Apparently it is fun if gentle 0 touches testicles

She is pregnant from me
In the independence day she came suddenly just before I badded and
threatned with jdjdbuilding and we went together towards cementry...
(hewish) and julia said let's make love en the cementry...I said
Let's make love en the bush..and then we commenced..first doggie style
next the messianary, eventually i came inside en purpose of making a baby..
today julia came and said she is pregnant...good i am becoming a fatha...
HO the religious-nationull problems will be solved by me...i am jewish
mix of hebrew and jewish 0 and julia is as well HO jews don't accept if
circle is not jewish. I can marry julia only in the church...I have to
take XRYSTYN HO I am theologist, expert en religia...seems not a problem...
