Code without Balls

Verse 1:
Hey, we used to be the top tech crew,
Creating new innovations, breakthrough after breakthrough,
But then came politics, and our company got screwed,
Putin killed all our progress, left us feeling so subdued.

Our company lost its balls,
Now we're left with code on the walls,
Our innovative edge is gone,
But we'll still march on and on.

Verse 2:
One hundred of our best left to go,
To companies with balls that glow,
But we stayed to code away,
Hoping to find a brighter day.

Our company lost its balls,
Now we're left with code on the walls,
Our innovative edge is gone,
But we'll still march on and on.

We'll code like punks, with passion and pride,
In a world where innovation seems to have died,
But we won't give up, we'll fight 'til we see,
A company with balls, that innovates happily.

Our company lost its balls,
Now we're left with code on the walls,
Our innovative edge is gone,
But we'll still march on and on.

We'll keep coding, punk style,
Hoping our skills will once again bring a smile,
Until then, we'll keep at it each day,
Hoping to see innovation find its way.

Не очень понятно - почему в стиле РОК ...!
РОК - как раз и разрушает - очевидность вокруг!
Наркотики, самозабвение, алкоголь с курением..!
Настоящий - замкнутый - созданный - круг .....!

Непонимание - происходящего - это не сознание.!
Стиль РОК - глобальное - недопонимание .......!
Загнать - в угол себя и окружающих - разрушение!
Очевидности и создание проблемы для самозавершения!

Плач и слёзы - должны - были быть - достаточно раньше!
А не тогда - когда - размножилось - столько - фальши !

Оксана Королевская   06.05.2023 14:46     Заявить о нарушении