Перевод стихотворения Гиппиус Игра

Перевод стихотворения Зинаиды Гиппиус "Игра" на английский язык
Оригинал: http://pishi-stihi.ru/igra-gippius.html
Перевод опубликован: https://ruverses.com/zinaida-gippius/the-game/

No pain from mountains to descend:
Those that saw storms, prize wisdom, clever.
My sole regret: the game must end
And wisdom won't replace it ever.

The most mysterious this game,
And in this life, the most noble,
The game is causeless, for no gain,
For kids to laugh like this is normal.

A kitten romps with balls of thread,
The sea is playing games with calmness.
All folks that steered a wheel then lead
A game with space, and sensed it always.

A poet plays with rhymes, then writes,
A fizzy foam plays on cups' walls,
Lasts just a track from days and nights.
Tracks from that game are now too small.

OK! And after my last day
When all my roads will be over,
I'll ask St. Peter if I'll play,
Stop at his doorstep and just hover.

If I in Heaven won't play games,
I'll say that Heaven isn't worthy,
I'll take my knapsack once again,
Ask him to send me back to Earth then.


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