The Heart will always win!

The Heart will Always Win!
It Knows!
It Feels!
It Loves Us All!

The Heart Will Always Win!
Embrace the World of HeArt Within!
And then the World Without will change
Through HeArt WE World Around Create!!!

Thank You Sri Swami Satchidananda ;;;;;;;;;;;;;


The Golden Present
February 20
The Heart Will Win

The heart should play an important role, not only in married life, but in all of our relationships: with friends, relatives, business associates, and even strangers. Even if the other person uses the head, you should use more heart. Remember, ultimately the heart will win; it might take time but it will win. If you really want to use your heart, you will be guided in that direction. God’s guidance will be there. Pray more and trust in that higher force.
~Sri Swami Satchidananda

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