The Daniel Song

My name is Daniel, I’m Daniel, THE Daniel…
I am so ingenious, so mental, so cranial!
I fancy FOOTBALL on a PITCH,
I pass and score without a glitch,
I’m just a star, a midfield running scoring spaniel…

Oh, yeah, I’m Daniel, Daniel, Daniel –
I’ll write a hot and sultry sexy dating manual,
Just be like me, you’re in at once,
Or else, you’re nothing but a dunce,
I’m just a stud, a star, the ladies’ best companion…

I’m still that Daniel, Daniel, the Daniel…
I’m filthy rich and my success is just perennial;
I pull in millions with a swish,
Oh, don’t you dream and don’t you wish
To be like me, a money-making -raking maniac…

I translate perfect, not a glitch –
I have that Daniel stardom itch,
My charm is growing, I am growing and it’s annual.

Yeah, it’s that Daniel effect,
Just be like me or else you’re wack,
Because I’m Daniel, the only real Daniel.

I’m still that Daniel, Daniel, the Daniel…
I’m quite a genius, I’m mental, I am cranial –
What else is there to be said?
Just be like me, or else it’s sad,
The world just needs a little more of dashing Daniel…
What else is there to be said?
Just be like me, or else it’s sad,
The world just needs a little more of dashing Daniel…
