Green hatred

round hell
nose straightening
look at the galaxy
epithets for metaphors
green hatred

     round hell
radioactive night...
run, run, like run

? in a circle or something
? why are they building like this?
? or are we in hell...

     nose straightening
secretly return to the fatherland ...

we are easy to calculate: we turn around
to the old name, patronymic,
having new passports, taut cheeks and
corrected noses

! push, push the every of amphibians by
chemical protection boots

we are waist-deep in green mud

pick up your legs, breathe shallowly -
in the corner - a bucket ...

! this type of entertainment: booming
piss in a bucket

hate hormone...
it's clear here

? but pity has its own hormone
? why don't we try to figure it out
what are we dying for

     look at the Galaxy
not only cosmic dust and
co-workers envy...

! have a look at the Galaxy,
type winner

     epithets for metaphors
... here the circle is closed

sense hypertrophy,
! epithets...

     green hatred
turn your head... now
you will be a fluffy ball

asteroids aren't scary...
only fierce green hatred


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