
Hi,I am coming to You again!
Listen,are You here OK?
Time apart is heavy and hard,
I haven't been home for so long
And now I will start...

Do you know how many roads I've walked,
How did I get tired to talk?
How wanted a delicious coffee of yours,
How I wanted to tell you: my Boss?..

Once upon a time there was someone
Who was known by You very well,
No wonder he went so far not once
He didn't find any things to tell...

Hello, it's me again!
Listen, how are you today?
Days go for nothing like smoke
We are no longer together in boat
I'll tell you where I've been away...

Been on the road a lot of time,
I'm so tired of walking them!
Give me your coffee,delicious one,
I'll tell you about myself then:

Someone lived next to your door,
You have been shared cares with him,
He was always wandering more and more,
He disappeared,then was coming to win...

Hi,I am coming to You again!
Listen,are You here OK?
Time in split is heavy and hard,
I haven't been home for so long
And now I will start...

I cant pass myself through identity test,
So much I've been thinking about us,
About you and me and what a waste
My crazy story in clown mask...

I have nothing more to speak with you,
I am even less than a dream at hell!
Maybe not even the worst,but look
What can I tell about myself:

Hello, it's me again!
Listen, how are you today?
Days go for nothing like smoke
We are no longer together in boat
I'll tell you where I've been away...

You know I'm different thus,
The world I dream is like this:
About you,about me, about us...
Silly dreams which I cant miss!

I have not anymore to pay...
You will need to keep me away
I must stop those visits again
Maybe better at all not to say:

Hi,I am coming to You again!
Listen,are You here OK?
Time apart is heavy and hard,
I haven't been home for so long
And now I will start...
