All the hystory
The donkey childbirth
When a person is masturbating, and a sperm is left, and a woman fertilizes herself
with the man sperm...It is a childbirth with no sexual encounter...Fertilization by masturbation..
The cool way...The sperm is landing on a non-living material, and the color representing
such childbirth is blue...Blue is metafysics...
The horse childbirth
A childbirth resulting from sexual encounter, a penetration. Then ejaculation, and the sperm is
shot inside the whomb...The sperm is touching only living matter and the color representing such
childbirth is red...Red is living people only...
Circle-rounded square-square. Alt left wing..
Circle-square-rounded square MD left wing..
Rounded square-square-circle MD Right..
Square rounded square circle Alt right...
The jewish history, is the hystory of the diasporas...The immigration to Cnaan from Babelon,
Egypt, Cnaan, Babelon, Cnaan, and Europe...The end of independence...Then the Isavel,
the new Judea...
The immigration...
The story started in Babelon, when one donkey-born person, was advised by his granddad from
the mother side, that if he wanted to become "God" like his father, then he should sleep with
a woman...And then he behaved like that, and the illution vanished...The father said:"You slept
with a woman..That's it, I don't need you..You go and work...You are not publicationinst anymore,
and you will understand that you will have much more work than you think. And then, the person said,
"there must be another way of making a publication..." and a voice in the mind said: "Yes, it is called
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immigration, and then choosing left wing..." And then the person immigrated to Cnaan...
The Cnaaniz
They at first attacked the immigrants names. And added the epsylon ; ,the left wing letter, to their names..
Next, they proposed to kill the last boy, so to block the right wing..And so the immigrant lives metafysics
only, but when the father was sacrificing the son, the daugther started to talk on behalf of the government,
and said to sacrifice an animal...And so, happenned...And then the Cnaanis said: "You give us the woman,
because she cheated the government". And the woman said "No", and the father said "no", and the
woman was took by force...Then the family became circle rounded square square...The cnaaniz commanded:
"You circumumcise yoursef...." and he circumcised himself..And then the cnaaniz commanded: "You
circumcize your sons..." and he circumcised his sons...And the Cnaaniz said...The answer why, is in Egypt.
Because egypyt was superior in the hyrarchy, then China, then Japan, then Europe...
The pea-soup
A twins were about to be born, but only a head was out of the woman, and the head can't be blessed,
because it is not sure, the head belongs to a son..And then when the penis was out, the father blessed,
and then suddenly, a hand was holding the boy's foot...And the father started cursing, because it
might have been a hand of a woman..But however, when the second penis was out, the father blessed
the second boy as welll...Then the boys fought for the blessing..The patrearchalic blessing is
"being god", and future blessing is being "correct"...The young blessing is also very important and
is called the "small blessing", "the left wing blessing"...However, the younger brother envied the
first brother, Isav, and prepared a pea soup..The soup was very smelling-tasty, and the bigger brother
wanted the soup..And said : "give me the soup.." "ok", said the little brother, "but, tell that I was born first"..
"but I was born first..", said the big brother..."then it is no problem to say what I ask..The reality is a fact...",
and then, the first brother said: "OK, you were born first, just give me the soup.." and got the soup...
The young brother, went to the tent of the father, and only once in a while the sons were let to speak
with the father...And the women supported the younger brother's lie and said : "Ithzak, your first son
Isav is standing in front of you, tell him your blessing..." and the father, Itzhak said: "Isav, ok.. You are the
god of your young brother, and can extall upon him every time you want...." And the younger brother
was shoked...Because he was born only a minute after his brother, and such a big blessing...The
tradition seemed unfair...And then the big brother barked at him said: "What?! You revealed my blessing?!
I will kill you!!!" And the younger brother escaped...And the bigger brother caught him in a dream...
And the younger brother said: "Oh god almighty god almighty", and the bigger brother said: "Aga...
since you said I was god almighty from today your name will be Isav-God Isav-el"....
Later the Isav-el worked 28 years to get married, and it is proving that he was not blessed,
because blessing comes with a herd of sheep and goats...If he had a herd of sheep and goats,
he could have marry immideately...
The Egypt
There was a slave nation in Egypt, the "Ammaleks", and they asked the faraon, to get released from
slavery.. The Faraon said: "You bring me another nation for slavery, and be released..."
And then, the Ammaleks, started to make a moral "commercial", a "dream", saying how much
the life in Egypt is fair, and how the Faraon, predicts the rains during sleep-time...And the jews
believed, and went to Egypt, and settled near the river, aside of the Ammaleks...
At first, the Faraon did not touch the Jews...So they learn the language...And then asked: "Bring one jew to
me for a talk..." And then, the Jews had this little borther jew, the Jozeppe, and the bigger brothers said,
"Jozeppe, you are the most flattering, you go and talk to Faraon...", and the Jozeppe went to meet the Faraon...Faraon
was sitting and staring on a peace of paper in which his diets were described..One week
eating, one week diet..It is because the Faraon's problem was that he can get any benefits he likes,
but getting fat, and it is the problem...Surely not the rains...Rains are force-major..Rains are natural fenomenon, and not
affected by the faraon..And then faraon said: "Jozeppe, I have this weird dream
Fat cow, and then skinny cow...What might it mean? (Of course the diets).." And then Jozeppe said:
"Faraon, it is that you forecasting the weather in your dream, it is that next year it will be raining,
and after two years there will be drought..." "Oh, you might be right", said the faraon, "I believed immideately....But
you understand, Jozeppe, that I am the Faraon, the King of Egypt, and
I am not a joker...Your prediction will be told to all the people in the kingdom, and they will behave
accordingly..When you tald that there will be raining, the won't accumulate water..When you
told that there will be drought, they will accomulate water...And that is how you will be
saving me a lot of work...And I will promote you as a payment...You and your people will
be living like Egyptians in Egypt...You know how Egyptians in Egypt live, mr. Jozeppe? They
are right wing..Square rounded square circle, and what are you today? Cnannis, and your
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grandparents are Bablonyan...Circle square rounded square..But you dont know how be expolited...
How to be circle rounded square square...If you fail me, Jozeppe, I will exploit you, and will
make children with your women, and they will extall, and you will make circumcistions with
a curse meaning, and the first-born boys will be put to the river, and whoever rebels, will become a woman...
Don't fail me. Jozeppe",
And then Jozeppe went back to the Jews and said: "There is exellent news, good news, and bad news...
What do you want to hear first? " The Jews said: "The exellent news, Jozepe"..."I guessed the rains
of the next two years...It is a big chance that I was correct, then we will live like Egyptians in Egypt..."
"And what is the good news, Jozeppe?" "We still can live as today, until the end of the two years...
Circle square rounded square...Md LEFT" "And what is the bad news, Jozeppe...?" "If I was wrong,
we will become slaves..Circle rounded square square...And the Faraon will make childred with our
women, and they will extall, and the circumcision will be a curse, and the first-born sons will
be put to the river, and the ones who will rebel will beome "women"...
And then the Jews said..."We won's accuse you beforehand..Maybe you were right regarding the rains..."
And then after two years..The faraon calls Jozeppe: "So, Jozeppe, you weren't right at all, huh?"
And Jozeppe said: "No, it is your dream was an error, you fooled all the kingdom, next time I will teach
you to dream..." And the Faraon said: "That's it. You bluffed.. I did not tell anyone about your 'prediction'"
and then the Jozeppe said: "Then don't punish me and my people, I did not fool you..." and then
the Faraon said: "You wasted my time, and if you fooled anyone from my kingdom i would hang you
on a tree..You are a slave, and I am not leveling with you anymore...I am a master.."
And the Jozeppe went to meet the Jews and said: "I was right about the prediction, but the faraon
did not give me the victory..." and the Jews said: "It was sure from the start. The faraon is a maniac..."
And then the Jews started to live in Egypt...
Life in egypt
The faraon was making children with Jewish women, by th untouching "msturbating" way, and
then, giving a golden medal, to put on a baby, and the baby, to be put to the river, along with
the first-born sons..The faraon workers were waiting near the river, and taking the boy
with the medal, and then he was the Faron "boy" that was called "Mouses", the representative
of the "mouses", and the Egyptians are the cats, and the Government are "Gogs-Gods"...
The jewish woman that gave birth to the faraon boy, was extalling upon the jewish women,
and the women were extalling upon the jewish men, because men were assaulted by the
circumcision which was only a warning, and the rebels were further depressed....
But, however, the agreement of Jozeppe and the Faraon was for only 600 years...
But after that time, the Faraon did not have the intention to release the Jews...
Faraon, tried to repeat the trick and make a boy with a Jewish woman, by the force
of masturbation...And masturbated, and left a golden medal, but the woman did not become
bregnant..The woman did not want to disappoint the Faraon (always appoint, believe in a meaning),
and asked a Jew to mastubate so she can be fertilized..And then put the golden medal on the boy,
and the boy to the river...And the faraon took the Jewish boy...Immideatly the values flipped,
and became Square rounded square circle...Because, there was a Jewish boy in the goverment,
and then the boy killed an Egyptian soldier...And the Faraon asked : "Why did you kill the Egyptian
soldier?" and the Mouses said : "I am jewish..." and the Faraon said: "Forget it, I Just won't bless you",
and that is because the Faraon thought the Mouses was as usual, his son..But that Mouses was jewish...
The Jews demanded their release..And the Faraon gave Mouses his fortune, the "papirus with rounded square, square
circle.." The sea of tears..The proof that the egypt is a beta country...
The life in the desert
Jews were born in the desert...And the desert-born were circle square rounded square, and the egyptian born
were circle rounded square square...The desert-born were very important, and sent spies to
prove that it is possible to conquer Cnaan..All the spies were Egyptian born...Because they had to die
anyway, and then when the spied returned back, they said: "Let's tell a lie, that it is impossible to conquer
Cnaan...And then we will return back to Egypt.." And the minority said: "Lets tell the truth, and we will be mercied..."
and then, the desert born said:" If our parents, the egyptian born will rule, we will return to
Egypt...Lets kill our parents, and eat them, and they ate MAN, and extalled like "Godz"...And
the man got the third finger...And they invaded Cnaan...
The life in Cnaan
The jews made a meeting with one king, that said: "I will give you one city, but don't harm my people",
and the jews said "OK" and in the same day, slaughtered all 5 cities. The were untrustable, and as well,
kannibalic, purchasely-lefties, lefties by crime...And at first did not want a king. And were rounded square, square
circle, however, the Palestinians, were square rounded square circle, and conquered the Jews...
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They gave a Governer...The Governer made childred with Jewish women, to enpower matrearchy,
and prevent rebellion, and the children were called "monks"...and were untouchable...
Most of the monks were not mentioned in the bible, and the one who was mentioned believed too much
his mother side, and attack the Palestinian side, the father side, and at the end made a big terract and
killed a lot of Palestinians..Then the Jews wanted a king, but not a strong king, that would have been
a dictator..A rounded-square king, was chosen, the Shaul...But very fast he started revenge and asked
Daud, his soldier (a square) to bring him 200 circumscisions of Palestinians, and it proves that
circumscision is a curse..Surely didn't he request to bless 200 Palestinians...And then the prophet
Samuyl, asked to revenge the Ammalek. The Ammaleks were the nation that convinced the Jews
to go to Egypt, by the means of moral "commercial", publication in a dream...And then Shaul started
killing Ammaleks, and encountered the Ammalek King...The Amalek king said: "Shaul, you are still young,
maybe you will sleep with my daughter, and then you will be able to opress me everytime you want,
and let me go..." the Shaul said: "OK", and slept with the Amalek daughter, and then went to talk to
Samuyl and said: " I have succeeded in the mission you asked and now we can always opress the Amalek,
because I slept with his daughter..." The Samuyl said: "And let Amalek go?! That is it, you are not the king...
I will appoint Daud, he will obey me..", and appointed Daud..But when the Army commander held the
holy statue, and in the bible it is stated that is a person holds the holy statue, it is forbidden to kill, Daud
took a sword and beheaded the army commander, and said, "Tell about to GOD", because the "God" was
the Assyrian king, that was directly commanding the Daud to kill the army commander, but the prophet
Samuyl said, "Daud had to cheat the God, and not please his bad feelings, just like during sacrifice
of the patrearch, when an animal was sacrificed...and therefore Daud won't build the temple"....
The next king was Salomon, and he was a leftie, that, took a lot of women from neighbour kings,
and gave them back, doughters...And he had a lot of daughters but did not have any sons..
Salomon was opressing men, and was misandric, and then one man climbed into the building
of all the women, and slept with one woman...And a boy was born...And the Salomon appointed him
as the next king..A dynasty has ended...Salomon built the temple, and the temple is a building in which
an ambassodor, "the God on earth", was living..All the people had to believe that they were praying to
"a god", but god "inexists", and the nation just believed in an empire like they were gods..."God" means
a patrearchalic complement, to people which are honored...Judea was believing in Babelon, that they
were "gods" and Isavel were beleiving in Assyria.... The ambassador was making children with Jewish
women, and children were called "Prophets", and were "untouchable", "very important people"... Then, Assyria
conquered Isavel, because god don't have to be pleased at the time god curses, only when he blesses, and thus due to
the killing of the army commander, the revenge was the conquest of isavel...
The assyrians were attacking Jerushalayam (the fortune is the sea of tears rounded square square circle),
and then the jews said: "Lets expodite the Babelonyan ambassador, and take Assyrian ambassador...",
and took Assyrian ambassador, and the Assyrians left..And the Babelonyans said: "What?! The Jews expodited
our ambassador?!", and Conquered Judea..And the jews started living in Babelon...
The life in Babelon
The jews were not slaves, but ideological slaves of the king himself...There were personally dictated by
the king, and therefore could not bow to anyone, but the king himself...Because if a person bows,
the ideology bows, and the king's ideology can not bow...
One day, a jew was walking on the street and in front of him, "The man", a worker of the king...
The jew did not bow..And the Man sayd: "Jew, why did not you bow?", and the jew said: "I am bowing
only to the king..", and The Man said: "A have also authority..I will hang you..." and went to talk
to the king, "Snake and the head"...A paradox...And while they were dining together, The Man said: "Listen,
Snake and the head, Yesterday I was walking on the street and suddenly a jew did not bow...How
would you behave ?" and the Snake And the Head said: "I? Would have hanged all the jews on the trees"...
Then The Man prepared a document, stating : "I, Snake and the head command the defence minister to
hang all the jews on the trees, and start from the jew named Rebel and Live". Once people did not have names, they
had only nicknames, that were the name of their "life story"..The king was the head of
the snake and the snake were all the people..The King and the people are connected as one animal...
And Rebel and Live was an antigovernment person..."The man" was the king's chosen man, and
tried to behave like he was the king...The Man brought the document to the "Snake and the Head", and
said: "Snake and the head, sign this standard document.." and the king signed...
The defence minister started to realizing the document, synce the signature was correct,
and hanged "Rebel and Live". There was a Jewish queen, named The queen of the Ass...Ass end and repeating, and
started pleasing Snake and the head, for 3 days, and then said: "Snake and the head, why did you ask to hang all the
Jews on the trees?" and the king answered: "I did not asked such a demand..."
And the Ass queen said: "but the defence minister has a document with your signature,
stating that you asked to hang all my people on the trees" "And who gave the defence minister the document?", asked
the Snaked and the Head.."The Man", said the Ass queen. "Call The Man to me", said
the Snake and the head...And said: "The man, did I ask you to hang all the jews on the trees?" "Yes you did",
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said The man, "when we were dining, you said that if a jew won't bow, then you would have hanged all
the jews..." "But he did not bow to you", said Snake and the head, "You can only hang that specific jew...",
"and now when you did not please me, how will you apologize?" "To hang myself", said The Man.."Yes", said
the Snake and the Head..And then The Man Hanged himself...And then the Jews said that maybe it is
not so pleasant to live in babelon, mabye it is better to immigrate back to Cnaan, and immigrated back
to Cnaan...
Judea 2, the life in Cnaan
The Jews built a temple, and said: "Why we put always a man in the temple, it causes wars...Lets
be just circle rounded square square, and such way keep our independence" and then they put
a woman in the temple, and since the "matrearchalic tribes" are always controlled by more superior
tribes, they were immideately conquered by the Romans...That gave an ambassador...
The Roman ambassador I-goverment, was living in the temple, and he was an ideological single,
and did not sleep with women, and did not have any children...Such way he did not opress the jews,
and did not enhance the matrearchy..And the jews became circle square rounded square, they
became more superior...To prevent rebellion, the ambassador have to opress, and cause
circle rounded square square...Then a leftie thought to "help him" and give birth to his son,
and so, he would have extalled upon the Jews and prevent the rebellion...The leftie told his
daughter the ambassador's secret nickname "I-government", and she sat near the temple,
in a small bush and flattered his name...I-Government exited the temple, but did not sleep with the
woman (because of the mizandry that the jewish women were trying to conduct) and only masturbated,
and came back to the temple....And the woman said: "Never mind, it is still possible to give birth to a baby"...
The I-Goverment was "God-on earth", the Roman ambassador, and the woman was virgin, and the
sperm is "the holy spirit", and the woman fertilized herself with his sperm, and a baby bas born...
The leftie, the father of the woman, said: "It is impossible to tell the authorities that the baby's father is
the ambassador, because we don't have the proof that the father wanted the childbirth of the boy,
because the father did not sleep with the women...." If they told the authorities about the boy's father,
he would have been pronounced as a prophet, and would have been "untouchable", but they did not tell
the truth..The circumcised the boy, and said that he is a jewish bastard..The boy was conneced to
two hyrarchies..The Roman hyrarchy, his father, the ambassador, and the Jewish hyrarchy,
because of the circumscision, and because that he had father's support (the connection between
the father and son works even if the father is not aware of the boy's existence), jews started believing
in him, that he was the massiah. "Massiah" is someone that causing the nation to become more
right wing, and such way "rescuing the nation from it's moral suffering"..However rescuing too much
might lead to rebellion. The right wing is military...Cheeses (left winger name because he was a rounded square), said :
"There is a true hyrarchy "god" - the Romans, and a false hyrarchy "the Jews", and Jews
don't have to be respected...Their future won't happen...Just don't worship the jewish way, and believe
the truth..." Cheesus started travelling around the country by foot, and interfered with the realization
of the Jewish future planning, and thus the government became disappointed, and proposed to
put cheeses on the cross, to find out the name of his rebelling father (crucifiction was a way to prove
the name of the bastard's father), stone him, and such way finish the rebellion. Because Jews were
already rounded square square circle, and were very close to rebel...The rebellion is square rounded
square circle, and there can be only one country as such... "God is only one", and then some people said
that Cheeses is very superior, and might be the ambassador's son, and then the government said:
"Lets give money, and if he will be cought, it means he is a jew"...Money is the hyrarchy's blessing,
and a jew is liking the jewish blessing, because it causes the tragedy not to happen emotionally....
Jews live blackmailing of the left wing, and when they want, they bless, and the badness does not happen...
And then Cheeses was caught, and put to the cross...And the name of his father was aparrent to be
"I-Government", the ambassador. And immideately the future happened emotionally, the Judea
will be conquered and the Jews will be enslaved. That is because the moral future is the chief of the
hyrarchy, the extaller, the caesar....Meantime the ambassador was meeting Pontius, the governor...And said:
"Pontius, something is hitting me, who is on the cross?" "Nazaretty, some bastard", said Pontius..."Put him
off the cross", said the ambassador...And the guards put Cheeses off the cross, and said: "Go and don't return".."I was
releived...", said the ambassador..."But I don't want any more worshiping from this province,
because it seems like they are blessing me and cursing me, and I don't want my poison to be sweetened..Tell
them to put statues in the temple, because it is obvious that God is a man and not a piece of stone...."
And Pontius ordered to put statues to the temple. The Jews saw the statues, and said: "Statues? We will be
slaves..Because it is obvious that the empire wants taxation, if it is not our prayers, it is that the empire
wants us as slaves..." one jew jumped and said: "Lets start the war first!! Maybe that future won't happen"
And attacked the small Roman force that was stationed near the capital...And Pontius and the ambassador escaped to
the empire by a boat...Cheeses spoke to his students and said: "I am son of god, and my
father even saved me from the cross, however, I can't travel with you anymore, because the false
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government still is chasing me..I am going to live in a far away city...." and the students said:
"What? he was dragging us around the country for so much time, and he is a son of god, and he is escaping...
Let's testify about him..." And testified about him in a book, "The new testimony", and escaped north,
to the Byzantian empire...Because the false governent was also chasing them...In Byzantian empire,
the books were a rarity (rarite), and the king wanted to meet every book writer, and talked to the Cheeses
students, and they told that in Judea there is "a son of god", and the Byzantian king said: "Son of the ambassador, and
what?" "and he was put on the cross, and released from the cross", said the students....
"You know, it is very important", said the Byzantian king, "because the ambassador, since he returned
to the empire, is having nightmares, and is not sleeping at nights, and what you told might be an answer
why...I am going to the empire, and you, please translate the book to our language, and if really
the Roman empire will conquer the Judea, according to the prediction, and will enslave the Jews,
I will take your book as a mitology..." and went to the empire, and talked to the ambassador.. He said:
"Ambassador, I have the answer why you are having nightmares. In Judea you have a boy and the Judeans
crucified him.." "Impossible", said the ambassador, "I am a virgin and never slept with any woman.." "Think well", said
the Byzantian king, "Sometimes children are born from masturbation"...And then the ambassador said: "Yes...I
remember..Once, I exited the temple, and masturbated...And some woman found my sperm
(holy spirit) and gave birth to a boy, and the Judeans crucified him?! NOW!!! Recruit the legion,
and conquer the Judea, and bring me my boy, and by the way, when you find my boy, tell him
to sit on a donkey..Because I was horny as a donkey then!!!!!!" And then the legion conquered Judea,
found Cheeses in one of the villages and said: "You, son of the God-on earth, the ambassador, sit on a donkey,
and ride to the empire to meet your father", and he ride the donkey all the way to the empire, and the
people on the way did not believe that he was the Cheeses from the story that was already told
by the Byzantian king, because formally the students did not tell that Cheeses survived the cross,
so the false Judean government won't catch him, and then Cheeses appeared before his father,
the ambassador....The father was already 98, and Cheeses was 67, and the father said:
"Here you are at last...I was emagining you all my life. You were born because I was horny as a donkey,
and masturbated, and therefore you are "like a little donkey", and I have already childred that were born
after sexual encounter, they are like little horses..And then he went to meet his brothers, "the horses"...
The extallation, "the gods"
The gods inexists, however, there are extalling people. The extallers are publicists that try the be "higher"
than everybody. There is a publication competition, and the extallations, are the publication
dictaturic "peaks", which people attend to as "gods"...The olympus had a greek extallation,
and the cities were sending a representative to live on Olympuss (whoever gets to that mountain is a pussy)
and those ambassadors were living and were having relations, which were affecting the country..
Sometimes the affect was real, and the kings (the formal governments) were behaving according
to the Olympuss and sometimes it was only a moral situation....Such an extallation was in the Fuji,
the Europe...Babelon...
The islam
An arab basturbated on a bush, and a christian woman found his sperm, (the horny spirit),
and gave birth to a son, called him by the father's name, and immigrated to Europe with the son..
The son extalled upon the father, and then the father was travelling the middle east and trying
to force his "religion" on the people, that became circle square rounded square...If your
father is the Roman ambassador, then the father is the "extaller", "the god", and if a father
is an arab, and the mother is christian, then the boy is extalling...Eventually through the boy,
to the father, eductation was conducted...That is the "monohyrarchystic religion"..Eventually,
the boy extalled upon the father to the fullest, and the father, could carry on more, however,
The life in european diaspora
Jews immigrated from the Jewish province.. "There is a land with no capital", and settled in Europe...
Another attractive site was Russya..Because there was no christianity...And then on the year 900
the Chinese invented the gunpowder, and the Russyan Tzar, thought to invent the writing,
and not being primitive anymore. The Russyan language lacked written letters, and thus was
very easily-adoptable...The Tzar appointed a person to go to Europe and invent the letters and
he invented all the letters and one special letter was the "Ы" because "the Ы me" , and then the
Tzar appointed another person, to learn the new testimony in the Greek language..And when they got
back to Russya, the Tzar appointed a third man, to write the new testimony on Russyan, with the
new letters...And they sat on a table, drank beers, played cards, and discussed chapters from
the new testimony...for 33 years. And then the Tzar appointed another 3 men, for
another 33 years, and then the Tzar appointed another 3 men for another 33 years...And then the priest
said to the public: "We have the book, we are no longer primitive..We are like europeans, and
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will go to church every sunday, and will shave, and by the way, everybody jump into the river", And
everybody jumped into the river and became Christians....And then writers emerged and compiled the
folk tales to books, and invented new books, but the first book was the new testimony....
The protestantic christianity
In the year 1500 after christ, a protestantic christianity was invented...It is dealing with all the time after
the crucifiction and the end of life of Cheeses....It is consisting of speculations about the Cheeses end of life,
because people did not want a tragic ending, they wanted to believe that Cheesses survived the cross..
The new religion started to be popular and disrupted the catolic hyrarchy, and then the countries of
Europe rebelled and started independent governments. The Roman empire collapsed...However, the Pope,
predicted that the new Christianity will lead to war in Europe, and it is needed to find "America", the "Lost land",
and so all the protestants will immigrate to America, and such way, the war will be prevented. The America
will be a country for the "New religion", "The new world"...And so the pope appointed a sailor..That found
America and protestants from England started immigrating, and gradually in England there was no
opposition. All the opposition went to America, and country without an opposition is called,
"A dictature", the king has "Victoried", and is controlling all the people by the spiritual way. Usually,
the opposition were outlaws, and were fighting back, and preventing the dictature, while occupying the
king..."They are entertainment, with almost no chance to win...But are needed.." The dictature will
always try to repeat it's success with some foreign state, and will try to become an empire...
America declared independence, and the English king supported the french opposition, and then
in france, the monarchy fell..And then England and France supported the German opposition,
and the German king started the world war I, to capture province in the eastern europe and
such way to prevent the falling of the monarchy, and supported the Russyan opposition,
and then in Russya, the monarchy fell...And then in Russya a regime with no oppositions, the
"Socializm" was started...And then in Germany the monarchy fell, and in Germany, a regime with
no oppositions have started, the "Kapitalizm", actually the Najn-Nullyzm, the Extallation regime...
That is because the German socializm waz adopted by Lenin, and thus Germans started extalling...
Extallation exploitation, and there is benefit, however, it is causing badness, and eventually a conflict.
And then Gitler demanded the chechoslovakia, and was given, and then Gitler and The steel stallyon
made an agreement of together conquering poland...And conquered poland...And then Gitler conquered
France, and united the tree countries, in which the monarchies fell: Russya, Germany and France,
together against England..Then Gitler conquered the french colonies in north Africa and bumped
into English colony, Egypt...And then, Stallyn, said that if Gitler conquers the middle east,
he is much more of a threath, then England, and lets make an agreement with England,
to conquer Germany together..And they signed the agreement, and Gitler as a revenge,
attacked Russya, and lost in Egypt, and lost in Russya, and 20 days before the conquest of Berlin
Gitler thought to suicide, and he had a girlfriend, and Gitler said: "Evachka, take an airplane, save yourself..."
and Evachka said : "no, I am marrying you", and then they took poison...And Gitler said: "I will forever fight
those jewish globalists...." Globalists are the Jewish diaspora, the left wing, and the right wing,
the Isavelic settlement in palestina, was his favorite people, he supported very mush, and taught how
to invent the myth of the right wing of the nation...They asked Gitler to save them from the extalling
left wing, and then Gitler cauzed the hollow - cost...Then Gitler shot himself and Berlin was conquered...
America has got a province the "western germany" and invented the "ideological capitalizm", and
the east was sovietic...There was a simbiosis, and in the capitalizm it is accepted to "stand on the juniors",
and in socialism-"to lean on the leader"...And that is why there was France-Germany the FRG and the
Germany Deutchland Russya, the GDR...
The symbyosis
The symbyosis lasted until 1986, and then the Murikanic intelligence followed an officer that worked
in the Cherno-BыL (THE BADNESS IS THE REALITY), and he started to produce too much electricity,
and then the reactor broke. The Murikans demanded an apology: "the unition of Germanies and the
release of the Jews" and that is why in Russya there was no "easy exploitable and non rebelling population",
and such population is needed to maintain an empire, and then Russya was forced to establish a self-province,
an opposition, and protect it by law, while limiting the Government egoyzm and forming an democracы...
Then Russya started to fight with the opposition, interfered the Syryan war, Lybyan war, establiashed
army bases on Cuba, took the Crymeria, established small-independent countries in Ukrayne, "in happenned
in the mountain" was conquered back, although Russya triez to become an empire again and punished
the opposition leaders...
Meantime in America the democratic government was elected...
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