kid speech for UN

Hi my name is
My role model in this time is komondante Che Guevara National Liberation Army Cuban Revolutionary Armed Force oproximatly start carier in Perl harbor  because by Wili he was born in 1928 then what age he start serve
He was Born and
Die because
* Cuban Revolution
    * Attack on El Uvero
    * Operation Verone
    * Battle of Las Mercedes
    * Battle of Santa Monica
* Bay of Pigs Invasion
* Cuban Missile Crisis
* Congo Crisis
* Bolivian Campaign 
But he is philosophical leader till now people didnt get it what exactly his philosophy of soul and how he was taken care of people
 If i were him now i would talk like this:
How it would be in future if i give to my people do what ever they want
I dont want to
sit on a pile of skulls and thinks what led to this crisis how to die stube les pastes souverene munitsipalle  les lumier
People needs rules
What if alians will sell us for food?
becouse the world are Cirk de soler
People can die
people can run but nation always must think about all
Not only by Platon Heliopolis Obelisque only man can rule but Aristotel say the

Oligarh, aristocracy and artists must wark that way tjat people want live want work want care about kinder
As Neiro burnt his library or it was the Irod you will say
As Musa  and the Nile as Egypt and the piace of Universe
apice, epica, pecia epinoceya as we need the vaccine world healthy world not locked we free
The modern way of thinking about philosophy of Life
The Japanese say the one word only is noh as japanese man as expensive as silence
Art of war Sun Tzu
with meaning
you ii ai dano wah oi ai ya ni no wagame uruyou origami des
Kang fu tzai iga da iga go
Kang chung shi
the most powerful country are rice pedi
Treat your people
as you would
your own
beloved kids spoile
if they want war
they must have it
Habibi say
Was furrer nazia nasionalle des was des libber untra radical weht high reih unt Indonesia cinta komu sindiri

Ferdinand Spaniol
Esta de diva La loco gosta mi gusto
Millenium alfa centavra mittah domme untra rogaci
Garsyiong Sefard Belliccimo Gracci
ash kenzo
Era cosmos galactika Andromeda golakseya Milky way
Komandor must fellow low of confederation 
Planeta ring esta sanktum  planeta Moon
Greek name Geya Eracone I
The world engines are artificial Intellegants
Even our environment ruled by programmers the food we buy ruled by piar; wueh Missieux
The most beautiful planet in universe is Earth
we have as thousands of exoplanets
war we have pice STAR WARS
we are free
we not slaves
we can do
what ever we want
in the end
we will have court
Военный трибунал рус
Ya allo Bismillah irroha irrohim muhhammaddar rass ul alloh
people of mine will survive any war in shauloh will be peace
I dont have weapons but i can speak amin
There is nothing impossible to him who will try
Alexandr the Great

ya prinesu mir k tvo nogam ti moi rebenok ya lublu tebya forever mama
Elon Musk
said starlink it and lead usnot into temptation
Kim chin in :
It must prove it has mastered the technology to be able to mount enough small nuclear warheads onto the ICBM. Bbc
Mi budem presledovat terroristov vsiudu esli v tualete poimaem to i v sortire ih zamochim

President mozhet poiti posazhat ris a vot ris ne mozhet posazhat prezidenta

Президент может пойти посажать рис а вот рис не может посажать президента

Like a Putin: мы будем преследовать террористов всюду, если, в туалете, поймаем, то и, в сортире, их замочим
Putin: we will pursue terrorists everywhere, if we catch them in the toilet, then we will soak them in the toilet
