calcine off love end

Calcine off love

As bird flys up
As river floats
As rain drops ap and down
   rolls down
   from sunsyth
As feels dum cold insid
As souls blows
aways as cloaggs
calcine of love end
   only needed to put unsliver
To make unsmoldering to river stix
Unless you find by the side of boater
In side of black soothier water
Crowl crowling abow my head
Forgive me my love
In mazes you will loos your mind
I am wife
Of devil
You will not comeback from other world
In styx the sphynx will eat you
And red thread of destiny will end us
Calcine of love will burn up to Toa and the world will be sinless
Let be de darkness
Let it be
Yes badut zvezdy
Let there be de souls
Let there be etearsue droups
A new world will not be
born Will rise
 from past de abyss off decay end
a'she's will flow alike  fountain of eval
And Sardtsa and soul bulut oozes blood
Not being
5nov22 nk
