I ll delete you from my memory

I’ll delete you from my memory,
I now don’t need you anymore.
It was a very strange history…
But now I don’t need you anymore.

My heart was always travelling across the sea
And I was hoping that my love will last forever…
But time is changed. And now I have just one plea
To you. Don’t come to me please. Never!
I’ll delete you from my memory,
I now don’t need you anymore.
It was a very strange history…
But now I don’t need you anymore.

Now I don’t need you anymore – the time has changed
And what I need from world – don’t know myself.
Now my time is very well-arranged
Without my useless dreams about myself.
I’ll delete you from my memory,
I now don’t need you anymore.
It was a very strange history…
But now I don’t need you anymore.

So, what I wanted just to say is truth,
That opened me my mind, my eyes and my heart
To something new. And that is my truth –
That I’ll learn this all by heart.
I’ll delete you from my memory,
I now don’t need you anymore.
It was a very strange history…
But now I don’t need you anymore.
