Владимир Высоцкий Нинка-наводчица по английски

Vladimir Vysotsky Ninka Thieve mate
I am very exited today:
I will manage my Saturday.
And if Ninka is not capricious,
I will manage my life nisus.

They tell me: “She’s a pointer - thief.
Why are you like this? - I really want her, you believe.
- Wait, weirdo! We have a company share:
Let's go to the bodega, rum washes from desire.

- Don't mess with me today, my friend.
Today, I don't care about for booze a cent.
Today Ninka agrees to devote herself,
Today my life is decided  very well.

- Well, what about this sinner Ninka,
She slept always  with the whole Ordynka,…
And with her was, who ever wants to!
- I don't care about, I really want to.

-She said, she loves, would live another  way…
- I wager dolar for a million, that she is lying, boy;
She gives the  ofer straight to everyone...
- I don't care, I really want to be done!

-She’s croaking , she is a dirty ugly hen.
One eye is broken, and the legs are different,
Always she  dressed like a shabby scrubwoman.
- I don't care about it, I really want again!

Let every says: "She's not a beautiful girl!"
But I like such better, she  is my only goal;
Well, though she befriends the thieves,
I want her  even more. You must believe!
