Explore the Ocean of Your Calm

Explore the Ocean of Your Calm
Dive deep inside
Delve in Your Might
Inside Your Treasures You will find!

Take a Deep Breath…
Then a few more…
Relax Your Mind…
And then Explore!

Dive deep inside your Ocean~Mind
What creatures of Wonder
Will You find?!.
What lives in depth of your own Mind!?

Imagine You are a Submarine
Red, yellow, purple let it be
Let’s go exploring in the Deep
You Mind has Treasures that it keeps!!

The shole of fish is swimming by!
These are your thoughts!
Let them go by
Go deeper, deeper, deeper still!

Here are big creatures delve within
Can you see whales?!
Whoa!!! What a sight!
The Whales are Wisdom that you hide!

And there’s a pod!
Of Dolphins, mind!
They are your playfulness inside!
Let’s play and frolic in the waves?!

And then explore a little more!
You see the Turtles swimming by!
They wave to you! Say “hi!” and “bye!”
They are the keepers of your dreams!

Let’s swim with Turtles
Let them speak!
Allow Turtles tell you the truth
That All Your Dreams You Make Come True!

And now the Sharks have spotted You!
Keep calm. Don’t run!
They’re Friends, not foe!
They represent your hidden fears, anger, tears…

Let’s swim with Sharks,
They won’t bite you!
Let’s tame them
With a song or two?!.

You see, all fears are just tame Sharks
You faced them bravely, recognised!
You sang to them your songs Yourself!
You fear Not! Your fears’ gone! Tamed!!!

Swim further in the Ocean Calm?!
Look! Jellyfish! So cool and calm!
So peaceful, graceful and composed!
They represent Your Clear Mind!

Take a few breaths
Feel Calm Inside…
And picture of the Jellyfish
Is Your Calm and Clear Mind…

Let’s go exploring deeper still!
What’s that so shimmering?!
You see? Is that an Angler Fish? Or Gold?
I think it’s Treasure You BeHold!

You found Treasures that You keep!
All that You Are is All Within!
Your Calm and Bravery, Your Depth!
Your Playfulness! Your Inner Strength!

You have discovered that You are
Explorer! Diver! Dreamer! Singer!
Keep looking for the Best in You!
That Ocean has more to explore!!!

Keep dividing deeper!
Keep looking within!
The Treasures You keep
Are All within!!!

