The birth of a down

feeling of life
get taller
search for emptiness
the soul is fooling around
longing for the body
princess Diana
girls things
the birth of a 'down'

     feeling of life
music relieves, dance loads...
...louder and louder-
until the words disappear

to live is not to see and hear...
it means to feel

     get taller
bliss appreciates darkness...
darkness is a refusal to see
darkness is infinity

! if anything, just sit on
cement floor...
so you rise above all

     search for emptiness
     the void is the true goal / Kudera
? where is she...
? maybe in words:
we exchange emptiness
type of currency
? we pay for something...

     the soul is fooling around
hugs in transport
when it's still 'stands'

the soul is visible through the body
she dances and fools around

     longing for the body
when there are too many men
too bad, you say...

it's body longing

a chain of accidents introduces us:
like "such-and-such"..."such-and-such"...

and we imagine - "love, the sky!"

     princess Diana
again the same dream...
how long to!:
sunrise and you at the same time
getting dressed

Princess Diana is alive
she's in a psych ward
, I fit her cigarettes

     girls things
cheap things are the privilege of girls
, dear - aging old women

words interfere with thinking
, thoughts inhibit desires

? you are still waiting for me
     girl in pink sundress /DDT

     the birth of a 'down'
life is the fulfillment of duty?
write down my debts's like being born a second time
, drooling joyful 'down'


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