Субботний вечер - памяти Майка Науменко

The evening  sabbath comes, and I am alone again
Another sabbath comes, and I am alone again
And there's no one around
I am my own a Lord
It's dark in my apartment
Like on the other side of  Moon
It's dark in my apartment
Like on the other side of  Moon
And just as quiet and  so scary
As after the first World War
I hear a knock on door and it's my brother comes
I hear a knock on door and it's my brother comes
His name is loneliness and very glad to see him
I tell him brother you come to me again
Again I tell him brother you come to me again
Give me a portrait now and I'll hang it on wall
He answers me, brother, a misfortune for you
And answers me again, brother, a misfortune for you
But don't afraid, dear, I never leave  away!!!
The evening  sabbath comes, and I am alone again
Another sabbath comes, and I am alone again
And there's no one around
I am my own a Lord!
