you, even if it's winter around, and there are intricate figures of an unknown artist on the windows.
Everything matters now. Because you've grown up and understand that there is nothing accidental. What you sow sprouts in life. And the result of today's tests will shape your future.
Today everything will be revealed, everything will manifest and light up. Your kindness or your callousness. Your sympathy or your indifference. Your diligence or your laziness. Your heart will become transparent in the light of the actions and deeds that you will do.
Your intentions will become obvious to everyone, because no one can hide anything. Everything comes out and becomes apparent.
Don't think anything. Go outside and watch the snowflakes swirl in the light of the lampposts. Look, on each of them there is a seal of perfection, generosity and love.
Let there be only this snow and you. And nothing else. You unhook everything superfluous and useless from yourself, and it is carried away into the depths of space.You look at this snow and realize that this is not the only gift that is sent from above.
There, in the heavenly storehouses, there are many beautiful and amazing things that are prepared, including for you.
Open your heart to everything that is sent from above and find joy and harmony for your soul. Proclaim to heaven that you accept His gifts. Everything it wants to give you, you accept and enrich your life with it.
And you will enjoy this life. You'll be happy. And nothing will confuse you, because you are establishing a Kingdom of love and harmony in your heart. You accept it from above, like these snowflakes.
And every time it snows, you proclaim that again and again you accept into your life all the generosity and love of Heaven and wish to have a part in that on which there is a seal of perfection.
This city will soon be covered with leaves. Or even snow. Let it be autumn. Or even winter. Let what was boiling cool down. Let the update come. Let a rethink come. Let understanding come. And a revelation.
In the moments of cloudy silence, let the people of this city hear God. We have to learn something, understand something, assimilate something in order to move on. To go in the right direction and act confidently and clearly.
Let the time of victories come for the tired residents of this city. Let the rewards for their hard work and patience become a reality today.
Let there be the right words for the disappointed. Let there be hands that will wipe away the tears on the face of the unfortunate, sick. Let there be someone who will comfort. Let there be someone who will inspire and say: we will get up, we will go forward. And we will get the victory!
And those who no longer believe in anything, let them find faith again today. He will hear some words, and faith will return to him. She would return to him like a lost daughter. She's lost somewhere. And now, she's coming back…
And we'll have a celebration in honor of her return. Because if today faith has returned to at least one person in this city, that city will live. This city will have faith. This city will have a soul. And this city will still rejoice..
No one will figure you out. Everything visible that catches the eye when meeting you is just a piece, just a star in this endless galaxy of your soul, which discover again and again, and admire.
The recesses of your nature and the backstage of your subconscious are so vast that you can endlessly find new beginnings in them, and see what is worthy of admiration.
Immerse yourself in love. Forever. Let it reign throughout your territory, in the vastness of your heart. Let her direct all the movements of the mind and soul. Enter into love, inhabit it and be in it incessantly! Love this world, love these people, love this life. Love just like that, without conditions.
Pour out these feelings, this kindness and care on everything that surrounds you. Stay in love every day. This is a natural state for you.
Your gaze will become bright, the energy of youth and love will be reflected on your face, and everyone will see this ocean of love in your eyes. And they will want to swim in it. And they will gain strength, comfort, and inspiration! And they will always wish to be near you.
Don't promise me anything. I promise you.I promise you all the kindest and best. Someone has to promise you. Because the soul wants to hear the words of the promise. Because it gives hope. And you can't live without hope.
A promise is like a prediction, it's like a prophecy. Because words are given to promise, predict, revive faith, encourage, inspire.
When promises come from the heart, they will come true. I promise you not episodes of happiness, but a full happy life. A life where harmony and peace reign. This is achievable with the help of your faith, with the help of your inner resources and with the help of Heaven.
I promise you that even your innermost dreams and desires will come true. If you have been in oblivion for a long time, in difficulties, then it is time to acquire and reward for everything that you have suffered.
Let the dark change to light, the weak change to strong. Where there was a minus, there will be a plus. Where there were losses, now there will be gains.
I promise you this, because words, like strong warriors, make their way far beyond the horizon and bring from there everything you need. They also reach the depths of your being, crush all the dungeons, open windows and doors, and if necessary, light what should burn and not go out.
The old people of this city. They prefer to hope. They prefer to die in hope. All their lives they lived in hope. And in hope they die.
But because it is impossible to live in any other way, and even more so to die. Although there seems to be nothing to hope for. But, anyway, they hope. Out of habit. Or because the soul needs hope.
The mind understands everything. The mind has long been a pessimist. But the soul still hopes. The soul believes. The soul has not cooled down.
What the old people of this city have experienced. Everything was in their lives: unexpected joy, deep sadness, the anguish of separation and enthusiastic meetings. Everything was. But seems the main thing never happened.
And so they leave with hope. They will receive all their rewards and privileges in that life, or we will receive them here, because they worked, they believed, they hoped, and everything will come true for us according to their faith, according to their hope.
Love this city. Become a peacemaker or an inspiration to the people living here. There is a need for this. Because the level of tension and anxiety sometimes exceeds the limits of what is possible. Everyone in this city wants kind words about love and hope. Therefore, speak and proclaim it.
Become a messenger from heaven and assume the authority of a prophet. Someone has to do this thankless job. For many have become weak and have left this field. Therefore, you act!
Stop enmity and disputes, relieve tension, reason, comfort, encourage.And your life will be transformed. Because the one who raises his voice for the truth and reminds of the main thing, who comforts the people and brings them out, receives the reward of the prophet. And his name is entered in the list of winners. And the winner, as you know, gets everything!
You are the author of your melody, under which your life flows.I believe that she is beautiful and unique. I believe that it is dominated by major tones. It is, of course, full of drama, like your whole life... But this is live music, not a soundtrack.
I believe in you. In your strength. In your abilities. A person needs to be believed in. Then he is capable of a lot. Then he will draw extraordinary pictures, compose delightful poems, perform heroic feats.
Because faith reveals and brings to the surface all abilities and talents, strengthens feelings, liberates the mind. Everything that was preserved there, at the depth of your being, let it come out and be embodied in your daily life, in your activities.
Rediscover yourself, realize and embody all your potential, all your abilities that can be revealed at absolutely any age. And it will give you a new fuse for life. It will give you meaning and inspiration.And may this stream of hope, spring and joy always run from the porch of your house.
Your soul doesn't age. You will always be full of hope and optimism. Even if the outer shell will change, and the "facade" will be affected by the action of time, the soul will always remain unchanged.
You have the same feelings and sensations as decades ago.
And let your youth return today, and arrange a holiday in your soul.
You will subordinate your whole being to youth and renewal. Now!You submit yourself to these fresh streams of new-born forces that awaken in you and strengthen your spirit.You are literally filled with these forces. You'll never feel old. If a new day comes, then an update will come.
Therefore, you are guaranteed this carnival of youth, enthusiasm and optimism. You will be so triumphant and celebrate the return of your youth that you will lead others around.
And you will no longer be sad. Because, you will swing this pendulum, you will light a fuse that will simply break this inviolable reserve, these vaults, these boxes with your reserves, where joy and a cheerful spirit are stored.
You will trigger these mechanisms of renewal, rebirth and regeneration. You turn the key in the lock, you turn on the extra engines. And it will be, simply, a stunning fast and furious in your performance.
Let be movement!
Let the wind in your face.
Let there be a search and aspirations!
Let this movie go on without end. Because life needs to be lived, not overslept.
Be a participant, not a spectator. Let it give you the creeps. Let there be a thrill of the soul, let the intensity of emotions. Enjoy. When it's all there, it's the best time of your life. It doesn't matter how many victories and defeats you have. How many successes and disappointments.
And when time or the next generations will distribute prizes, you will definitely be on the list. And your well-deserved awards, maybe even in some unknown way, will still find you!
Do not allow one thought that everything was in vain. There was nothing in vain in your life. Everything made sense. All meetings, all events, all emails, all calls, all actions.
Everything had its meaning. Everything played its part.I'm just authorized to announce it to you. Everything that was – should have been!
Just be in the coordinate system of goodness and love. Then you can slow down and lower the degree of haste, because everything will come anyway - what should come. Smoothly, easily and calmly. Accept it by faith, and then contemplate these new phenomena and new events in your life!
Sometimes you have to lose something or spend something to gain something new. Do not regret when you lose something, do not hold back what should be taken from you.
Pass it on, let it go by the waters, all of us, a kind of transit platforms to transmit, to ferry, to give, to squander. Do not clamp it in your fist or under your armpits, but unclench and let go.
Smile and be happy. Because everything will be replenished, restored and strengthened!Your bins will increase. You will break down the old granaries and build new, more spacious ones, because the old one will no longer be able to accommodate what Heaven will prepare for you for your generosity.
This city will not deceive. He will give you everything he has. Don't ask more of him. On a sunny autumn day, he is so beautiful. And all this beauty is for you. This is a modest and very valuable gift for you. This is how the city confesses its sympathy to you. He cares about you. He needs you. You are very dear to this city.
Your soul is a part of the soul of this city. So inextricably together you will grow, become wiser, transform, overcome winters and difficult times. And this city, as always, will be devoted to you. You will find everything here for your soul, for your mind. And visible and invisible gains will come to you here and make you happy.
This city has long conquered your heart with its loyalty to you. And you can leave this city, but this city will remain loyal to you.
He will still be the same simple-minded, at whom you can be angry, but forgive him everything, because you are drowning in this boundless mutual love and there is nothing you can do about it.
When you are devastated, when you are sad, when you suffer, know that at this moment something new is born in your soul. Something that can radically transform your life. Because it is only through pain that birth takes place.
Those who have not experienced pain cannot give birth to anything. The one who felt pain is involved in the high and creative process of creativity. And creativity is a Divine trait in a person that deifies and exalts a person. If there is no pain, there is nothing. No joy, no wisdom, no love. No life. It doesn't make any sense.
All good things come through pain. All good things come through suffering, through sweat, through tears, through effort and through struggle.
You have fought, you have endured, you have carried this cross on your shoulders, then please receive in your hour, your dividends and rewards due to you.
You'll have a roadside dance. Today. You will stop on this highway of your life, get out of the car, step away from the road and listen to the silence, you will admire the clouds, listen to the birds singing, you will feel the scent of the forest - this fragrance of life, and you will feel that somewhere there, inside, something is waking up and blooming like a flower. It is your soul that is in awe, it wants to whisper something to you, and these are the words: "I feel good."
Your soul is beautiful like the scarlet color of mountain ash, it is amazing and unique like a snowflake, it is beautiful like a sunset, it is always young like spring.
Everything is simple and easy. Make stops on your highway, contemplate, watch, listen. Get inspired. Strengthen yourself. Refresh yourself.
All your resources will start to flow like a fountain. You will feel and see things that you have never known or heard of. Take time for your soul, at least minutes or even seconds. Arrange a dance for her on the side of the road. Dancing is slow or fast.
Pride despises reproof, just as the fat despise the slim, and the old despise the young. Just as stupidity hates wisdom, and hypocrisy does not tolerate sincerity.
Evil will always be active on this earth. Because there is good, and this is the main irritant for evil.If evil rages and makes noise, it means that good has been revealed somewhere nearby. And it haunts him. It want to humiliate him, insult him, slander him and even crucify him.
But good is indestructible. It resurrects in glory, and turns all lies and malice into dust and ashes by its presence.Therefore, beware of destructive feelings inside yourself, so that at the crucial moment you do not burn out of shame or from the brightness of light and the greatness of goodness.
Don't think anyone is stupid or weak in this city. Because everyone means something in this city, everyone is like one of the pieces of the mosaic, without which the whole picture of this city will not be complete and complete.
Each person is of special value. Every person here is unique and irreplaceable.
And any person in this city has the right to speak to you and be heard, and his point of view is taken into account and assimilated by you.
Everyone can teach you something. If your mind is open to novelty, to new ideas, then there will be progress in your life, there will be inspiration. And after that, gains and victories will come. Be ready to hear important words and new truths. And from the mouth of any person.
New knowledge, new information will inspire you and lift you to heights. Let your spirit soar. Let him see the beauty of this city, its harmony and perfection, which becomes visible only from the height of flight. And the human word let lifts you to this flight.
Everything will work out. Your intuition and subconscious will lead you to where you need to be, and to who you need to be with.Everything will take place. You will put on your festive outfit, and open a new page in your life.
There are a thousand ways to do this and another spare, just in case. Therefore, your chances are very high.Be on the front line. Don't sit in the rear. Then you'll take yours. You will conquer the land that should be conquered and you will capture what should be captured by you.
And your banner will develop before the eyes of astonished people who did not believe in you. But this will only be the beginning of your victories, conquests and acquisitions!
Everyone sees you glance, your walk and your manners. And some even read your mind. I swear. Therefore, never play a role. Don't inflate yourself into something meaningful. Do not artificially magnify value of yourself in the eyes of other people.
Everyone will tear off your mask very quickly. And it will be your shame. You will be blacklisted until you become sincere.
Only then will your chance increase and your rating will increase when you become yourself. Always and everywhere.
Everything is the same as it was then. You're the same, even though childhood has long passed. Life has not been able to erase your spontaneity, curiosity and trustfulness. Your heart is just as kind and affectionate. Your soul is just as bright and pure.
Looking at the children, your heart is touched, all the icicles melt when you come into contact with this purity with these eyes that are so trusting and that need love and protection so much.You will endow this world with love. Everyone who needs your love will get it.
You will transmit your light and warmth to other people. You will give yourself, so your sources will never dry up and the treasury of your soul will never be empty.And in many years your soul will be the same little girl as it is now. Kind and bright. Who will give her love to others, who will be direct, simple, pure and sincere. Therefore, it will be very easy and joyful for everyone next to you.
You will not tolerate deception, deception and betrayal. You clearly see the difference between a fake and an original. And I know you need a breakthrough. You need a leap forward.
You need to move towards your success. Stomping on the spot is not about you. A fresh look and vigorous movement are what you need.
And everything, of course, begins with your heart, with your soul, with this invisible, but real entity that is able to love, sympathize and empathize, discover something new in this world, in people and in yourself, and experience awe when you stand on the threshold of the unknown.
Be generous with kind words, encourage and support, inspire and comfort, and the rivers of love and gracious gifts will flow to you. Maybe it won't be right away, but you show, nevertheless, diligence and constancy.
The fact that you are a caring person is a guarantee that you will certainly find what you want and achieve your goals.
And it doesn't matter whether you believe in these words or not. My faith alone is enough to make everything come true for you and the best things happen in your life, because you follow the path of goodness and creation. Even if it's dark and cold around. Even if the rain and wind meet you.
When a strong person shows humility, it emphasizes his dignity. When a fool shows pride, it aggravates his madness.
And convincing and proving something is a strange and unnecessary occupation.It is preferable to win human hearts and souls with your love, kindness and hope. Do exactly that. Always. And you will see that nothing can resist you.
Therefore, let the time of stupid scenarios go away. Let the time of revelations and transformations come. Let all the obsessive quiet down and go away. Let the heart dictate the music now.
Let the soul compose rhymes now. Let the Spirit guide and guide. And tomorrow, with a new twist of fate, you will be able to count on something significant. More full-fledged and significant that does not devalue and does not rust.
Do not step back, because you may not be able to regain the positions that you will give up. And the enemy will drive you to your complete ruin and defeat.
Therefore, do not make even the slightest compromise.Don't miss a beat. For, even the strong fall dead if they allow you to miss just one blow.
Stay where you are. Keep what you have. By doing this, you will already increase your advantage and show your superiority, and then you will move forward and turn everything that rebels against you into dust and ashes.
I do not know how, but you must catch this smell of your spring, the smell of your youth, the smell of your hopes. Catch that smell, or remember it, or resurrect it.
Feed on it and be inspired. Be on top. Go ahead without fear. Activate and act! Breathe deeply. You must swallow this air, the air of your youth, the air of your victory.
May this wind of your youth hit you in the face again and cleanse you of all moping! Today you will find yourself! Today you will turn into a young man with a lot of prospects and desires! A man with a warm heart and bright eyes! Then you don't care about anything. And you will simply be provided with a breakthrough forward.
You go on the offensive, and the anthem of your victory is already beginning to sound in your young and brave soul! And it doesn't matter what lies ahead - a fight or a struggle or patience. You're full of energy again. You are inspired and strengthened! You will play ahead of the curve and score your points!
When there are no words, it's not bad either. There are moments when words are not needed.Let there be silence. Let it indicate the significance of what was said earlier.
Let her enhance the effect of those last words.Let this silence give you a new revelation. Let understanding come. A new look.
No hurry to break the silence. Don't rush to talk. Think before you say how your words will sound and how they will be perceived.Silence can sometimes say more than words. Silence doesn't lie. It is always sincere.
You can always get up if you fall. You are always given a chance to get back on your feet and continue on your way. Only weak people do not fall, because they, having fallen once, lie in dust and dirt and do not rise. The strong, having fallen, always gets up.
"You can ascend to heaven from any angle," Spinoza said. And Christians claim that it is possible to rise above the sky, and even from the deepest depression.If you don't believe in Spinoza or Christ, then model your philosophy that would awaken you and make you move in a progressive direction.
Trust the captain of the ship, who knows where to sail, and he has all the accompanying tools and attributes to bring the ship to the right harbor.If you agree, then time and circumstances will put everything in its place and the road to these scarlet sails will be cleared for you. Show a desire for the best - this will already be your small victory, opening the door to great achievements.
I'm giving you this ticket. It's like we're on a bus, and we're going somewhere. Take it, maybe he's happy. Because one day a lucky ticket must fall into your hands. Because there have already been too many losses. Now it's time for retribution, it's time for happy tickets. In your life, of course. Exactly, in your life!
You'll be pulling out lucky tickets everyday. Let these tickets open all the doors for you. You will get on these tickets to such a show that you will get goosebumps all over your body, and your heart will melt with delight and surging feelings. Because life, in fact, is never meager. And she always presents pleasant surprises, especially after a time of losses and failures.
Again you will be the first violin in the orchestra. Because whoever has faith is not drowned. And after the black streak, he ascends to such heights that even those who look at his victorious ascent are dizzy.
I was angry at this city. I was angry on this endless rush-a race on the roads, on the manifestation of selfishness and unfriendliness of some of its inhabitant.
I sat down at a table in the mall. Suddenly I saw a little girl walking with her mother. The girl was limping badly. She had bad legs. Her knees were bent inwards and every step was given to her with great difficulty. In her hand she held a small children's purse.
I looked at her as she walked, at her purse, at the mother's trembling attention to her daughter, and every negative was already dissolving in my heart. Stronger feelings of love and compassion flooded my soul.
I was distracted for a moment, then I looked up again, the girl was walking slowly, there at the end of the hall. She walked with a limp, holding tightly to her mother's hand. I kept looking at her, and for some reason my heart was already pouring with tears.
The girl did not realize that today she had cured someone's soul.
This city, it is imperfect, but it wants to be liked, it wants to live and bring something to this world. He wants to be happy. He wants attention, care, love. And, of course, he needs a reliable hand.
Don't get mad at anything. Be lenient. Be kind, responsive. And while your hand is still warm, give it to someone who needs it.
And we will melt the ice of this city! How this girl melted my heart today.
Let the light that is inside you break through. Let it flow like ringing music, like clear waters, like the rays of the rising sun. May your words and your look be filled with the warmth that is in abundance in your soul.
Rejoice and have fun, you have so many sources of goodness and light that will last for a long time. Enough for everyone! You'll never burn out, you'll never get tired. Pour out your love on this world, on everything that needs it. Let everything around be transformed under the bright rays of your kindness and your love.
Love is always at the center. Everything revolves around her. It cannot be overlooked. It attracts the hearts, it attracts the eyes.
And even evil cannot resist love. It subsides, it is powerless before love. And love captivates evil and dissolves it without a trace.
It's too early for you to fold, you still need to stay on the track, or in this ring. Play to the last. Something will be there, at the finish line, because those who are dedicated to their work to the end - they turn minds, they open new worlds in a person, give birth to new feelings and a new understanding of what is happening.
Their song will sound for a long time, their melody will not stop, it will still touch hearts and make souls tremble.
Because they went to the end, even when they were not believed in.And at the last line they turned back and saw the fruit of their life, and left with calmness. Remaining forever in human memory.
Linger longer on the essential. Do not rush to look away from things that deserve attention. Some detail, insignificant at first glance, can reveal unusual features of an object or phenomenon.
But most of all, what you should look at is a person. He's worth looking at. Each person is a whole universe with infinite worlds and countless colors. Each one can be opened again and again. Everyone deserves surprise, and at a closer look, admiration.
Look closely at what seems ordinary, and you will definitely discover a new angle, a new composition, a new line, new tones. You need all this. For the encouragement of your spirit, for the renewal of your mind, for the revival of relationships.
Don't judge a person. Maybe he was born that way. Or maybe he became like that. He's like that, and there's nothing you can do. Such an eye color. Such a face. Such a speech. This behavior. Accept it. And if you don't want to, go, turn around and leave, but don't judge, don't blame him for being like that. He may regret it too. And makes efforts to become better. And even the tiniest efforts are good.
Praise him for this, and your words of encouragement will be just what you need. Because words will awaken all the kindest beginnings and increase his efforts, which he shows, which means there is a chance that we will see a completely different person - transformed and spiritualized, in whom you will already draw strength and find support.
And it all starts with words of support, with kindness in your heart, in understanding and assistance that you will certainly show to change this world for the better and individuals in particular.
You don't know anything about yourself yet. The whole truth about you can be told only by the sound of the sea surf or blooming snowdrops, or the flaming flame of a candle in moments of silence. Discover what is in you.
Let all these sources of optimism and love, hidden in you, and revealed to the world only partially, come into action. Let it be a fair of smiles, let it be this parade of kindness. Let this color of emotions and feelings come to the surface.
Let the precious stone of your soul shine, let all facets of its beauty and brilliance be revealed. And let everyone who comes into contact with him come into complete delight.
Is it possible to forgive a person for stupidity. - Yes, you can. God forgives, and you forgive. You, too, have done stupid things.
Is it possible to forgive a person his pride.- This is more difficult. Because a proud man does not need your forgiveness or God's forgiveness. But someday there will come a moment when a person will see clearly and realize that he needs forgiveness. Then don't reject him. Be lenient with him.
Then God will show leniency to you, in due time. For example, when you commit another stupid thing.
When you had lose, you don't have to prove anything and explain anything. Just put your head down and stand still. Silently.No more words. Because You should have spoken earlier. And it was necessary to act competently. But you didn't succeed...
Well, then admit defeat. Don't act like a superman. And say, yes, I failed this exam, I did not pass the test. This test was too much for me.
Accept and accept this reality.Then only a miracle is possible, and in the count of credits, in an amazing way, that test tick will still appear. Because the one who admits his mistakes can claim the condescension of man and the mercy of Heaven. And even with an unsuccessful exam, he still goes to the next class and rises to a new level.
You will have no dependence on numbers, on age, on people, on their opinions! Nothing will knock you down or overcome you. I proclaim Independence Day in your life!
All the pretenders to your soul who would like to subdue you, put you in a cage or in a frame,they will be ashamed and discouraged, because you will raise your head and boldly go forward!
You will overcome all the fears, distrust and prejudices that have dominated you and shackled you. You are a person with great potential, with a deep inner world. You're a man of character!
You have a lot of abilities and large internal reserves, which you will certainly put into action!And let all your detractors be sad, because you will rise up, you will recover. And you will strengthen!
And such a colorful holiday will begin on your street, such a celebration of the spirit, such a feast that the hearts of even the most hardened skeptics will melt.
And this transformation of your life will be a very vivid and convincing fact that will only emphasize the strength of your personality, the strength of your faith. And the strength of your spirit!
This day is needed in order to start a new stage or rise to a new level. What happened yesterday is history. And today you are given a chance to shape your future, which will be better than your past.
All the negativity that has accumulated and what weakens your faith, just throw off yourself like a worn-out coat.
Get rid of the ballast to get up, don't carry this bag of waste from past disappointments with you.
Purify, regenerate, strengthen yourself. Set yourself up for achievements. Set goals. Believe!
Everything is only in your hands. What didn't work out yesterday will work out today. Order record heights, don't be content with little. You are capable of more, and you deserve more.
Show a new maximum of your efforts and efforts today!
That's what you were created for. That's what you came for.
Don't upset the people who believe in you. Don't let them down with your carefree attitude.Let your heart burn and boil.
Do your job honestly and correctly. Shake yourself up! Awaken all the best in yourself! Then at some point you will feel additional strength, inspiration, because the Sky will turn on and will actively help you.
Make your wildest dreams come true. Then you will see joy in the hearts of those people who are dear to you.
The reward is for your hard work and efforts, it's not just for you. It's for everyone around you. And even for your enemies and rivals, your success and your victory are very important.They wanted you to never be first- always second, third, fourth. But you will be the first if you tear all your doubts and weak links out of yourself and throw them away from you.
And this will be your new start. This will be the beginning of your acceleration. You will gain driving force, and no one will stop you!
Everyone is capable of a feat. It doesn't matter what rank you are in, whether you are among the contenders or outsiders.
As long as you are alive, you are capable of serious deeds and even a feat. The time will come, and you will do it. Because it will be necessary.
Don't discount yourself, even if others have already done it. Be ready to save someone, help out, support. This is not always a profitable occupation. But this is what sets in motion the good forces in the universe.
Because when good deeds are done, something incredible, beyond the control of the human mind, happens there, in space.
Therefore, be involved in events of universal scale – do good deeds and feats more often, and with your help many more bright stars will be born, extraordinarily beautiful, which will shine in the cold darkness of space, and their light will always reach us.
Being in a state of rebellion is more expensive for yourself. This is a self-destructive activity. You won't change anything, but you can hurt yourself.
Everything has already been painted before you, approved and legalized, so do not rebel. Probably, you just need to obey the plan that is offered to you. Maybe he's not as bad as he looks.
Learn to be humble and accept someone else's point of view. What the Sky gives you today is the best option for you, although it does not look quite attractive.
Maybe you would like to play in the center of attack, but for now you will have to settle for an outfield defender. Prove yourself here and you will be entrusted with something more.
Believe and do everything that depends on you so that better times will come. And then, they will come.
The manifestation of wisdom and patience is better than rebellion.
You will make the right decisions. Your self-control will be higher than the mountains, and your self-discipline will be your life belt.
You will be effective in all your endeavors. Nothing will unsettle you. No waves and winds will knock you down. You will be strong and strong, firm and confident.
You will be a spiritual, positive person, so people around you will feel good with you.
Your constancy on this good path will lead you to success. Your success will not be temporary and will not be accidental. It will be logical.
Strengthening the spirit, improving, developing intellectually, you will go to new achievements, and nothing will prevent you from reaching new heights.
Prudence will guide all your steps. You will act correctly, clearly and unmistakably. You will control your behavior. Every minute you will subordinate yourself to common sense.
All uncoordinated actions and failures are in the past. They are forever left behind. And all the consequences of mistakes will be neutralized.
You will be patient and wise. You will be able to concentrate your attention at any moment.
And you will be attentive to details. For the details reveal the essence of what is happening.
You will be strengthened, and your spirit will be strengthened. Your potential will be revealed. You will become a strong person with a kind heart and a noble soul!
Proclaim that everything you need will be found. And if you need to open secret vaults for you, then words will do it. They have universal keys to open any doors.
As much as you need, so much will be! Forces, time, means. Say so. Spread the road in front of you. Open the sky for the outpouring and blessings in your life.
Give birth to words of faith and strength - and it will come into your life. Say the words of kindness and hope - and you will be sated with it. Proclaim with your mouth about love, about well-being, about healing, and it will all fill your life.
All the best will be with you. With fullness, with prosperity, with excess. The word and faith are something that sneaks into the deepest places and marks the boundaries of its possession there.
When you are on the side of kind words and faith, you are always on the side of the winner and on the way to conquer new lands, and if necessary, then hearts!
Every day is an opportunity for you to show your kindness. The poor, the hungry - this is a litmus test that reveals what happens in your heart at the sight of this need.
Is your heart capable of giving, of generosity. If you have passed by someone in need, it means that you have not yet understood anything in life and have not learned anything.
And if you are merciful, then your smallest sacrifice can turn into a big profit. You will not lose your reward even when you feed the hungry birds waiting for help from man, just as man expects help from God.
When you see someone hungry or wandering, how does your heart feel about him? Answering this question, you will answer another one, "How does God treat you?"
Do not avoid the beggar to give him alms, then you will avoid meeting with need. When a needy person is standing on the other side of the street, go over to his side and give him as much as your conscience will prompt you!And be afraid to exalt yourself over the poor man even mentally, because you will have to pay for it with a large coin.
When the praise of the Creator ascends to heaven from your lips, the crows hurriedly scatter, the demons gallop away from your place. Rivers enter their banks, hills are lowered, lowlands are straightened.
The soul is saturated, the body calms down and is filled with new strength, because the infinite generosity of the Creator fills every cell of your being with innumerable benefits.
Not once a week, but seven times a day, come to worship the Creator with praise and thanksgiving. Because it is not religion that saturates the soul and not words on duty, but a kind and long-lasting relationship with the Creator and a lively cordial communication with Him.
Strive for it without expecting anything. And you will get everything!
This is the sky. And you. Just you and the sky. And nothing else. It takes you by the hand, hugs you, hugs you to itself. You hear this quiet whisper of the sky, it confesses something to you, it tells you something very important.It loves you, it believes in you. It protects you.You, only you and the music of heaven. And this music is in you. It sounds in your soul. Listen to her.
Be able to hear the music of heaven among the sounds of the earth. She's beautiful. Your soul merges with it into a single whole. And this is an inexplicable mystery when the sky penetrates into you and fills your soul with joy and peace, and all the cells of your body with vigor and strength.
You just give yourself up to this flight, this mystical experience. You are enjoying this song of heaven.
Wounds are healing, feelings are awakening, your soul is filled with warmth, your heart is trembling, waiting for new meetings, new words, new music.
You are absorbed, you are defeated by this new feeling. You are discouraged by this new turn, where on the next turn of life, in an instant, your earthly nature and all the power of the blue skies merge.
On the day when you have to fight, take care of your strength. Talk less. Don't pay attention to the little things. Do not look at passers-by, and even more so in their eyes, it can devastate you.
When the duel begins, your gaze should express readiness for action. You should not lose concentration even during pauses.
Fill your mind with psychological attitudes. Scroll through them in your brain and you will see how all the fish will swim into your nets. All the most beautiful birds will flock to your window.
All the spotlights will be directed at you. And the cheers will be addressed to you. And you will take in your hands what you deserve, and you will rejoice! Because you believe that the Word helps a person to tune in. And win!
I won't tell you anything. And don't ask me what to do and how to act. You have a soul, listen to what it tells you. Listen to what your heart tells you, what your conscience tells you.
No need to look naive and wait for someone's instructions and advice. I'll just point out my presence next to you and be silent. Because silence is sometimes more eloquent than loud words and strong gestures.
Sit down now in this silence and listen to it. Let her tell you how to behave, how to act. Look, she won't cheat. Listen to yourself. You have something to say to yourself. And then get up. Go and do it! Do your job, your duties or your feat! And then come here again. We'll talk about all this.
To gain, you sometimes need to reduce the degree of desire. Because a strong desire leads to rush and the probability of error increases.
Excessive desire blocks opportunities. Options will appear when you shift the emphasis in your life from the physical to the spiritual, from the visible to the invisible, from the temporary to the eternal.
Take care of the beauty of your soul, first of all, about the strength of your spirit, about your intellectual development and you will undoubtedly see changes for the better in all areas of your life.
Don't say, "why am I unlucky?". Better tell me, how many hours a day do you work, how much time do you devote to the business that you want to master?
You need to plow for hours without lifting your head to sow, and then sweat to harvest.
All good things are achieved by work. And all the best is by hard work. There are exceptions, but those who got everything by accident, they will not be able to fully feel the joy and satisfaction of it.
And everything that is achieved in an honest struggle and through personal efforts brings sincere joy and satisfaction. It stays with you and enriches your life.
You become rich in all respects, strong, experienced, wise, because work and effort are always progress, it is always upward movement. This is what magnifies you, and sometimes even makes you an absolute champion.
You're number one. But this does not mean that you will run without thinking about anything ahead. As a leopard sneaks up on its prey, quietly, deftly and skillfully, so you will achieve your goal, and you will not let go of what you have found.
Everything will be done by you clearly, timely and reliably. As a result, the loot will be in your hands. The goal will be achieved. The height will be taken.
Let it be a surprise for those who underestimated your strength. But it will be commonplace for you. Because you believed in yourself!
And you will multiply your faith daily, which means that you will be strengthened.
And then all the obstacles standing in your way will be dismantled, the road will be cleared. And all the arrows fired from your bow will hit exactly the target.
It's time to show all your skills, show all your abilities and skills. It's time to demonstrate the strength of your spirit and the strength of your will.
All your actions will be meaningful and reliable. Your eyes will radiate strength and confidence. Smoothly, powerfully and clearly you will manage your forces, use all your abilities.
Your composure and calmness will prevail in any possible situation.
You're unperturbed.
You pull yourself together easily.
You will find the right solutions, you will make any effort you need.
You will overcome your emotions.
You will impress your opponent with your psychological balance.
You will show your steadfastness of spirit.
You will be strong and stable. And you will go to an unconditional victory, and your superiority will be clear and obvious!
All the best and most beautiful things will suddenly burst into your life. Just wait for it. Don't give up. Continue your efforts. Everyone is destined to lose something. It is impossible in our life without it. But everyone of us finds something precious in due time..
Each of us must harden on defeats in order to gain experience and reach new heights.
And let your spirit ascend to these heights already now. Let him soar above all the little things.
May peace and confidence settle in your heart. Let them guide you and guide you. And faith, optimism and cheerfulness will be your trump cards, with which you will beat any card that life will prepare for you.
You are relaxed, you are not enslaved. You're breathing calmly. You look confident. Your movements are slow and unhurried in order to explode at the right moment and throw out that immense volcano of power that no one can resist.
You will draw strength, freshness, and energy from your inner colors, from your inner sources. You will recover easily and quickly.
And you boldly raise your eyes and go forward and show all the pressure, all your power, you awaken all your internal resources and resolutely go to victory.
You will be able to gather your will into a fist, and even if something goes wrong, you will be able to turn the tide of the battle in your favor. You know how to fight. You will be able to resist any pressure of the opponent.
Nothing will break you. You will fight, you will overcome. You will go to your victory. And you will reach it!
The prize is one. And there are a hundred applicants. Do you believe that it will be yours? You must believe.
This intensity of struggle and overcoming is the real life.You will never regret these minutes.
Believe that the prize can be yours. Many would like to believe, but they can't. They will end up on the side of the track among grass and grasshoppers.
But you will stay on the track, and maybe on lap 24, you will be alone. Everyone else will get exhausted and get off. You'll look, but there's no one ahead. You're the leader.
And it all started with faith, when you believed, when you decided to sign up for this race, when you showed determination.Then you coordinated all your efforts, you endured, you tried.
And here it is, the finishing corridor. Here they are, the flags signaling that the race is over and the winner is determined. And here it is, your victory!
All this will be in your life. If not in this race, then in the next one. If at this stage, then at another. Only you believe and strive. Sign up, participate! Do not miss the chance that Her Majesty life gives you!
Let not only the beautiful inspire you. In our world there is also imperfect, which also wants to love and claims to be happy. The sick, the defective and the imperfect need love and care even more.
Show them that if you can. If you can't, then at least, just watch. Don't turn your head away.
Them need very little from you. Them need your kind, friendly glance. No one needs your sympathy.
Them need your participation. You can transform them with your warmth, your kind attitude and support.
Following this, you will transform your heart, which is also imperfect. Your heart needs to be made kinder and more tolerant.
An imperfect plot will soften your heart. Perhaps this is the Creator's plan, which allows the imperfection of some to make others more perfect.And tomorrow, everything can change places.
Time will pass, and you will behave within the framework of what you have read and listened to. I have filled your consciousness with good seeds, so I am calm for you.
You will be saying all this to other people without even realizing it. You will convince them of what you have read here. Because the word sprouts even where the soil is dry.
This is an invariable property of the word - to germinate in the souls, to change people's lives, to change vectors, signs and trends.
Everything will be polished, everything will shine. I'm talking about your soul. About your priceless, eternal soul. It will shine and shimmer. Because it has to be like that. This is her natural state. And she will reach that state.
You're no better than the others. But not worse. Have a cool attitude towards yourself, and not hot and fiery feelings of narcissism, but do not fall into the other extreme – dislike and hatred for yourself. Overestimated self–esteem, as well as underestimated, is useless.
Don't hate yourself too much, if you make a mistake, it weakens your spirit. And don't eat yourself, don't think too much about yourself, it's punishable.Also, do not even admit the thought that you are weak or incapable of something. Don't say out loud the words "I can't", "I can't do it".
Ask your brain a different program so that it searches and friends all the resources so that you can do everything and you succeed. Everything will be found in you, in your internal reserves, the rest will be added by Heaven.Do not spare time, do not count the years, every day as long as you live on earth will bring you new joys, new strength, new insights.
Update! A new look. New ideas. New poems. New hopes.As long as life goes on and a new dawn comes, there will be novelty in your life.
Welcome the new day with joy. Because everything new is born in it. New colors, new emotions, new paintings. Let every morning fill you with inspiration, desire, aspiration.
Don't be afraid of anything, go where you haven't been and do what you haven't done yet. You have to see something that has never been seen before, and you have to hear something unheard of yet. Understand what you didn't understand before. And open something that was still closed yesterday.
Everything that was still covered with a fog of uncertainty and was inaccessible yesterday will remove the veil of secrecy and the meaning and significance of what is happening will be revealed. One condition – be ready for this.
A person receives knowledge and revelation when he is ready to receive it. When his eyes and ears are open. When his mind is searching. All the cards will open in front of you. You will see all the roads and paths. You will see the beginning and the end. You'll understand a lot. The meaning and significance of the events will be revealed to you.
This is one of the wonderful properties of life – understanding things and objects – everything that surrounds you. Give yourself to this search. Ascend this mountain of wisdom, from where you can see this still wonderful world.
When there is your exit, you will walk to the center with a firm and confident step, and the eyes of all those present will be fixed on you. You won't give the audience the slightest reason to doubt your inner strength.
You won't give your opponent a single chance to feel superior to you. There will be only one actor, only one main character on stage and the only contender for the crown. You'll take the initiative. You will subdue the course of the duel and turn everything to the right place.
The opponent's plans and preparations will become useless, because no one will tame your element. You will release your lion from the cage, and the rivals will be confused by your actions.
Everything big and tall will become small and helpless against your background. Because you come to understand that your inner potential, your reserve is so great that it is enough to move mountains out of your way. And the desire for your victory is so strong that they will melt the ice of Antarctica.
I speak a strange language. This language is understandable to those who believe, who have not forgotten how to hear and whose heart has not turned to stone.
Be here, on this wave. Let the desire to create and transform yourself and the world around you be your daily need.
We will compose new poems, sing heavenly hymns, do something kind and beautiful. Because the one who understands my speech will never be a lagging outsider. It will strengthen, and it will act.
And if all the awards bypass you, despite your hard work and efforts, it means only one thing that you will receive a reward of a higher rank, the value of which is higher than anything else.
And you will certainly get it.
Not because you wanted her. But because you deserve it!
Simple meetings, simple relationships. A simple life. All the best and genuine is born in simplicity. In the simplicity of the heart. Do a reboot, go back to simplicity.
To simple words. To simple actions. To simple food. This is the most reliable and effective means to improve life. Let every burden fall off, let every tension fall off. Let there be a pause. Time out!
Let the crossfire die down, and let the senseless race be stopped.Simplicity will always be at the forefront. It will always be expensive and highly quoted. Because all popular and fashion trends, sooner or later, turn around and go down, and the value of simplicity will only grow.
Simplicity is the seal of Divinity.
Simplicity is the highest level of perfection.
Simplicity helps to reflect and rethink your life.
Look at the simple drawings written by a child's hand. How much light, warmth and hope there is in them.
If your have started misfiring, then return to simplicity.
Then, you will begin to understand a lot.
Your face alone is enough to feel the warmth. Your voice alone is enough for inspiration to come. One breath of yours is enough to write your image.
I can feel your breath.
I hear your voice and I see your face. And I'm painting your image.
Everything is harmonious in it. Everything is worthy of the kindest words. Your uniqueness and mystery makes my heart tremble. So know that everything in you is beautiful and admirable.
May your self-esteem never drop. Let love come to the fore and triumph in your life. May the bright fire of faith flare up in you with renewed vigor.
Let hope saddle the horse and send you to new achievements. Because all the potential that is inherent in you, you have to realize and put into action. And all those resources that are hidden in you, you must use.
And if you need to make an effort or change the rhythm, then you will do it! Because sometimes you need to challenge life yourself, and not wait for it to challenge you.
Strength does not manifest itself in waving a sword, uttering loud tirades or convincing someone of something. Often the power lies in not taking any action or just being silent.
A wise man proves nothing to anyone. He doesn't need it.If you feel misunderstanding or resistance, then just take your coat from the hanger, put it on slowly, and leave, quietly closing the door behind you. Without saying anything, at the same time.
It doesn't mean you've given up or been defeated. This means that you have won, because now they will be knocking on your door to see you and listen to you and agree with you.
The soul will choose the words that it needs. They will be registered, they will sink deep into your soul. They will grow into you and bear fruit. And what they predict will happen!
The word always works exactly, it gets to the right place, and it always brings results.The Word dominates. It starts all processes, and it also stops them. The word subordinates everything to itself. It holds everything in itself.
The word is a full-fledged means of healing. It is the most effective tool of influence. And you won't be able to stand by. The Word will reach you, it will reveal to you the full breadth and completeness of its mystical action.
Believe in your abilities and in your superpowers. Show effort and super-effort. Break out of the dark forest of uncertainty and doubt, and go ahead, at least at random, only away from this quagmire of distrust and prejudice.
Then, you will see something there, on the horizon, that will give you strength and incentive, and then, in due time, you will reach this emerald city, in which most do not believe, so they will never see it.You chose your exclusive route, the path of faith, the path of effort, the path of overcoming, and this guaranteed you not a boring life, and you gained strength and experience on this route. And you received wisdom, it's like a reward for you, it's like a bonus, like a gift from above, because you believed and acted.
And your inner strength, your spirit, is what does not fade away, it is what will open all the doors, solve all the mysteries, unravel all the knots, find everything, achieve everything.
And you will come out victorious, out of the most difficult situation. And everything that you lost before doesn't matter anymore, because your new gains and your new victories will be very impressive!
Strong people are always kind. The evil ones are always weak. Arrows from evil people will always fly at a good person, because evil people understand that you are better, they will feel it subconsciously, so they will want to humiliate you. But you're holding the punch. Just pass this exam with an "excellent". And then the tension will subside. And you will conquer a new height.
As a seed does not germinate immediately, as a house is not built quickly, so the consequences of good and evil do not affect overnight. Evil is attractive, it starts well, but ends in nothing and eventually becomes a complete bankrupt.
Good is not attractive, it starts inexpressively, but it gains momentum, becomes the absolute leader and ends the game with a beautiful, unconditional victory. It contains all the prizes and awards. Just be on this team.
Be among the good ones. Then you will be involved in the blessings they will receive from above. And those who are among the evil ones will be affected by the curses that will fall on their territory.
You're going to have to love this world. And you have to accept people as they are. Whether they are worthy of it or not does not matter. Get rid of sectarianism and chauvinism. Do not divide people into "friends" and "strangers", into "ours" and "not ours" merge
with this being entirely. To find harmony. Everything that you have and everything that is with you is the best share for you. Because there are no accidents in this universe.Trust in the providence of the Divine mind.
And enjoy this pace, this passage of time, this evolution of your consciousness. This life is priceless and unique, unique and multifaceted, where everything is timely, where everything has meaning and significance.
Share your goodness with the poor. Look for the poor to help him. And thank God for meeting him, for the opportunity to give at least a little. Conquer your greed and self-justification of your avarice.Sacrifice. Do alms.
Invest in your future. This is the most reliable deposit in the Heavenly Bank, from which no one will revoke the license.And your account there will grow and multiply, as your sacrifice and your kindness to those in need, expressed in real actions.
And when there is a drought or hyperinflation or another crisis or reform of money, your account will not be impoverished anyway. You and your children will have everything you need. And even more!Start small. Sacrifice. Help your soul to feel the warmth and joy of a good deed done. Help your heart not to get rough, and your eyes not to go blind, but to see someone else's need and be capable of kindness.
I still need you. Just like you need me. Because, everything is for someone and for someone. Not for myself.Understanding this is the beginning of satisfaction and peace.Learn to lavish, to scatter these handfuls of kindness, love and mercy. And if necessary, give yourself.
To receive, you must first give something. And to gain - you need to spend.Then only the drawing will be complete, and all the colors of this life will be fully revealed.Then only the plot will be interesting and the work convincing, because it will touch human hearts.
Nothing needs to be repeated.Nothing can be repeated.It can only be better. Or worse. But, exactly, the way it was - it won't be any more.
Because everything is changing.This world is changing. You are also changing. You change every second. The movement in your mind and in your soul goes on incessantly.Therefore, everything will not be accidental. It will be as it should be. It will be how you form, what you will come to and what you will deserve.
Everything will be new. New words. New actions. New events. New feelings.And maybe even a new life!
Everything will come suddenly. Like a downpour in the middle of a sunny day.You will feel this blessed moment. You realize that happiness has suddenly come to you, and has illuminated your soul with a bright, inexpressibly beautiful light.
Everything went on as usual, nothing foreshadowed such joyful moments, such an amazing denouement. The river will change its course and will now wash your feet with living water, purify, revive and strengthen you.
And where there was dry land, gardens with green, juicy leaves will bloom and flowers of extraordinary beauty will bloom.
It will be a gift to you, from a universe in which incredible phenomena occur. There are such colors, such spaces, such power, such love that we cannot even imagine.
And a piece of it will come closer to you, will enter your soul, and you just won't be able to stand still, you'll jump for joy, you'll scream with delight, because Heaven will make you happy.
Even if you doubt it, I believe it will happen in your life. And my faith alone will be enough to make it come true for you. Besides, the word still has the power to shake the universe, as well as to generate faith in the human heart!
When you meet a poor person, lower your eyes so that not to be exalted and show with all your appearance that you are not like him, but better than him.
Bless him mentally and your blessing will be upon him.
When you meet a proud person, lower your eyes so as not to show your dislike for him and harm your heart. You don't have to bless him, God won't bless the proud one.
When you see the wise one, turn your gaze to him, and do not take your eyes off him. Listen to him, watch how he speaks and listen to what he says. Learn from him.
And when he leaves, look after him.You don't have to bless him either. He is already blessed.
This city is still able to inspire you. And the gray view from the window on a cloudy day is the plot that you need. For your soul. It will not always feed only on the sun. Sadness and sadness are an inevitable and even necessary element in order to realize something.
May this day bring you new revelations and new sensations of life.Let simple words and quiet music touch your soul on this day, and everyday things will gain a deep sacred meaning.
And on this day you will become capable of something better and more, because when God touches your soul, and the soul responds in response, it acquires new qualities, and all the bad things dissolve in the endless ocean of divine love and mercy to you.
Let the leaves have already flown in the city, and the grass has turned yellow, and a cold wind is rushing through the windows, but in your soul, nevertheless, there is an incessant movement towards spring and joy.And in this city, one day, everything will come to this.
Your face was already thin. In wrinkles. And gray hair – like the inevitable snow in a harsh autumn. But your attractiveness has only increased. Because you are no longer a youngster with empty eyes. Your eyes have seen so much that you are no longer surprised by anything.
You see through everything. You read a person instantly. You now understand the course of things and the essence of objects. And there is such a fullness of sensations that no young man has. You're not in a hurry anymore. "Who understands life, he is in no hurry." You just look at people, look at this world and see through everything.
You reveal everything that the outer shell conceals, and you never cease to be surprised that every detail matters and testifies to something.
You don't throw words around. Because you understand their value. And you feel their power.
You need more than before. If earlier you were content with dubious ventures, now you need high-quality food for your soul and for your mind.
For only inner invisible gains give complete satisfaction.
And you are subconsciously looking for new challenges, going to fight, going into the dark or towards obstacles, because moving forward and overcoming is your bread. And your salt. This adds to your experience and wisdom and makes your look immaculate.
And this world, it simply and naturally transforms under the invisible, but convincing influence of your holistic, deep and wise personality on it.
If someone is in a hurry, let him pass, and you wait. If someone is tired next to you, give him a seat, let him sit down, and you wait. If someone is rushing forward, then you open the door for him – let him break through. And you go after him.
You will show kindness, have a good influence on others, make this world a little better.
But that's not all. The most amazing thing is what Heaven will do for you, in response to your little self-sacrifice.
Heaven will clear the way for you to gain, will open the door to prosperity for you, and you will sit on the place prepared for you, at the head of the table for a feast arranged in your honor. And since you have shown little favor towards your neighbor, God will show great mercy towards you.
Stay in this benevolent mood every day. Give in to others, open the door for them, let them go ahead.
Then you will always have time for everything. Your life will be filled with the blessings and bounties of Heaven.
Because God can see everything from above. He will appreciate everything and will not miss a single detail.
When there are no words, it's not bad either. There are moments when words are not needed.Let there be silence. Let it indicate the significance of what was said earlier. Let her enhance the effect of those last words.Let this silence give you a new revelation.
Don't rush to break the silence. Don't rush to talk. Think before you say how your words will sound and how they will be perceived.
Don't rush to break the silence. Silence can sometimes say more than words. Silence doesn't lie. It is always sincere.
Silence is the beginning of perfection. Because only in silence can you hear yourself.
Silence is the beginning of holiness. Because only in silence can you hear God.
There are too many sounds on this planet distracting attention from the main thing.
Hurry to hide in silence to put your thoughts in order and restore your divine image.
And start the path to perfection.
And perhaps to holiness!
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