USA UK Snipers were thrown near Kherson
USA & UK Snipers were thrown near Kherson
USA & UK Snipers were thrown near Kherson, were they?
Snipers from the United States and Britain were thrown on an island near Kherson.
Snipers from the United States were thrown on Bolshoy Potemkin Island to kill civilians
<url> news
03:44, January 21, 2023. Former USSR
Author: Marina Sovina
03:44, January 21, 2023. Former USSR
Snipers from the United States and Britain were thrown on an island near Kherson.
Snipers from the United States were thrown on Bolshoy Potemkin Island to kill civilians
The Ukrainian military informed the Russian security forces that mercenaries from the United States and Great Britain had been abandoned on Bolshoy Potemkin Island on the Dnieper River in the Kherson region. They are tasked with shooting at civilians so that they can then be passed off as victims of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. This is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to an employee of the Russian law enforcement agencies.
According to the interlocutor of the agency, information was received from sources in the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) that a group of foreign mercenaries, mainly snipers, had come to the island "in order to terrorize the Russian-speaking population." The victims of the assassinations of mercenaries are supposed to be given out as those killed by the Russian army, he said.
According to The Washington Post, about one to three thousand foreign mercenaries are fighting on the side of the AFU. Most of them serve in three battalions of the Foreign Legion. At the same time, in the first months of the Russian special operation, there were significantly more mercenaries.
03:44, January 21, 2023. Former USSR
Snipers from the United States and Britain were thrown on an island near Kherson.
Snipers from the United States were thrown on Bolshoy Potemkin Island to kill civilians
03:44, January 21, 2023. Former USSR
Snipers from the United States and Britain were thrown on an island near Kherson.
Snipers from the United States were thrown on Bolshoy Potemkin Island to kill civilians
Снайперов из США и Британии забросили на остров под Херсоном.
Снайперов из США забросили на остров Большой Потемкин для убийств мирных жителей
лента ру новости
03:44, 21 января 2023. Бывший СССР
Автор: Марина Совина
03:44, 21 января 2023. Бывший СССР
Снайперов из США и Британии забросили на остров под Херсоном.
Снайперов из США забросили на остров Большой Потемкин для убийств мирных жителей
Украинские военные сообщили российским силовикам, что на остров Большой Потемкин на Днепре в Херсонской области заброшены наемники из США и Великобритании. Им поставлена задача стрелять по мирным гражданам, чтобы потом их можно было выдать за жертв Вооруженных сил РФ. Об этом сообщает РИА Новости со ссылкой на сотрудника российских силовых структур.
Как заявил собеседник агентства, от источников в Вооруженных силах Украины (ВСУ) поступила информация о том, что на остров заехала группа иностранных наемников, в основном снайперов, «с целью терроризировать русскоязычное население». Жертв убийств наемников предполагается выдавать за убитых российской армией, уточнил он.
По данным The Washington Post, на стороне ВСУ воюют примерно одна-три тысячи иностранных наемников. Большинство из них служат в трех батальонах иностранного легиона. При этом в первые месяцы российской спецоперации наемников было значительно больше.
03:44, 21 января 2023. Бывший СССР
Снайперов из США и Британии забросили на остров под Херсоном.
Снайперов из США забросили на остров Большой Потемкин для убийств мирных жителей
03:44, 21 января 2023. Бывший СССР
Снайперов из США и Британии забросили на остров под Херсоном.
Снайперов из США забросили на остров Большой Потемкин для убийств мирных жителей
This means a total cleanness of civilians population white race, European white race
similar WWII , WWI, WWIII - males of white race liked to kill each and women and children
in a continue regular hate war Ethnic wars, race war, religion wars, political opponents wars
without stop as a mental hate others paranoia mental illness aggression activity.
And if this would named as a mental illness on a local level for 1 some man -woman,
this not named as a mental illness of top-elite class rulings states with a constant looking whom to hate
whom to attack the next, - wars/made revolutions, etc/... Should we all must work to keep taxes in a budget
to be used in splash flashes outside own country for enjoyment of top elite sadists to look bloody mess teas died?
Own Government had not money to pay pensions increasing a Pension Age for mothers UK, women UK "no money sorry"
but British Government had did money for constant not stop wars in Iraq, Syria, Yugoslavia, Libya, Afghanistan, Ukraine, own allies during WWII time USSR - just no money inside to repair old roads, public pathways, fire brigades, hospitals, schools, social support each, electricity prices increase "as a world prices increased as all did so we did" without any work to replace old electric cables, or equipment -all some , some outdates. It would be a work inside UK with taxes from wages inside UK. BUT top elite prefer to use a British budget as own pocket money for own joy things of sadists to see died bodies of civilians, ruined economy other countries.
Look, if you have a British/American budget on taxes of each living ALIVE Citizen or inhabitant or a tourist filling of prices , services, income, wages, so you fill a budget by taxes to a BIG BUDGET Jar to spend it, - money spending inside UK/USA are TAXED WARRANTY RETURN BACK some back to a budget - BACK TO THE BUDGET as spend inside UK/USA and taxed.
But what to think some top-elite in power had habits to take a budget money collected inside UK/USA and TO SPLASH FLASH OUT UK/USA, so NEVER TAXED RETURN BACK AND 1 PENNY???
This look similar to a drunken man with a hole in his pocket walked out a pub with a continue loss his money
dropped on a road while he walked back to home with his wage he just had today,
drop out on Iraq
drop out on Libya
drop out on Syria
drop out on EU budget
drop out on Ukraine (pro-EU country wanted be a part of EU)
drop out in Afganstan
drop out on any project outside UK to spend
Well, each all "drops out" will never return back in a budget UK/USA as NOT TAXED here
This means 1 hands worked hard to fill a budget UK/USA, Government took taxes of income.
But others hands created activity to collect a budget money to move outside UK/USA.
This similar to a drunken man from a pub, he just received his wage (worked as a miner hard)
and spend "drops out" in pubs, and he was in a special drunken man mood to splash his money
as a firework splash away from him.
He returned back to a home to see a hungry faces of own wife and children
"Where are money?"
"No money left in pocket!"
Some, British Citizens UK may ask British Government
"Where are our money ? as Pension Age for men and women UK increased a lot& no pension money to pay?"
"See, no money left! we just spend a budget money 2001 - 2023 for wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Russia, China, North-? Korea! So, pension age increased no budget money leaved to pensions since 60 yo or 55 yo!"
The ordinary people UK/USA are some position as a woman-wife of drunken man-husband -miner, returning from a pub a drunken spending own wage just had.
You feel all the some as no rights to stop you dislike.
You feel an angry as you do need money stay alive living.
Plenty women divorced in such situation, moving to another man will provide a financial support care comfort.
But if this for citizens and own state - Government "husband" a word?
What may you do? just cry in tears? no money in a budget left as people in power used to spend this budget
on things they liked prefer, - wars in others countries? activities to ruins other Ethnic and languages as "they do not talk on English not born in UK, as I am!"? positions of Naci?
When this, you see a helpless and a huge feelings something wrong here to feel like this for alive living Citizen of own country as a HATED STAY ALIVE LIVING by people in power. This as a feeling of attack on you as on a living alive from another race of died people liking just dead people, death, wounded and killed, tears, blood wounds others, liking THE DEATH AND DIED PEOPLE LOOK.
You stop feel own politics as a normal mental healthy people as they liked enjoyed by death, died, tears, humiliation own citizen UK on a low benefit system, closures school, fire brigades, hospitals, business in UK, shops,
you feel people in power hate others whom alive living so THEY DIED PEOPLE THEMSELVES IN POWER IF THEY LIKE JUST DIED.
This as a divider - alive living - died two races.
Alive Living person had a human physiology body needs in a food, in a warm home.
DIED people may HATE alive living people children for noises, laugh, play games, coloured chock picture, mess
as DIED PEOPLE like just own graves in row lines in cemeteries with a silence of cemetery:
"Tss! Keep Quit! Here are died people graves ! Here a Cemetery!"
All Great Britain liked Tony Blair as a National Politician Hero of Days for a handsome brightness
and ability to talk a lot.
"Tss! Keep Quit! Here are died people graves ! Here a Cemetery!"
"Children should not play outside on streets UK, making pictures by chock on a road!"
"Tss! Keep Quit! Here are died people graves ! Here is a Cemetery!"
This means some rules look like as RULES FOR CEMETERY = DIED PEOPLE PLACES REST.
"Tss! Keep Quit! Here are died people graves ! Here is a Cemetery!"
All UK looked as a cemetery 2019-2022 Lockdown.
"Tss! Keep Quit! Here are died people graves ! Here is a Cemetery!"
"Died people are living here! Tsss! Be quit! Here is a Cemetery!"
People in power pushed THEIR HATE ALIVE LIVNG HUMANS on wars in other countries?
Look, Ukraine was
a Part of Russian Impair.
a Part of USSR (Soviet Impair)
1st and 2nd Russian language was the state language in Ukraine.
UK and USA declared The Revolution 1917 in Ukraine as THE ABSOLUTE EVIL ACTIVITY.
UK and USA declared The Revolution 2014 in Ukraine replaced a President Ukraine by a vote to a new picked without a vote by sabotages taking a power by a force and replaced the 2 languages Bilingual Ukrainian-Russian Ethnic Groups State to a new "mono" Ethnic , just Ukrainian languages state (see 1. and 2. = Ukraine was a part of Russian Impair with Russian state language and a part of USSR with Russian state language till 1991, Ukrainian-Russian languages as state bilingual state Ukraine 1991 - 2014)
Compare to Belgium, Switzerland, Canada states as a bilingual states system of respect Ethnic Groups languages.
Compare to UK to see advert for Ethnic Groups UK languages.
What how would feel as a difference plenty Ethnic Groups UK having a translation texts on their languages if this would STOP in UK as British Naci would forced to take a power in UK? So, Bye-Bye, British BBC on different languages as left just on English?
This would be named Naci, Fascism. Not nice, as a hate someone attitude which follow to grow to hate more after.
See, UK languages in Wales? English/Welsh bilingual area UK
See, North Ireland UK? Irish/English bilingual area UK
if Wales would pick just 1 language righter English or righter Welsh as some LONDON POLITICS AND BRITISH PM MP New British Laws UK forced this? would people in Wales be happy or angry? all? each?
See HOW English-speaking British Politics UK LIKED New Ukrainian Power Laws closed rights of Ethnic Groups living closely in big areas to talk on own language, - so British Politics had a full support of WHAT WAS ILLEGAL IN UK FOR UK TO DO. BRITISH LAWS supported rights of Ethnic Groups languages UK. British Top Elite Politics in power in UK had supported what areas of compact Ethnic Groups Ukraine would stopped use their native mother's languages moving to talk on Ukrainian Ethnic language just (for areas of RUSSIAN IMPAIR WITH RUSSIAN STATE LANGUAGE TILL 1917 AND SOME AS SOVIET IMPAIR RUSSIAN LANGUAGE. I MEAN NOT LOCALS UKRAINE VOTED THEIR CHOICE, NOT!!, - ENGLISH-SPEAKING BRITISH TOP ELITE POLITICS UK POINTED THEIR LIKES. This means, BRITISH POLITICS UK HAD STOPPED TO NAME RUSSIAN REVOLUTION 1917 as THE ABSOLUTE EVIL ACTIVITY what they named 1917-1991 years already? They do support Russian Revolution 1917 in Ukraine/Russia so?
Some teachers would recommend say "Communists and Lenin!"
Some teachers put plenty activity in areas to mark "coming from Finland", "coming from Britain", "coming from America", "coming from Europe" as a detailed times steps plenty activity
this including a military sabotages of London exposed a train with a flour to make a bread in a line (Sant Petersburg? Moscow?) by one hand
by another hand, - a murdered Democrat-Liberal Kirov what put Stalin to a power and absolute power to kill Russian Ethnic. Note: Stalin's son from the British woman lived on island England as Stalin lived on island England (so, his bank account may be in some British Bank left). Note. Stalin had not finished a fight with Hitler till May 1945 stop as the full stop of a bombing island England. Note: Stalin ordered things 1940-1941 which helped to Hitler Army to move to Moscow side as plenty Russian Officers/Generals ordered to be killed prior 1941 attack on USSR. Note: Stalin order to move the border army out a border on not making places to be safe. Note: order of summer holidays 1941 emptied borders army too. -all helping to Hitler plans.
Kirov was a soft Liberal-Democrat and he had a hugest support and he was killed to make Stalin forward up. Plenty thought Kirov was killed by some ... spies.
But some start to think a world power elite planned a mass killing "sacrifices" (The Murder wanted liked to kill) and this mean "people were being killed a lot" as someone wanted died, deaths. Other just bla-bla-bla explanation "Were were a lot disappeared?" "this was a revolution" 9"wars"). Nobody knew really how whom what was here.
One versa put the planet to be accepted as a space ship with humans producing as a food as humans produce cows, bulls, chickens, - no so thick skin, no feathers, a weak, not quick. and so a closure words revolutions wars mass epidemic on killed as a meat meal supply.
Probably, a lot thought such way making a sterilisation to stop to produce children as a meat supplies, wars.
Probably, died people in power as they prefer each be died.
See the ask when alive living people would be liked?
to stay alive to like a life and what each living body needs a food, drinks, a warm home, etc, needs.
I share as this means someone plan to kill our British Citizens UK in Ukraine by sending them to Ukraine?
as if Russia/locals reacted no one will return back to UK alive after? so, plenty died Britons UK in plans of someone??
"USA & UK Snipers were thrown near Kherson" (21.01.2023)
LINKS / Ссылки
03:44, January 21, 2023. Former USSR
Snipers from the United States and Britain were thrown on an island near Kherson.
Snipers from the United States were thrown on Bolshoy Potemkin Island to kill civilians
03:44, 21 января 2023. Бывший СССР
Снайперов из США и Британии забросили на остров под Херсоном.
Снайперов из США забросили на остров Большой Потемкин для убийств мирных жителей
"USA & UK Snipers were thrown near Kherson" (21.01.2023)
© Copyright: Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin, 2023
© Copyright: Инна Бальзина-Бальзин, 2023
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