Jesus was observant Jew

According to the Christian scriptures, Jesus was born into a Jewish family and grew up in a Jewish community. He was circumcised on the eighth day, in accordance with Jewish law, and he was raised in a devout Jewish household. As a young man, he is said to have studied in the Temple in Jerusalem and engaged in debates with religious scholars.

Throughout his ministry, Jesus is depicted as observing many Jewish customs and traditions. He attended synagogue services, celebrated Jewish festivals, and taught using Jewish scripture and traditions. He also observed the Jewish laws of purity and cleanliness, and he taught his followers to do the same.

It is worth noting, however, that there are some differences between the teachings of Jesus and those of the religious authorities of his time. Jesus is depicted as challenging the traditional religious practices and interpretations of the Jewish leaders, and he often emphasized love, compassion, and forgiveness over strict adherence to legalistic rules.

Overall, the depiction of Jesus as a Jewish teacher and religious figure is an important aspect of Christian theology, and it underscores the close historical and cultural ties between Judaism and Christianity.
