Тheory of Керенского

Random Mice
Begin to End

    ( dont me feel to get regret ? )

 Out cage
put in
 k - anodu

 How much of them
 na katode

- Sharply tweny
by the number

 - Cant u prove
these opposite
in timing

 - Twenty (20) !
as accordingly
 to  ~

 tсайэри Керенского 

 - - - 

 Put its Mice
in random run  ?

- 39 ?

That's all right !
  Ours 1st Winner  of  the "Ventous-Fэn "    !

  - What's your impression over moment ?
  - I'm gonna fuck rf-the-television вроде , ещё пока ,
 ни оттошол .. . as they say to like it .. .


