Gas and oil! Bring!

“Gas and oil! Bring!
Bring it all to me!”
“Why did you sing
Such a song, Armie?”

Look, the evening’s on!
Damn, throw out your phone!
Is it His gift?
So, Armie, take a lift!

We have been singing
The other song!
Please, stop ringing!
Don’t turn the device on!

You’ve never said His name!
Whom was it sent?
You feel not the same!
He is the very end!

Blackout! Your Russian friend?
That’damnable shit!
It’s our end!
That is it! That’s it!

“Gas and oil, bring!
Bring it all to me!”
“Why did you sing
Such a song, Armie?”

31.10.2022 (02:20 am):
05.11.2022 (03:45 am, 3:01 pm, 4:57pm)
