The Eternal King
to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man
to enter the kingdom of God.” (Matthew 19:24).
In history the Earth had known
so many, who sat on the throne,-
among them many, who had reigned
with their clothes bloodstained.
Why most people want to trust
them, who are creatures made of dust,
who, like all, are prone to sin
and care more for their skin?
No earthly leader or a king
could fairness and justice bring.
In their greed they build their wealth,
amassing powers by stealth.
Without anyone’s consent
to rob their subjects they’re bent,
with lies to manipulate,
with false ideas to sedate.
Inventing methods to subdue,
supporting only the few,
who their policies endorse,
they feel superior, of course.
And with the help of bureaucrats,
who suck our blood and bite as gnats,
they raise taxes, sting with fines
by following their guidelines.
All their armies and police
aren't able to assure peace -
a peace that could forever last,
as it is proven by the past.
While earthly powers are plotting
with their vile minds rotting,
with ears deaf and eyes blind,
what hope is there for mankind?
They don’t hear cries of poor,
they into traps us try to lure,
with their aim – depopulation,
who can assure us salvation?
While they always connived,
this world of justice was deprived,
but then the Lord Himself stepped in
and on the cross dealt with our sin.
Each one could be transformed forever!
The human nature, however,
how often doesn’t move an inch,
when someone’s powerful and rich.
The rulers don’t want to share,
they couldn’t care to be fair.
They follow their old school:
divide and rule, divide and rule!
The world is ridden with division,
but Jesus gave another vision -
the Kingdom of His Father God,
where there is no wars, no fraud.
While humankind is oppressed,
Christ promised us the life blessed,
where there is no sting of death,
because His Spirit gives new breath.
Oh Lamb of God, who once was slain,
you will return one day again
and You will judge all for their deeds
and separate wheat from weeds.
Oh King Eternal, I can’t wait
until You come and confiscate
all from the rulers, who were wrong,
who thought that they were so strong.
Them, who with wickedness allied
oh, how they’ll be terrified!
But them who longed for you, You’d bless
and in Your pure garments dress.
Oh come, Lord Jesus and be crowned,
your glory will all world astound,
because there is no other king,
like You, who happiness can bring!
Свидетельство о публикации №123041100321
Властителями всякого селенья[1],
Чтобы они коварством ухищрялись
(Во властолюбии своем и отвлечении людей от Бога).
Но только против душ своих
Они коварство замышляют -
И сами же не ведают сего. 6 сура 123 аят. Перевод смыслов В.Пороховой.
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