2005-2022 Cтихотворение Поэта Олега Головкова
© 18+ : Все права принадлежат авторам, 2000-2022. Портал работает под эгидой Российского союза писателей. Интеллектуальная Элита Демократической России : 18+ Russia 2022.
2023 : Photo : / http://stihi.ru/2022/12/31/1999 / - 1996 - Roman Viktyuk : Theater : " Mаркиз-де-Cад " : Cекреты Tеатра Pоманa Bиктюкa : 1996 : Theatre : Moscow Russia : Подробности об общении с РОМАНОМ ВИКТЮКОМ в моей книге "РОМАН ВИКТЮК: РЕЦЕПТ ДЛЯ ГЕНИЯ",что в составе "МИРОВОГО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОГО НАСЛЕДИЯ РУДОЛЬФА НУРЕЕВА:РОССИЯ - ХХ ВЕК".
© 2005 Cтихотворение Поэта Олега Головкова (1970): авторский перевод с татарского - Посвящается Юри РЮНТЮ / http://stihi.ru/diary/yuri2005/2008-09-01 / 1970-2022
2022 : Photo : 1996 - Roman Viktyuk : Theater : " Mаркиз-де-Cад " : Cекреты Tеатра Pоманa Bиктюкa : 1996 : / http://stihi.ru/2022/12/31/2093 / - Theatre : Moscow Russia : Подробности об общении с РОМАНОМ ВИКТЮКОМ в моей книге "РОМАН ВИКТЮК: РЕЦЕПТ ДЛЯ ГЕНИЯ",что в составе "МИРОВОГО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОГО НАСЛЕДИЯ РУДОЛЬФА НУРЕЕВА:РОССИЯ - ХХ ВЕК".
© 2005 Олег Головков " Поэт " - Oleg Golovkov : Olegg Golofkoff : born : 1970 Almaty Kazakhztan : / http://stihi.ru/2022/12/31/2093 / 2022 - 2023
© " Где Взять Поэту Вдохновенье?
Из детства?
О, нет!
Оно Снисходит, как везенье,
Оберегает - от всех бед.
Ты Ищешь, Слышишь, Пишешь, Знаешь.
Ты Думаешь, что: «Вот, Оно!»
Но дни идут, и Замечаешь,
Что Время нам Не Отдано…
Любить, Мечтать, Страдать, Играть…
Ты Должен Путь Свой Начертать.
И через Море Слез Понять:
Кто Ты?
Кто Бог?
И Всё Принять… " / http://stihi.ru/2022/12/31/1999 / 2008-2022
2022 : Photo : 1996 - Roman Viktyuk : Theater : " Mаркиз-де-Cад " : Cекреты Tеатра Pоманa Bиктюкa : 1996 : / http://stihi.ru/2022/12/31/2093 / - Theatre : Moscow Russia : Подробности об общении с РОМАНОМ ВИКТЮКОМ в моей книге "РОМАН ВИКТЮК: РЕЦЕПТ ДЛЯ ГЕНИЯ",что в составе "МИРОВОГО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОГО НАСЛЕДИЯ РУДОЛЬФА НУРЕЕВА:РОССИЯ - ХХ ВЕК".
2022 : Tiktok : Runtu, Uri Telegram : Юри Рюнтю: Что такое - ПОЭЗИЯ?
POETRY is like the intellectual sunshine of mankind.
The music of poetry multiplied by words has between
flourishing for many millenniums across many cultures.
If civilization was to vanish from history,
the aroma of poetry would still exist,
leaving a legacy to light the way for a new beginning.
Poetry preserves links between generations and civilizations,
keeping intact the feelings of a person,
safe within the words they write to leave behind.
Those who find these words re-open the world of the poet; a peaceful place to enjoy their experiences and ideas of the world.
This is what our poetry is about... 2022
2022 : Photo : 1996 - Roman Viktyuk : Theater : " Mаркиз-де-Cад " : Cекреты Tеатра Pоманa Bиктюкa : 1996 : / http://stihi.ru/2022/12/31/2093 / - Theatre : Moscow Russia : Подробности об общении с РОМАНОМ ВИКТЮКОМ в моей книге "РОМАН ВИКТЮК: РЕЦЕПТ ДЛЯ ГЕНИЯ",что в составе "МИРОВОГО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОГО НАСЛЕДИЯ РУДОЛЬФА НУРЕЕВА:РОССИЯ - ХХ ВЕК".
160 книг автора Юри Рюнтю : 1995-2023 : 160 books by the same Australian Author: Uri Runtu Yuri Ryuntyu Yuru Ryuntyu Iouri Runtu:
1995 RUDY NUREYEV: Without Make-Up: 1-352: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 570-2-00 98-1-9: NLA ID 4728820: Published: NOVOSTI Pub. House: Moscow Russia: in Russian
1996 ROMAN VIKTYUK: The Recipe for Genius: ROMAN VIKTIOUK: 1-253: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 585-3-00 07-9-9: NLA ID 8079450: Published: SOVAMINCO: Soviet-USA Pub. House: Moscow Russia: in Russian
2000 The World Rudolf Nureyev Intellectual Heritage: Russia-XX Century: 35 books on DVD-1: USA - Stanford University Library: ID ZMS 2563 DISK-1: in Russian German French English: NLA ID 40959455
2001 FREDDIE MERCURY: ROCK IDOL and SUPERSTAR: RUDOLF NUREYEV: 1-574: i-vii: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 996-5-01 81-6-2: NLA ID 8071151: Published: DANIAR Pub. House: Almaty Kazakhstan: in Russian
2005 The World Yuri Ryuntyu Intellectual Heritage: Russia-XXI Century: 27 books on DVD-2: USA - Stanford University Library: ID ZMS 2563 DISK-2: in Russian German French English: NLA ID 45233287
2009 FREDDIE MERCURY: ROCK IDOL and SUPERSTAR: RUDOLF NUREYEV: 1-418: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-0-98064 46-0-9: NLA ID 4612411
2009 RUDY NUREYEV: Without Make-Up: 1-283: 2-nd Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-0-98 064 46-1-6: NLA ID 4728820
2010 MY BEST LOVED FAIRY TALES: 1-90, i-xii: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-0-98064 46-7-8: NLA ID 5266166
2010 AUSTRALIA 2030: 1-173: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-0-98064 46-9-2: NLA ID 4808333
2010 AUSTRALIA 2010: 1-148: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-0-98064 46-2-3: NLA ID 6268180
2010 MY HERO SISTER PAT: PATRICIA DIXON: INTERVIEWS: 1-160: Aboriginal Australian Literature: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-0-98064 46-8-5: NLA ID 6268122
2010 AUSTRALIAN CONTEMPORARY POETRY: 1-215: Aboriginal Australian Literature: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-0-98064 46-4-7: NLA ID 6268115
2010 AUSTRALIAN CONTEMPORARY PROSE: 1-146: Aboriginal Australian Literature: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-0-98064 46-3-0: NLA ID 5632353
2011 AUSTRALIA 1990: 1-242: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-0-98064 46-6-1: NLA ID 6858939
2012 AUSTRALIA 2000: 1-212: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-0-98064 46-5-4: NLA ID 8036314
2014 BORIS MOISEEV: Showbiz Celebrity: Russia: 1-373: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 80-1-9: NLA ID 6851826
2014 BORIS MOISEEV: Gay Culture: Russia: 1-376: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 81-0-1: NLA ID 6855923
2014 ROMAN VIKTYUK: Gay Culture in Russia: 1936-2014: 1-304, i-x: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 83-0-9: NLA ID 8035562
2015 ANDREY BARTENEV: Performance Celebrity: Russia: 1-123: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 89-9-6: NLA ID 6777105
2015 ANDREY BARTENEV: Martian under My Skin: 1-115: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 80-4-0: NLA ID 6858935
2015 ANDREY BARTENEV: Gay Culture: Russia: 1-123: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 80-9-5: NLA ID 6851675
2015 JULIA: 1-242: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 80-3-3: NLA ID 6851857
2016 RUDOLF NUREYEV: 400 INTERVIEWS 10 000 FRIENDS: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 81-1-8: NLA ID 7131166
2017 RUDOLF NUREYEV: MATHILDE KSCHESSINSKA: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 5-th Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 87-1-2: NLA ID 7505290
2017 RUDOLF NUREYEV: LAUREL MARTYN: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 4-th Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 87-6-7: NLA ID 7505285
2017 RUDOLF NUREYEV: GALINA ULANOVA: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 3-rd Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 87-0-5: NLA ID 7505204
2017 RUDOLF NUREYEV: ELTON JOHN: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 89-7-2: NLA ID 7497492
2018 RUDOLF NUREYEV: BULAT AYUKHANOV: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 12-th Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 83-8-5: NLA ID 7730033
2018 ROMAN VIKTYUK: The Recipe for Genius: ROMAN VIKTIOUK: 1-274, i-vii: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 83-3-0: NLA ID 7890564
2018 ROMAN VIKTYUK: Theatre Celebrity: Poland: ROMAN VIKTIOUK: 1-302, i-vii: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 84-2-2: NLA ID 8036229
2018 ROMAN VIKTYUK: Theatre Celebrity: Poland Russia Ukraine: ROMAN VIKTIOUK: 1-305: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 82-9-3: NLA ID 8035193
2018 NOUREEV RUDI: sans Maquillage: 1-381, i-xiv: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 84-4-6: NLA ID 7890779: in French
2018 NOUREEV RUDI: sans Maquillage: 1-381, i-xiv: 2-nd Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 83-9-2: NLA ID 7890781: in French
2019 NOUREEV RUDI: sans Maquillage: 1-415: 3-rd Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 88-0-4: NLA ID 8036318: French
2019 NOUREEV RUDI: sans Maquillage: 1-414: 4-th Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 88-1-1: NLA ID 8036981: French
2019 NOUREEV RUDI: sans Maquillage: 1-393, i-xx: 5-th Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 88-6-6: NLA ID 8039840: French
2019 NOUREEV RUDI: sans Maquillage: 1-394: 6-th Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 88-7-3: NLA ID 8039828: French
2019 ROMAN VIKTYUK: Gay Culture: Russia: ROMAN VIKTIOUK: 1-305, i-iii: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 84-5-3: NLA ID 8039585
2019 ROMAN VIKTYUK: Gay Culture: Ukraine: ROMAN VIKTIOUK: 1-302,1-viii: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 86-1-3: NLA ID 8039830
2019 ROMAN VIKTYUK: Gay Culture: Poland: ROMAN VIKTIOUK: 1-306, i-ii: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 86-2-0: NLA ID 8035236
2019 ROMAN VIKTYUK: The Recipe for Genius: ROMAN VIKTIOUK: 1-301, i-vii: 2-nd Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 87-9-8: NLA ID 8039833
2019 ROMAN VIKTYUK: The Recipe for Genius: ROMAN VIKTIOUK: 1-281, i-x: 3-rd Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 87-4-3: NLA ID 8035232
2019 ROMAN VIKTYUK: Theatre Celebrity: Russia: ROMAN VIKTIOUK: 1-303, i-viii: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 84-6-0: NLA ID 8036950
2019 ROMAN VIKTYUK: Theatre Celebrity: Ukraine: ROMAN VIKTIOUK: 1-303, i-viii: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 84-7-7: NLA ID 8036958
2019 BORIS MOISEEV: The Birthday: 1-374: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 88-4-2: NLA ID 803632: Russian
2019 ANDREY BARTENEV: The Premonitions: 1-222, i-xvii: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 85-9-0: NLA ID 8036979: Russian English
2019 MATTHEW: 1-210: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 81-2-5: NLA ID 8039591
2021 MAKSIM GALKIN: Fairy and Folk Tales: 44 elf-tales for girls and boys: les contes elfes papy: 1-152, i-iii: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 81-7-0: NLA ID 8631809: Russian English
2021 MAKSIM GALKIN: Fairy and Folk Tales: 44 elf-tales for grandpa and grand-kids: les contes elfes papy: 1-152, i-ii: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 81-8-7: NLA ID 8629709: Russian English
2021 ALLA PUGACHEVA: Fairy and Folk Tales: 44 elf-tales for grandma and grand-kids: les contes elfes papy: 1-152, i-v: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 85-0-7: NLA ID 8631806: Russian English
2021 ALLA PUGACHEVA: Fairy and Folk Tales for schoolkids: 44 elf-tales: les contes elfes papy: 1-152: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 86-6-8: NLA ID 8629702: Russian English
2021 VICTORIA KIRKOROVA: Fairy and Folk Tales: 44 elf-tales for girls: les contes elfes papy: 1-152, i-vi: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 83-5-4: NLA ID 8599382: Russian English
2021 MARTIN KIRKOROV: Fairy and Folk Tales: 44 elf-tales for boys: les contes elfes papy: 1-152, i-vi: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 83-6-1: NLA ID 8599381: Russian English
2021 NIKOLAY TSISKARIDZE: Fairy and Folk Tales: 44 elf-tales for dad and mom: les contes elfes papy: 1-152, i-viii: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 84-9-1: NLA ID 8631807: Russian English
2021 NIKOLAY TSISKARIDZE: Fairy and Folk Tales: 44 elf-tales for ballerinas: les contes elfes papy: 1-152: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 84-8-4: NLA ID 8629648: Russian English
2021 FILIPP KIRKOROV: Fairy and Folk Tales: 44 elf-tales for dad and son: les contes elfes papy: 1-152, i-iv: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 83-4-7: NLA ID 8631808: Russian English
2021 FILIPP KIRKOROV: Fairy and Folk Tales: 44 elf-tales for dad and daughter: les contes elfes papy: 1-152, i-iv: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 85-6-9: NLA ID 8629646: Russian English
2021 MARINA LEONOVA: Fairy and Folk Tales: 44 elf-tales for ballerinas: les contes elfes papy: 1-152: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 81-5-6: NLA ID 8629649: Russian English
2021 MARINA LEONOVA: Fairy and Folk Tales: 44 elf-tales for ma and pa: les contes elfes papy: 1-152: i-viii: 1-st Edition: Paperback: ISBN 978-1-92527 81-6-3: NLA ID 8629643: Russian English
2022 2023: RUDOLF NUREYEV: MATHILDE KSCHESSINSKA: 2-nd Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 81-7-4: NLA ID 8673731
2022 2023: RUDOLF NUREYEV: GALINA ULANOVA: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 2-nd Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 87-5-0: NLA ID 8673721
2022 2023: RUDOLF NUREYEV: ELTON JOHN: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 2-nd Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 85-1-4: NLA ID 8673733
2022 2023: RUDOLF NUREYEV: LAUREL MARTYN: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 2-nd Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 80-6-9: NLA 8673487
2022 2023: RUDOLF NUREYEV: BULAT AYUKHANOV: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 2-nd Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 85-5-2: NLA ID 8674270
2022 2023: RUDOLF NUREYEV: MAKHMUD ESAMBAYEV: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 86-9-9: NLA ID 8674263
2022 2023: RUDOLF NUREYEV: NATALIA DUDINSKAYA: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 89-0-3: NLA ID 8674271
2022 2023: RUDOLF NUREYEV: MARGOT FONTEYN: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 84-0-8: NLA ID 8674268
2022 2023: RUDOLF NUREYEV: TAMARA KARSAVINA: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 87-8-1: NLA ID 8674267
2022 2023: RUDOLF NUREYEV: 400 INTERVIEWS 10 000 FRIENDS: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 2-nd Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 82-0-4: NLA ID 8673720
2022 2023: RUDOLF NUREYEV: ERIK BRUHN: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 85-7-6: NLA ID 8675087
2022 2023: RUDOLF NUREYEV: POUL RUDOLPH GNATT: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 84-3-9: NLA ID 8675099
2022 2023: RUDOLF NUREYEV: NINEL KURGAPKINA: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 89-3-4: NLA ID 8675103
2022 2023: RUDOLF NUREYEV: GRAHAM SMITH: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 88-2-8: NLA ID 8675073
2022 2023 RUDOLF NUREYEV: MAYA PLISETSKAYA: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 85-2-1: NLA ID 8675078
2022 2023: RUDOLF NUREYEV: AIDS: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 86-0-6: NLA ID 8675072
2022 2023: RUDOLF NUREYEV: HIV: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 80-2-6: NLA ID 8675091
2022: 2023 RUDOLF NUREYEV: PAUL BELVILLE TAYLOR: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 80-6-4
2022: 2023 RUDOLF NUREYEV: GEORGE BALANCHINE: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 81-9-0
2022: 2023 RUDOLF NUREYEV: MARTHA GRAHAM: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 87-3-6
2022: 2023 RUDOLF NUREYEV: ELIZABETH TAYLOR: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 87-2-9
2022: 2023 RUDOLF NUREYEV: JOSE ARCADIO LIMON: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 87-7-4
2022: 2023 RUDOLF NUREYEV: ANDY WARHOL: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 86-4-4
2022:2023 RUDOLF NUREYEV: KIRILL SEREBRENNIKOV: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 89-8-9
2022: 2023 RUDOLF NUREYEV: JORGE RAUL DONN: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 80-7-1
2022: 2023 RUDOLF NUREYEV: SERGEY PARADZHANOV: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 89-2-7
2022: 2023: RUDOLF NUREYEV: ANDREI TARKOVSKY: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 89-4-1
2022: 2023 RUDOLF NUREYEV: ALEXANDER PUSHKIN: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 88-9-7
2022: 2023: RUDOLF NUREYEV: FREDERICK ASHTON: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 88-8-0
2022: 2023 RUDOLF NUREYEV: ROBERT HELPMANN: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 82-0-0
2022: 2023 RUDOLF NUREYEV: YURY GRIGOROVICH: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 89-6-5
2022: 2023 RUDOLF NUREYEV: JOSEPH STALIN: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 84-1-5
2022: 2023 RUDOLF NUREYEV: HELENE FFRANCE: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 89-5-8
2022: 2023 RUDOLF NUREYEV: TOUKO VALIO LAAKSONEN: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 89-1-0
2022: 2023 RUDOLF NUREYEV: PATRICK WHITE: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 88-5-9
2022: 2023 RUDOLF NUREYEV: MAURICE JEAN BERGER: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 88-3-5
2022: 2023 RUDOLF NUREYEV: GIANNI VERSACE: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 85-4-5
2022: 2023 RUDOLF NUREYEV: GIANNI VERSACE: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 2-nd Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 84-4-6
2022: 2023 RUDOLF NUREYEV: ANTONIO D’AMIKO: NOUREEV RUDOLF:1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 82-3-1
2022: 2023 RUDOLF NUREYEV: ANDREW PHILLIP CUNANAN: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st Edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 83-2-3
2022: 2023 RUDOLF NUREYEV: FREDDIE MERCURY: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 86-5-1
2022: 2023 RUDOLF NUREYEV: COCO CHANEL: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 80-5-7
2022: 2023 RUDOLF NUREYEV: JEAN COCTEAU: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 82-6-2
2022: 2023 RUDOLF NUREYEV: SERGE LIFAR: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 82-4-8
2022: 2023 RUDOLF NUREYEV: KEN RUSSELL: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 83-1-6
2022: 2023 RUDOLF NUREYEV: MARTIN SCORSESE: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 82-5-5
2023 RUDOLF NUREYEV: 366 DAYS: NOUREEV RUDOLF: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 81-9-4
2003 RU: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 85-8-3
2013 RU: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 83-7-8
2023 RU: 1-st edition: Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-92527 80-9-3
2022 : Photo : 1996 - Roman Viktyuk : Theater : " Mаркиз-де-Cад " : Cекреты Tеатра Pоманa Bиктюкa : 1996 : / http://stihi.ru/2022/12/31/2093 / - Theatre : Moscow Russia : Подробности об общении с РОМАНОМ ВИКТЮКОМ в моей книге "РОМАН ВИКТЮК: РЕЦЕПТ ДЛЯ ГЕНИЯ",что в составе "МИРОВОГО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОГО НАСЛЕДИЯ РУДОЛЬФА НУРЕЕВА:РОССИЯ - ХХ ВЕК".
The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity TAMARA KARSAVINA:1885-1978 Imperial Russia UK Ballet Biographies
The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity GALINA ULANOVA:1910-1998 Imperial Russia USSR Ballet Biographies
The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity LAUREL MARTYN:1916-2013 Australia Ballet Biographies
The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity MARGOT FONTEYN:1919-1991 UK USA Ballet Biographies
The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity Rudolf Nureyev:1938-1993 USSR France Ballet Biographies
The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity MATHILDE KSCHESSINSKA:1872-1971 Imperial Russia USA France Ballet Biographies
The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity Vaclav-Vaslav Nijinsky:1889-1950 Imperial Russia UK Ballet Biographies
The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity MAYA PLISETSKAYA:1925-2015 USSR Russia Ballet Biographies
The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity BULAT AYUKHANOV:1938- USSR Kazakhstan Ballet Biographies
The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity MAKHMUD ESAMBAYEV:1924-2000 USSR Russia Ballet Biographies
The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity NATALIA DUDINSKAYA:1912-2003 Imperial Russia USSR Ballet Biographies
The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity ERIK BRUHN:1928-1986 Denmark Ballet Biographies
The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity POUL RUDOLPH GNATT:1923-1995 Denmark New Zealand Ballet Biographies
The World Superstar and Celebrity NINEL KURGAPKINA:1929-2009 USSR Russia Ballet Biographies
The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity GRAHAM SMITH:1931-2016 Australia Ballet Biographies
The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity PAUL BELVILLE TAYLOR:1930-2018 USA Ballet Biographies
The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity MARTHA GRAHAM:1894-1991 USA Ballet Biographies
The World Movies Superstar and Ballet Celebrities: ELIZABETH TAYLOR:1932-2011 UK USA Ballet Biographies
The World Rock Music Superstar and Ballet Celebrities: ELTON JOHN:1947- UK Ballet Biographies
The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity JOSE ARCADIO LIMON:1908-1972 Mexico USA Ballet Biographies
The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity GEORGE BALANCHINE 1904-1983 Imperial Russia USA Ballet Biographies
The World Pop Art Superstar and Ballet Celebrities: ANDY WARHOL:1928-1987 Moldova USA Ballet Biographies
The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity FREDERICK ASHTON:1906-1988 UK Ballet Biographies
The World Literature Superstar and Ballet Celebrities: PATRICK WHITE:1912-1990 UK Australia Ballet Biographies
The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity ROBERT HELPMANN:1909-1986 UK Ballet Biographies
The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity KIRILL SEREBRENNIKOV:1969- USSR Russia Germany Ballet Biographies
The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity ALEXANDER PUSHKIN:1907-1970 Imperial Russia USSR Ballet Biographies
The World Movie Superstar and Ballet Celebrities: SERGEY PARADZHANOV:1924-1990 USSR Armenia Georgia Russia Ballet Biographies
The World Movie Superstar and Ballet Celebrities: ANDREI TARKOVSKY:1932-1986 USSR Russia France Ballet Biographies
The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity YURY GRIGOROVICH:1927- USSR Russia Ballet Biographies
The World Art Superstar and Ballet Celebrities: TOUKO VALIO LAAKSONEN:1920-1991 Finland USA Ballet Biographies
The World Superstars and Ballet Celebrities: JOSEPH STALIN:1878-1953 Imperial Russia USSR Ballet Biographies
The World Art Superstars and Ballet Celebrities: ANDREW PHILLIP CUNANAN: born: National City San Diego, California: CA: USA :1969-1997(d. at 28): USA Ballet Biographies
The World Art Superstar and Ballet Celebrities: GIANNI VERSACE: born: Reggio Calabria: Italy: 1946-1997(d. at 50): Italy USA Ballet Biographies
The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity MAURICE JEAN BERGER BEJART :1927-2007 France USA Ballet Biographies
The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity JORGE RAUL ITOVICH DONN:1947-1992 Argentina USA Ballet Biographies
The World Art Superstars and Ballet Celebrities: ANTONIO D’AMIKO: born: Mesagne Brindisi: Italy: 1959 -: Italy USA Ballet Biographies
The World Rock Music Superstar and Ballet Celebrities: FREDDIE MERCURY:1946-1991 USA UK Ballet Biographies
The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity: RUDOLF NUREYEV:1938-1993 USA UK France Ballet Biographies
The World Movie Superstar and Ballet Celebrities: MARTIN SCORSESE:1942-USA Ballet Biographies
The World Movie Superstar and Ballet Celebrities: HENRY KENNETH ALFRED RUSSELL:1927-2011 UK USA Ballet Biographies
The World Movie Superstar and Ballet Celebrities: JEAN MAURICE EUGENE CLEMENT COCTEAU:1889-1963 France Ballet Biographies
The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity SERGE LIFAR:1905-1986 Imperial Russia France Switzerland Ballet Biographies
The World Art Superstar and Ballet Celebrities: COCO CHANEL:1883-1971 France Ballet Biographies
The World Movie Superstars and Ballet Celebrities: URI RUNTU:1949- Russia Australia Ballet Biographies
The World Superstar and Ballet Celebrity HELENE FFRANCE :1920-2019 Denmark France UK Australia Ballet Biographies
2022 : Photo : 1996 - Roman Viktyuk : Theater : " Mаркиз-де-Cад " : Cекреты Tеатра Pоманa Bиктюкa : 1996 : / http://stihi.ru/2022/12/31/2093 / - Theatre : Moscow Russia : Подробности об общении с РОМАНОМ ВИКТЮКОМ в моей книге "РОМАН ВИКТЮК: РЕЦЕПТ ДЛЯ ГЕНИЯ",что в составе "МИРОВОГО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОГО НАСЛЕДИЯ РУДОЛЬФА НУРЕЕВА:РОССИЯ - ХХ ВЕК".
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