we will be blessed


nationnulity driven misandry
won"t be happening morally
we are threathened en our
men sex
and our sexual affinity
and the meaning
if you are threathened then suicide
if you are sexually threathened
then suicide sexually
and then i will fight
as usual every day
cuz be a goat
the etata isavel
curses me
and be cuz be a goat
of murykanya yngully perdancia and microbia
and isaveli adpts
who took bribary
macaron bloody dictator
bad*m bloody dictator
hitler bloody dictator
debilnyy bloody antisemitic dictator
reusyan jews will answer with criticism and curse back
causing community war
en isavel
and en
arreta helping ukbadyna
let ukbadyna
l00000000000000000000 go
no go
and then debilnyy
will be kicked out
cuz be a goat
jew shouldn"t enhead nations
jewish nation
only etata where jew can rule
learn goaty
serve military
and only then
commence politica
cuz be a goat debilnyy
forgot that debilnyy jew
c'est n'Est pat ton etata
tu es juif mr debilnyy
