
In this world
Of crazy mobility
We have to develop
A special ability
Of keeping a balance,
Connection with reality,
We have to develop
A special mentality!

We're the one
Who created that mobility,
We're one of a kind
Who's got responsibility,
It doesn't really matter:
You're a man or a woman,
Here we're the one,
Multinational human!

Let's go deeper
In the theme of connections,
Our dear planet Earth
Needs our actions!
Stop all your games
With the wars and tanks,
Turn to situation
With our planet lungs!

Scream what you think,
Chase yourself, not perfection,
Be on the link
With your meaningful direction,
Don't mind if you are
Looking awkward and strange,
Think how we can to decrease
Climate change.

Don't wait for approval,
Stop scrolling on your phone,
Your voice really matters
And you are not alone.
Come back to yourself
And let's go to the light,
We have to bring back
Healthy human who's kind!


Этот рэп в моем исполнении на ютуб канале - Maria Ershova voice
