Football 2022. Mbappe and Messi in Qatar, the firs

On November 22, at the XXII FIFA World Cup in Qatar
, the Argentine national team and the French national team played their first matches.
The French achieved a beautiful victory, the Argentines lost.

How did the leaders of these teams prove themselves in these matches?
Mbappe played perfectly and most importantly non-standard.
Especially, his heels conquered him - MY METHOD of creative,
non-standard football found 100% confirmation in his performance!!!

The Argentines, their leader Messi in the second half did not show non-standard,
effective attacking actions. They forgot about the heels
and about the second wave of the attack (the methods of Dr. Vladimir Pavlov) were not used.
Simple bulk, simple corners - this is not an indicator of cool football.

I am sure I have been promoting
for a long time that creative, non-standard methods of playing the game win in modern football!
Whoever owns them, effectively applies them to a sufficient extent - he wins!

Thanks to Mbappe and his heels!
I hope we will meet you in Qatar more than once...
