Awakened at night
the right of the soulless
win games
transparent peignoirs
personal opinion
following the boss
awakened at night
error correction
it is possible to be born several times
? to correct mistakes
to new, even more monstrous ...
the right of the soulless
? so all the same, the salvation of the soul or
human rights...
a new slogan is always a combination of old ones...
? what rights can a soulless person have...
! only for current recharging
win games
...ardent love for the geometry of the great
to black on black
, to victories over the future
symbols conquer reality
, and games - work
transparent peignoirs
math they ask about love
and a pimp about infinite sets
...they catch by the sleeve-
! wait a second, here you are, in black,
Do you like transparent peignoirs?
personal opinion
Pharaoh's mummy has hands on genitals
He's kind of holding onto his balls...
our dead cross their arms over their chests
they are protecting something else -
personal opinion ?
follow the boss
...when everyone follows the boss
/ Lu Buwei
our music is violent, though primitive
we want to say everything in one ballad:
what does the soldier have duffel bag
, and the boss has a wagon and a trolley
awakened at night sets the tone for life
, wakes up
awakened at night hears a type of call ...
! it is a projection on the sky
, calm readiness to die
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