between a sky and ocean

don't ask me, dear, how it works
you know it better, yes, of course
how makes a truth a deepest dream
but I just follow waves and swim

between deep sky and deepest ocean
i will find way to calm emotions
enternity of waves and air
will make me calm, i tired to care

don't ask me, dear, where i am
i swim as far away, as can
between the ocean and the sky
i will find place, where will not cry

wish you find it

Дэн Маршал   01.12.2022 09:29     Заявить о нарушении
always have it. and will never find it.
depending from a pont of view.
it is most deep truth.
thank you for great wishes.
and i hope you will find, what You are searching for.

Легкая Ложь   18.02.2023 21:19   Заявить о нарушении
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