

In memories about time ago
Memories of mine
We Gathered when spirit grow
Singing songs & drinking wine

Having a good time together
Elderly, and kids
Dispite in air cold bad weather
We felt warm, dancing on the rits

*Uncle always play guitar.
Gazing us around
Singing song he first to start
All together sound

We continue that song
Singing it together
Favorite that song because
Family it’s matters

Mom remembering your voice
Which stood out very
He sound native, gentle was
Unforgettable for eve

My dad, he also loved a jock
Not only singing iTunes
Telling stories laughing mode
He good among the dancers

Dearest oldest cousin Yasha
Heroe of the war
Tolled the stories Bumbarasha.
He good in narrato
Misha, Mulia - what a cousin
Road builder man
During war he finished college
Became rail road man

Member family Natan
Footballer, joker, pet
His mother loved him very much
He everybody’s friend
