16 translate page 15 seret tomb kv. 55. a fog abov

In what that, truth, the history has repeated and at us. In film of a comedy " Иван Васильевич marries " there is a staff, when it, passing on an apartment Шурика, stops before a picture " Иван Грозный kills the son " and крякает оп семъ= say some words! Hardly you know, only to me and Чапаеву, but Грозный married not less than 7 times! Some kind of Russian, is exacter - Средне- Russian record.
There are books about Грозного, for example " Prince Silver " but there is a sight
The writer Thick, and to Грозному intelligency of imperial Russia, and his contemporaries concerned not unequivocally. It will be in it, year 2023, and the announcement was at the end of 2022. That will check for the raised contents of mercury in a hair empress Анастасии –
first wife Ивана 4.. The answer still, and not проводя of research Also is already given:
- Well then was used By western лекари = doctorst a court yard Грозного mercury preparations, it seems
Her tormented ревматические of a pain, and on this of mercury has accumulated in she much. Will check on mercury a hair empress. That is, it is the Repeated analysis, as nothing will give, as well as on a mummy from Kv.. 55 times - the answer is ready beforehand!!
As you have guessed, Шомпальон in 1820 nevertheless began to read Really hieroglyphs, and first part concerning a post! Then there was a duplication of names of the emperors, and kings on their monuments in Egypt. Hieroglyphs on одой to the party, on another the Greek letters. For example, names of the foreigners фараонова all Клеопатры and Птолемеи- a branch, that goes from Greece from Александра Македонского. In the beginning Шомпальон has compared three names: Kleopatrout- Ptolemeous_Aleksander, Berenike, that had on a basement the text by hieroglyphs and letters on Latin, and has understood, how the hieroglyphs are written, that sound as the Letter: A_P_T_U_E_R, and so gradually has left on all letters from And, up to Z! Шомпальону a plate from Розетты strongly has helped, where there was a text in the Greek language, and  simbols. Certainly,  offer in the language not 100 % corresponded to hieroglyphs to variant, but name "Птолемеус" I have found on a photo of that plate!
 In magazines Enchant Egypt 1920- 23 there is clause devoted Коптской to church of Egypt. And some photos, where are an interior inside such typical church. It is a little a history. Коптская, the christian church in Egypt, has appeared, and that is caused, that Israel, Syria, Palestine by a number. In the beginning of New era Egypt became country with Christian religion, and was such till 700 years of our era. In 7 century Egypt was grasped by  arabs, but seven centuries, as well as in Russia the church preaches in Russian, and in Egypt on Egyptian, and it is words from the same hieroglyphs in a basis. So Шомпальон would not guess, that pair _Рот = Mouth, and __ Water it ren, that is "name". So the Pronunciation of words was given in the letters, modern alphabet. Or is exacter - than hi Greek version, that is closer to the Russian Alphabet, than Latin!. It is the basic work археологов Баджа, Масперо, and others, when in the mentioned magazine they gave a Perusal of assembly from several hieroglyphs. While I shall tell! I, if I can slightly read, it is important!. In words there is a Root of words, as well as in Russian. So __ a Mast under картушам, that vertically written itself look on Нефертити and Аменхотепа 4 картушами= nnames, this word "century". And this set of hieroglyphs can have, and ten still  of hieroglyphs, but all  same sense of text underhis  vertical -names " Is eternal вековечно on - русски as " In веки - ages of centuries by him to reign ". But initial word century, without _ a Mast, and one more, two hieroglyphs! It is more in detail possible about Коптский language,  prologue can read Еланская- " Grammar коптского of language ". And so, already presently in some the Egyptian families speak on - Коптски. .
Воланский. At the grandfather Николая Second in Russia the Dictionary Древне - Russian words " Воланский has collected in ", having the Letter on Travel on Russia, and all воспомоществление = all helpto (him) from local Authorities! Both to read, and to understand words, that by (it) are written down in a certain deaf person vilage not difficultly. There were roots! So, that in a basis of the text, that I gave
Briefly. Empress at Грозном  Анастасия, mother царевича Ивана,  saw in a picture on wall Грозный at Шурика! I about  Then there was an empress from Глинских, and certain analogy with Кии- Мария Нагая. Under  name of  people ногайцы, that friendship with Грозным. She and its son were cut in  monks, and four times was married Грозный. The life of king at empress Анастасии is described " by the Winner of the Stalin premium " Коростылевым in three books " Иван Грозный " There and about Андрее Чохове is, that King a pushka has cast москвичам, and King a bell of a stage, Read.. As you can see and on Грозному- alternative installation is important! Whether and there is a truth?.16_Translate 15.. 
