Hymn to Jesus

Our Prince of Life has won
life eternal for everyone.
For any soul, who repents
Christ God’s salvation represents.

Being from bondage to sin released,
praise Christ Jesus, our Holy Priest!
Cleansing my heart, He makes me well
to be а temple for Him to dwell.

Bought by His blood and His bitter tears,
I am released from my former fears.
Sins are forgiven and wounds are healed,-
and by His power I am sealed.

Christ liberated my caged soul.
Comforting me, Jesus can console.
He’s my Redeemer, and I am free!
I don’t have to from demons flee!

Satan, defeated by the Lord
with fallen angels demonic horde,
now is raging and waging war,
but cannot harm me anymore.

Even if now he puts me to death,
Christ will restore me by His breath,
He gives me power from above
by giving hope, grace, and love.

Jesus can help to resist the foe,
all my successes to Him I owe,
and I can trust Him in everything:
Christ is my Saviour and my King.

Jesus, no other is like Him,
and He is worthy of every hymn.
Yes, He is worthy of every praise,
setting devoted hearts ablaze.

