Vampire - Ария - Вампир

World falls down and burns on fire
Temptation cuts and rips your body
Fear of death and lust of rage clash in dispute

Darkness breathes with growl of beasts
Wild howling falls to ground from heaven
You’ll become one of them - or gonna die

You have to choice now - soon there will be guardians
Smelling blood guides you through the forest far away!

You have been one of us
You will not face sunrise

Full of life this smelling drops
And death will lost the one who grabs it
Take this gift - take one pill: it’s single way

Dance of witch and cry of owls
The ghost of mess under creaking branches
Hit of clock is so mad sound… Hunger and pain!

You have to choice now - soon there will be guardians
Smelling blood guides you through the forest far away!

Fever in sunshine - feast in night
Now you’re vampire and take delight
Searching for blood and murder till the dawn
But forever alone
