Free em all?!
Painting sky’s in grim of khaki ,
Hack they way in to the land,
-“ No body understand !”
Cameron wiped Waikato
"Musket Wars" of Maori
Country dropped in misery ,
Crimean campaign gone,
Led by General Duncan…..
“History repeats itself “
Outlaw of common wealth!
May be time for Maori
Separate from they oppressors,
Bringing their ancestors land
Back in to New Zealand bland?!
Who equality are for?
Where the "natives" lost control.
All the colonies should split
From the Tasman Bay elite ! ?
Information from wikipedia
In 1860, armed conflict broke out again in the province of
in which European settlers tried to defend their positions in one of the dubious land deals. The confrontation lasted about 12 months and ended with a truce between the parties.
In July 1863, units of the British Army, led by a veteran of the Crimean campaign, General Duncan Cameron, began fighting in the Waikato area. In 1864, this campaign was continued in the area of the nearby seaside town of Tauranga. The campaigns of these years were the largest and most bloody
For decades, New Zealand plunged into the abyss of internecine "Musket Wars" (1807-1845). During the tribal wars that engulfed almost all of New Zealand, about 20 thousand Maori were killed and tens of thousands more from the defeated tribes were enslaved, a number of tribes suffered losses that greatly reduced their numbers, and some Maori tribes in New Zealand and the peaceful Moriori people in the Chatham archipelago were almost completely exterminated. Only those Maori tribes survived who were able to acquire firearms in sufficient quantities. After the signing of the "Treaty of Waitangi" in 1840, the "musket wars" gradually ended and New Zealand became a possession of the British crown. At the same time, the Maori lost their independence, but achieved formal legal equality with British citizens.
New Zealand ethnic groups. They suffer higher levels of crime, health problems, imprisonment rate and educational under-achievement. A number of socio-economic initiatives have been instigated with the aim of "closing the gaps" between M;ori and other New Zealanders. Political and economic redress for historical grievances is also ongoing (see Treaty of Waitangi claims and settlements).
It is necessary to disconnect all the vassal states of Great Britain and return to the people their freedom. As it stated toward Ukrainian which warns a vassal state of Russia , but the core of it's people .
Нужно отсоединить все вассальные государства Великобритании и вернуть людям их свободу. По украински .
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