Life is a Game

Life is a Game
Winning and losing is equal
Don’t lose your head or your heart
Stay engaged and excited!

Life is a Game we all play
It’s Amazing! Engaging and Testing!
Try to engage and enjoy
Everything Life brings you!

Accept everything with Joy!
You are the Wonder and Power!
All that Life has to Give
Take it with Grateful Heart, Dear! 

Love Life and Play!!!
You are the Life’s Greatest HERO!!!

Thank you Sri Swami Satchidananda for Inspiration of Life!!!


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The Golden Present
Constantly Winning
May 14

Life is a sport. Everything that you do is a game. Play each game well. Don’t worry about competing; just play your best. And don’t always look to win. Constantly winning is boring. Treat everything as equal—victory and failure, profit and loss. Enjoy them both. If you win a thousand dollars, say, “Great! I won a thousand dollars.” If you lose a thousand dollars, say, “Look at that! I lost a thousand dollars. Great!” That way, even if you lose a thousand dollars, you won’t lose your mind along with it. So play well, but remember that it’s all a game.
~Sri Swami Satchidananda
#integralyogateachers #SriSwamiSatchidananda #Yogaville #swamisatchidananda #thegoldenpresent #swamisatchidanandaashram #integralyogateachersassociation #yogaville
