z love yearning

Early morning
but not outgoing
sounds boring
I’m yawning
I am yearning
Im turning z page
Closing z door
Im gone
from z cage
Into the new day
straight on z stage
Hoping to find
Z genuine kind
Something z’s worth
And ill meet something worse
Then my hopes
= bold ideas of course=
Created with this powerful mind
With my incredible inner force
Self reflective
And naturally sharp
Just like
Thorns on the leg of the rose
That I bring close to my nose
To breathe
To hear its sound
While its all about going around
The falling sun
And next day
Early morning
I am also as before
 and even more
But still looking for love….

z 1 z's
& behind & beyond & within
all z true
feelings & senses
underneath & inside
perfect past continuous future
& other beautiful tenses
z 1 z is wise
and blind enough
to love
