UFO in UK Nottinghamshire 17th August 2003

UFO in UK Nottinghamshire 17th August 2003

UFO in UK Nottinghamshire 17th August 2003

"Я не помню деталей 2003 я в записной книжке открыла оттуда: как смогла по английски записала": 

2003 records

Record 1 (short record)"

1   -   17 August  2003/ Boughton, NOTTS NG22 9HR UK 

1). UFO~4-5am at the top of our garden + houses
3). 1 bruise  - small blue bruise as from the injection by thin needle . we have not a syringe at home   on (my) left upper arm left arm 
4). 3 cuts by thinnest blaze   
2 (Cuts) x 1 cm  - on my right arm ; 
1 (cut)  x  1 cm 4 mm   on my neck   
5). strange nightmare .   

Record 2.
Словарик понять:

-syringe = шприц 
a needle = игла, 
blaze =лезвие бритвы бритва , 
left upper arm = левое предплечье,
- neck - шея,
arm -рука,
- a cut порез, разрез,
to cut - резать, отрезать,
a bruise синяк, 
a nightmare - ночной кошмар, 

Record 3 (2003): 

- (a)  syringe - шприц, 
- (a) needle - игла, 
- x - a chemical analize (analyse) of the blood -x-

(Note: I wanted to do this fix some used to inject me sleeping at home, but this was done as no equipment to take a blood sample was at home not links make a private lab test to find)
(so this was not done, no ability in UK for this for a public not richest class privately). 

Record 4 (2003).
* more words righter a short record:
here^^^ :::   

1. night dream - nightmare.
(a) blue light (came) from my right side
and  (I saw shades of )  some strangers.
I waked up early 4-5 am on 17th August 2003 after. 

2. I looked UFO about at 4-5 am
(staying outside in a back garden).
UFO flied on the top (=above) houses (while)
I (was) staying in our back garden area
about 4-5 am (17.08.2003)(UK) (NG22 9HR UK) 
I had looked (noticed/watched how) 
(НЛО) (тарелка классика огни красные внизу) ,
UFO , red lights on the bottom of UFO (were being). 

3. (returning back at home) I founded
(я обнаружила заметила нашла увидела)
(I noticed)   

-   a smallest blue bruise on my left arm,   
as from the injection by thinnest needle;   

- 3 small cuts by thinnest blaze  :   

-  2 x 1 cm - on my left arm, left upper arm ;   
- 1 x  1cm4mm - on my neck.

Note:  Probably,  1cm4mm = 1 inch (?)    

Cuts By a thinnest  blaze . 

(4. a change of colour my faces similar
as after operations for humans too, I was a "slow down))

(5. I was shocked, I had a shock too and the stress, but I came back to my bed
to continue to sleep).   

(6.  Radio Nottinghamshire Station on 17th August 2003 after
had a phone call of man reporting he saw UFO at this morning.
They both, female and a male voices)
laughed at him :

- hahaha!   Whom more saw UFO this morning, please make a call
to  us  Radio Nottinghamshire. hahaha (a laughed on a caller)

(7. I had not called. MY native language was a Russian language,
I started to use English language since my 36 yo age since 1998?
2003 year was not a fluent level at all). 

(8. a knock at a door. unknown visitor with a back asked my permit
he wanted or make an injection or a some tablet, to know something
out my memory. I refused. He left.)

A diary on line record 22nd May 2023 from UK
I used my saved writing records 17th August 2003, 2003.

I sold this my property on NG22 9HP  as we divorced at 2010.

UFO in UK Nottinghamshire 17th August 2003

#UFO #UK #2003  #17 #August #Nottinghamshire
