The property of Russian blood

Ancestors gave us usual Russian blood-
There is unusual property of it-
Because it plays a role of power guard,
And nobody can’t never it delete...

It couldn't be divided with the time,
With distance such all over whole globe,
Ancestors always put us in the prime,
But  destiny examines us with probe...

It may be passed a century or more,
An ocean or whole continent
Appears anywhere of the door,
But for the meeting we can find moment.

It is a property unknown on the Earth-
There are so many strange unknown things-
It is a secret making us more force
And gives us now large and brighting wings.

Against the Evil even it protects -
For other people it may be seems as worse,
But for ancestors our respects,
And now I am saddling Winged Horse!..

I’m listening voice of blood, it calls to run
As compass in the darkness will be heart
This feeling is so strange for everyone
Who couldn’t listen awe of soul part.

I’m quickly running - meeting waits ahead!
It cannot be an obstacle in way -
All entreaties already now said.
I’m stopping horse. “Hello!”- I want to say...

August 2013
