14 translate page 13 тайна гробницы. a fog above e

Let's build chains of the women, that could correct, as empress - фараон. Let's read up, and unerstand!!

It why has taken that, as a Point of readout - Beginning of government Эхнатона, as 1395 up to Р. Х? But on Бадж 19 Dynasties began Five years prior to this date! Then to 1395, or 1400 up to Р. Х it is necessary To add some more those фараонов and empresses, that corrected after (it), Аменхотепа 4 Эхнатона.
It Хоремхеб- 36 years almost Forty years on a mistake to not write off! I Have not inserted Тутанхамона- 6 years, Ейе- 4 years, and 16 years of rules itself Эхнатон. If All have ates, and to add by 1395, it will turn out approximately 1440, when Эхнатон and rules to capital Ахет- Атоне as фараон. And except for, last names are a daughter Нефертити, all is foggy. That is Сайс, knowing when, for what year of government was born, for example, Меритатон in 1379 - 1375! That for 2 years of government the senior daughter was born at Нефертити! And here. The essence of accounts is number 12- 13, age when Erected in фараоны! Why.
Аменхотеп 4 sons Аменхотепа 3, and empress Тии, once again I shall repeat! As Аменхотеп 3 rules are rather long 36 years, the senior son Аменхотеп 4 could родится in these 36- 34 years if consider, that his father married empress Тии when that was of years 13. So children from Гарема Were swept aside from a Line of relationship, and only children of empresses Тии, and Нефертити could continue a line. Both sons, and princess. If the sort went on a female line - there was no prince, or  successor was very young, variant: princess фараонской of blood, from the First wife and жрец. And who Тутанхамон on a family tree now nobody knows, and at Девисе and Чапаеве- as did not know. Also there is, whose son Тутанхамон? The choice is not great! Аменхотеп 3, or Аменхтеп 4! Then Тутанхамон it was born last years of government Аменхотепа 4, son Аменхотепа 4. Why still Сменхакра as those do not consider? On a female line, if Меритатон- the mother Тутанхамона, then the daughter Нефертити, its(her) Average daughter Анхесеппатон, Тутанхамон married sister! That is, only on Three фараонам: Аменхотепу 3, Аменхотепу 4, and Сменхакру, and empresses Тии, Нефертити, and Меритатон- count variants on parents Тутанхамона. Not news, also are resulted, and not one example on Egypt, when фараон both empress were  brother and sister, or they from the different mothers! But here not how with future empress Тии! There is in the beginning a name Ойю, after Туйи- жрецов= priests not of  highest rank, but is farther nam empress Тии! She their daughter! And can be, there are certain rules, that so including figures, it is possible assume more precisely relationship Тутанхамона. It also rests already against a Female mummy in Kv. 55, and inscription on sepurcral canopy, and there two empresses фараон. And who had in such case the Right on continuation of a dynasty? After death фараона, on the first role there were empresses - фараон! They Above Supreme жреца - priest! The Order of Transfer of Authority, to which 6000 years was broken.
This Fastening of authority on All time behind children Two all фараонов! Аменхотеп 3, and Аменхотеп 4.And, how then to proceed to 19 - 30 Династи? All this we passed!  "Рюриковичи" that is, First dynasty on Руси. Not in that business, that they - варяги, and that there was just " a Egyptian, old system " transfers of authority. King become Unconditionally only son of king! That is, Ивана Грозного, and принцесc on an empire Russian, only whistle!.
P/s Окончание разбора таблицы,что дал доктор Сайс в 1921 году. Все даты, рождеия, как и время, когда он станвились фараоном и царицами, спорны, и смещены в следующую 19 Династию-  Рамсесов. Сейчас эти даты не  подтверждаются, И, от Сайса идет некая неясность по судьбе средней дочери Нефертити – Макетатон! Это 2 строчка =  / married- not/ можно перевести, и как не Вышла замуж, и Не известна ее судьба.  Это все о Макетатон, и сейчас перемалывается
