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Нам надо выстроить цепочки женщин, что могли править, как царицы - фараон. Возьмем еще..
And so, these Dates withdraw in government Рамсесов, 19 Dynasties, read earlier, and who then princess, and empress. Then the names wrote slightly not so per 1920, I am lower ladies the Modern name, Well!! This same work to understand: who is who?
Other. Dr/ Сайс in 1921. It wrote on a subject, and in 1957.
" " Princess Тадукхипа / the daughter or the sister of king Митании Дошуратты /, and on today not is known what there was its Rank, whether empress, and main how, Гилукхипу Have renamed on Egyptian name it is not known? Recollect, that Александра Федорова, empress, and wife Николая 2 have own name- Алиса!
" " Was - alive / Working, alive after death Аменхотеп 3/. Is necessary stop! On all прописям- letters- text and on plots from tombs Амарны- the wife Аменхотепа 3- empresses Тии. The truth is Three variants of a spelling of a name "Тии" in картушах, I much wrote, that Were interchanged position –Перо- Wings, and __ Direct lines, или_ it is Slanting features in a name, and letter. It is difficult to me to understand here logic of doctor Сайс- known археолога. What it meant? Further all confusing up to impossibility! Successive = Consecutive, about the letters / clay таблички = letters with NN with 9 on 12 from king Митании Дошуратты, that we easily shall check up, as here link is obvious on " Amarna Tablet ". The letters on clay from Амарны 1898, referring = addressed to it from king, or uncle - king Дошуратты/. It that you confuses now. I studied all letters Дошуратты, and in the book there are tens letters on clay from номархов, Управителей of territories have Аменхотеп to Third and Fourth. There there is No exact instruction of a name! Here doctor Сайс results in a mark of Equality Тадухипу and Нефертити, that appears further from text translation by me. We can specify, and conclusion I, when wrote about the Reference on clay letters, the beginning is those, it клинопись:
- About Lord! And frequently there is also name = "Небмаатра" and always there Аменхотеп 3 and always?? = a Mark of a question. As, on one картушу= first his name It is impossible to calculate a name as: фараон, so empress. You see, once again I shall repeat "Небмаатра" it is three hieroglyphs at Аменхотепа 3- it is first картуш_ Солнце = Sun_ Чаша = Cup, __ Ieroglif with Перо+Wing of the peacock in a hairdress. It is accepted to write, and I many times did it, name so -Ra - Maat- Neb, that for Звучности is altered, time the hieroglyphs __ are Separate words: the god Ра, Goddess Маат- the truth, and __ Чаша = authority. These three words if to change by places syllables, and it turned out " Неб - Маат- Ра ". But Небмаатра \ is also two картуша н sepurcral canopy from Kv. 55, that as empress - фараон, and who of rules, whether was alive then Аменхотеп 3, and main Дошуратта could write to the Daughter, and Sister, and at all Аменхотеп 3!! That is, right at the beginning certain Сображеия than not confirmed, also were to me on a hand! Under the Contradictions a mummy female, погребальная сень = sepurcral canopy as on Two women фараонов!.. Translate page . Первое имя Neb – Maat- Ra имел Аменхотеп 3, и две царицы- фараон в гробнице Кв. 55..переводСтр.7..35.
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