24 translate page 23 wind of travel! 6. the chapte
We again on Nyle!! And now I can finish by the order tightened investigation. Let's please Теодора Девиса. As variant, 25 % in саркофаге empress Тии!! But that a mummy female we shall tell спасибочки= Hy Айртону, that in the report on Kv. 55 has inserted, I shall bring precisely:
" Left arm was bent hand on the Breast, the right arm laid straight ".
- Девис! - the heroes, eating fish soup on Nile to the river per 1907- 14 years would tell! If Девис it has analysed?
-- Ах! I have not (translated)! The left hand at a mummy! - - wrote Айртон, was combined on a breast, and the right hand laid Straight - was extended, and laid on legg. This reception Always was, and meant, that in coffin - female mummy! At фараонов, or man's mummies of a hand crossed on a breast! Do not confuse! On covers all coffin of hand of empresses, and king are crossed, as, they hold usually Hook, and Плеть,
This ornament on a crown, and that is a female mummy, and Kite is not present, as well as on other portraits the empresses have on две_ Кобра= snack. So the small secrets are gradually slightly opened. I was surprised With unique time made as Нубийского of a wig top coffin. So it is not accepted! The headgear is fulfilled for thousand years! But for empress фарана it is admitted. Always pay внмание on what, like understandable, but the purpose is not clear! I about a wig. That under a head from a statue, that it is to empress Тии, is under нубийским by a wig a Standard crown. And нубийский the wig, is the Thin shell from a tree, that натяну on a crown empress. It is known for a long time, and it has shown рентген. Theoretically on a head of a mummy from Kv. 55 there could be a crown, but her(it) why that have replaced on gold пекторать – пластну= jewelry as a falcon, god a Mountain, отогнули wings, and as a crown give on a head of a mummy. Now - this пектораль Have straightened, and have placed in a Museum of Cairo. On кобре - top figure. There is also its photo, and this figure from the book Девиса, and here is precisely read New solar картуш = names. That is, empress had Solar картуш, that was last years 10 governments Аменхотепа 4 Эхатона, but it is quite possible, that she corrected as early as years five in structure of three women. It is time all whenever possible to clear, and dialogues to a place.
Reconstruction also that there were 3500 years back. Аменхет, that supervised over ritual:
- What you замешкались= stop, foreman? - it has asked worker! - Has brought (him)?
Yes! Your Excellency! About you, as a shadow of the god Ра! The beginnings the man is polite go!
- Will suffice to litter words! - the Sun comes! - Give! - and, Аменхет has accepted from the sculptor Урей!Has checked up. Precisely, New solar names, also has betraid priesr, that that would fix on a mask!
- Well,! - has told Аменхет having examined once again preparation:
- The right hand is extended along a body! - woman.
- Урей with New solar картушем! Yes will show these signs, even to the ignoramus, as Ютубе - япона- сан, that is its time of government, and Эхнатона! Good was фараон, will guess, certainly, that stelaes it has put on there is nobody the drawing, that we together with it and have made!
- Where they! - suddenly завопил = roar Аменхет on all tomb.
- Япона the mother! - would close without a bouquet of Knapweeds! -и опрометью faster has run to a field with 100 ears on a stalk пшеницы, What oversight! In May Egypt плели = do венок is necessary,, and put on a mummy from knapweeds, and other months from Цветка =Ornament from colours on a headof month. The sun sat. All have rushed плети = doing венок= Ornament from colours on a head, and it(he) on a head of a mummy! Lower(omit)! Slowly has shouted Аменхет, and immediately disk of the Sun, вспыхнув = flash last time has left for Horizon! Having time(were in time)! In one hour (he) will report Луноликой Небмаатре = As the Moon the woman, that ладья = bout with another Небмаатрой, or Нефертити, or other empress, whose картуш = names we yet have not met, has floated on dark water of the river, that, as trusts Синухет - flows inside ground from West on East!
We knew you empress фараон, and having erased your name have left signs, that you would learn!
P/s. Все же скажу! Gоследние главы я машинально находил, и приводил вам некие вещи, что принадлежали по прежнему таинственным женщинам и мужчинам, что жили в далеких от нас 3500 лет! Я не надеялся, что тайна и Кв. 55, и Тутанхамона хоть чуть- чуть приоткроется! Но все же перстни с именами Аменхотепа 3, Тутанхамона давали надежду, в саркофаге! Это правильно, и стиль анти- детектива принес свои плоды. В Кв. 55 женщина, а не мужчина! Если доверять анализу на ДНК, ТО МОЖНО НАПРЯМУЮ сравнивать родство мумии из Кв. 55 с Тутанхамоном! page 24
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